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冠状病毒除人类以外,还可感染猪、牛、猫、犬、貂、骆驼、蝙蝠、老鼠、刺猬等多种哺乳动物以及多种鸟类(mammals and birds)。今天小编在这给大家整理了英语日记大全_疫情英语演讲稿,接下来随着小编一起来看看吧!


On New Year's Eve, everyone was reunited with his family at home, eating New Year's Eve dinner and smiling happily. But this year's new year, those angels in white did not go home, but fought in the front line. It was a war without smoke of gunpowder. They insisted on fighting in the front line, fearless of life and death. At that time, there were still many family members from other areas who went to Wuhan to support and fight against the epidemic with local medical staff. They are the husband and wife of the wife. They are the children of their parents and the parents of their children. They are part of the family. Parting, is full of reluctant, that tears contain as children, as parents of reluctant. But they are for the sake of the motherland, for the sake of the people, for the sake of unity, to fight against the epidemic, to contribute to the motherland, to fight against the epidemic, to contribute to a love. They don't know whether they are going to live or die. Just like soldiers in ancient times, there is a great difference between life and death. They leave their small home for everyone and set foot on the journey without hesitation and never regret it. I really hope that they can return safely, overcome the epidemic and protect the Chinese people.


Many people, supporting Wuhan, have donated finance to Wuhan. Masks have become an urgent need of people. Those who make protective equipment work day and night, and never stop. I only hope that the epidemic will come to an end soon and the infected people will recover soon.




When we are enjoying the comfortable Spring Festival holiday, they give up the reunion with their relatives and resolutely return to their posts; when we are afraid of avoiding it and not in time, they are determined to go retrograde and rush to Wuhan; when we are worried about the growing number of cases, they fight against the disease and give us confidence. They have a common name, an angel in white.


Fighting against novel coronavirus pneumonia 17 years ago and fighting the new crown pneumonia today, they treat their patients as their bounden duty, or take the initiative to fight, or take the initiative to work overtime or rush to rush to help. Each fearless figure perfectly interprets the great love feelings of seeing the world and being compassionate to others. A medical staff member of Tongji Hospital of Huazhong University of science and technology wrote in the voluntary application: "regardless of pay, regardless of life or death!" academician Zhong Nanshan, 84, rushed to the forefront of epidemic prevention in Wuhan without hesitation.

The picture of him resting on the high-speed railway dining car is considered to be the most touching picture since the start of the year 2020. In the face of the epidemic, they know their situation better than anyone else, but they choose to "not retreat". There are many other medical workers who work selflessly under masks, protective clothing and goggles. Although we don't know who they are, I know who they are for. At this moment, they are soldiers and heroes.


Similarly, in the face of this national campaign, we need to work together. Don