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Life is not if, only the consequences and results.



Some people often say that gold and silver are the most valuable things theworld.However,I have my reservations.In my submission,reading is more valuablethan anything else.It’s well known that book is the quintessence of humanwisdom.Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

Sometimes our daily life can start to feel dull, dry or depressing — I knowit, you know it, we all know it. At times like this, I like to dive into a goodfiction book for a much-needed escape into another world, where I can forgetabout whatever problems are stressing me out. Whether you want to travel to theland of the Hobbits, a galaxy far away or a tropical destination in a steamyromance novel is up to you. You’ll come back refreshed after your mini-vacationto a fresh and exciting place in the world of words.

Books are our friends. They introduce us different kinds of knowledge. Theylead us down the road to success.

Books are our teachers. They teach us troth, science, literature, andphilosophy of life. Besides, they increase our knowledge, enlarge ourexperience,strengthen our character and do many other things which we can not dowithout them.

Books tell us what is good and what is evil. And only books can tell thegood from the bad.

Therefore to read more books is the best policy for our young students.

Reading introduced me to concepts like mindful eating, relaxationexercises, and the importance of loving yourself. If I didn’t read, I wouldn’teven be aware of these ideas, which have defined my entire coaching philosophy.If you don’t read, you could be missing out on intriguing ideas that wouldlikewise re-define your personal purpose or business philosophy.

As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and manyother useful things. They increase our knowledge, broaden our minds andstrengthen our character. In other words, they are our good teachers and wisefriends. This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read morebooks.

Reading is a good thing, but we must pay great attention to the choice ofbooks. It is true that we can derive benefits from good books. However, badbooks will do us more harm than good.

However, in current days,many of us spend most of the leisure time inplaying games or surfing the internet,instead of reading. it's a pity to find itless and less our students are interesting in reading,or have formed a habit ofreading.So,in order to revive reading,this beneficial activity,we'd better takeaction right now.let's read together,learn together and grow !

One is never too old to learn.No matter at what time we realize theimportance of reading,we can enjoy it during the rest of our life and finally wewill see that it is rewarding to do so.


dear leaders, dear students:

hello everyone! my name is _, very honored to be in this special andprofound meaning of the moment, lecture speech.

in may 4th 90 years ago, more than 3000 beijing students shouted "defendour sovereignty, punish the traitor," cancel "twenty-one", "refused to sign thetreaty" and other slogans, opened a new chapter of the chinese revolution. thisis a far-reaching great patriotic movement, but also a profound ideologicalliberation movement and the new culture movement.

yes! this is the five four great patriotic movement.

in this surge high and sweep forward the revolutionary youth movement,patriotic spirit, the spirit of democracy and science cohere, common to createboth a profound connotation, and distinctive characteristics of the times spiritof "five four". "five four spirit" is the embodiment of chinese youth, patrioticenthusiasm is a pursuit of the spirit of progress, is a kind of brave, tenaciousstruggle of the spirit, it is the revolutionary predecessors, left us a valuablespiritual wealth of the chinese nation, patriotism, progress, democracy,scientific.

nsibility, is the glorious tradition of chinese youth movement since fivefour. we should further carry forward the glorious tradition of today, toshoulder the historical mission of contemporary youth gives us. in order torealize the comprehensive construction well-off society, constructing theharmonious society, to build china into a prosperous, democratic, civilizedsocialist country, and realize the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation andwork!

however, bacon once said: "youth is perishable, and you spend it, time willabandon you." as the new century, the youth, is a front, we are the first totouch our heart era, affects the pulse of the nation.

as the new century college students, we should establish lofty ideals.

people can enjoy a life of youth, when a person put their own lives and thepeople closely linked to the cause when he was young, he created the eternalyouth. we must study hard, determined to become. in twenty-first century, theexchange of information is more and more widely, the renewal of knowledgegreatly speed up. the situation is getting better and better self-improvement,inspiring. we should keep up with the pace of the times, to better contribute tothe modernization drive must learn and learn again, and lay a solid foundationof knowledge. we should be good at creating, in learning to be good atinnovation, good at practice, be good at the learned knowledge to improve self,self, continuous development.

we should pay attention to moral temper. good moral character is essentialto human life. to promote integrity in the whole society, is fastidious aboutthe civilization today, has become the young students intellectuals shouldestablish correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, establish a correctoutlook on fame, and strive to cultivate good character, improve thecomprehensive quality, perfect personality, good for the country and thepeople.


Dear friends:

If you can dream it, you can do it.——Walt Disney

It was a long four years. Even after I had actually graduated, thenightmares began to haunt me, the university would call to say I hadn’t trulygraduated. There had been a mistake and there was just one more class I neededto take. I was always so relieved to wake up and realize that it had only been abad dream. In reality, I had completed every course needed for my degree, and Iwas a full-fledged college graduate!

Now, the rest of my life loomed ahead of me. Sometimes a bachelor’s degreeprepares you for a specific occupation——you train to be an accountant, yougraduate and get a position in an accounting firm. Often, however, your stint incollege only prepares you to make further decisions regarding your future.You’re pretty sure what you don’t want to do!

During my senior year of college, I had toyed with the idea of changing mymajor. At that point, I had finally discovered what captured my heart. But,wanting to finally be finishing school was a stronger pull. So, I took a fewcourses in physiology and exercise science, but not enough to receive a degreein physical therapy. That would require advanced schooling, beyond my bachelor’sdegree——and I just wasn’tready to tackle that. Having completed my B.C. degree,I didn’t have any intentions of furthering my education.

So, I did the safe thing and got an office job——the very thing I was surethat I didn’t want to do! I detested the office policies, the suits I had towear and the downtown environment that I had to drive to every day. I knew thiswas not where I belonged.

But god knew what path my career was to follow. A position opened up at themost exclusive health club in our city, so I applied. This was my kind ofenvironment——an active, vibrant kind of place——completely at the opposite end ofthe spectrum from the office environment where I found myself. The positionrequired that I work Saturday nights and Sunday mornings. Perfect, I thought! Icould keep my office job Monday through Friday and work at my dream job on theweekends. This arrangement lasted several months until, eventually, a full-timeposition opened up and I was able to resign from my office job.

Over the next few years, I worked my way up the leader, gaining experiencein several different departments. I found my niche as the director of memberservices——catering to our clientele and providing them with numerouscutting-edge programs. I would have stayed at that job forever——it seemed to bethe pinnacle of all my dreams fulfilled. Here were fellow employees who had apassion for the same things that I did——health and fitness. Yet again, god hadother plans for my life.Within two years, a newer, bigger, better and morestate-of-the-art health club facility was built——just five miles down the road.And, in turn, the owner lost many members to that club. And, in turn, the ownerlost thousands of dollars. One by one we were each laid off.

After trying unsuccessfully to land another similar position elsewhere, Iknew what I had to do. Go back to school!thanks!


thirty college students across the country attended the tenth 21st centurycup national english speaking contest in beijing on april 10. eventually, xiapeng, from nanjing university was named the champion. the second and thirdplaces went to zhang jing, a sophomore from china foreign affairs university,and zhang a xu, from hong kong polytechnic university, respectively. more than1000 college students in beijing are lucky birds to listen to the speeches onthe spot in friendship hotel.

just make to it the finals, they had to get past 60 others speaking on “theimpact of globalization on traditional chinese values”。 that was at thesemi-final on april 8-9. what will chinese college students think about theimpact? each contestant had his own take on the subject. xia summed upglobalization by saying: “it’s just controversial and hard to say whether it isgood or bad.” xia took the old wall of his city, nanjing, as a metaphor. hespoke about the conflict over whether to protect the old walls or tear them downto represent the conflict of ideas. he suggested that people protect the wall asa valuable relic while tearing down the “intangible walls” of their minds thatprevent communication. while some other students are more focusing on the impactof globalization on family relations, attitudes towards love, andjob-hunting.

over the past 10 years, the national english speakingcompetition has givencontestants a chance to speak on a variety of topics closely related to theirlives. chinese students become more open-minded and receive various ideas andthinking over the decade. diversity becomes more obvious on campus, studentshave more opportunities to express and show themselves. it’s not an easy taskfor the contestants to win through the fierce competition. owning to theirpassion, hard work and persistence, they finally succeeded in the contest.

liu xin, the first champion of the national contest, is now an anchorpersonof cctv-9. recalling the passion of study on campus, she said: “when you want toexpress your idea by a foreign language without finding a right way, you’rereally upset. then you have to encourage yourself, and after a long term ofbitterness, suddenly you find you get the right way with joy.” with the championtitle in 21st century cup, liu attended the international public speakingcompetition in london in may 1996 afterward and got the first prizehistorically.

the winner in _ surprised the audience, since she came from accountingmajor instead of english major. gu qiubei, then 22 years old, was a senior inshanghai foreign studies university. while being asked whether she had some goodmethods to learn english, she said: “learn english with passion and enthusiasm.”attracted by the greatness of english language, gu even changed her major fromaccounting to english in her postgraduate study. the most important issue inenglish learning process she pointed out is personal interests. only peopleinterested in english benefit a lot from the learning methods and those withpassion will finally achieve their dreams.


It is natural that difficulties hide in every corner of our life,so we haveto face them at times.Whatever we have undergone in our life, we shouldn'tcomplain about it. We may get a lot or lose so much in our life journey, butkeeping a positive attitude should always be together with us. Nothing candefeat us if we are confident and diligent. Just as saying goes, God is equal toeveryone. As he closes the door, he will also open a window for us.

Many of us have seen a picture on the Internet of a man with a nice smileis struggling along with the aid of a stick because of losing one of hisfeet,and another man is sitting on the ground without shoes on his feet,lookinganxious and depressed.How different the expressions flitting across their facesare!At the bottom of the drawing says”Because I have no shoes,I keep complaininguntil I find another man who has lost one of his feet.”

What an impressive drawing it is in revealing different attitudes towardlife!A person's attitude towards life is very important, it determines yourlife, which path you are taking and how your life will become. if you are aperson with very strong positive outlook, no matter what difficulties youencounter, you will always look at the bright side of life and never give upeasily. Take Thomas Edison as an example.Before inventing the electric bulb,hehad tried thousands of materials for lamp filament,but failed.Despite others’laughing at him.he said,”I am not a failure,at least I have proved thesematerials are not fit for filament.”Before long he invented electric bulb.

The most frequent example you see are those patients or people that arehandicapped or suffering from some type of illness like cancer. They do not giveup any glimpse of hope and continue fighting till they their last breathe. Eventhose very determined handicapped,they do not blame the world for their disable.Instead, they are contented and blessed with all the rest the have, their family, friends and those who support them greatly. Those handicapped with negativeattitude towards life will feel that the world is unfair and they life in miseryand always feel that they are unless and unwanted.

All in all,it is our attitudes that have changed everything in our life andhelp us to pull through all hardships.So we should strive to develop a positiveattitude toward life and the world.It is convinced that only when we areequipped with optimism and confidence can we achieve success in the future.



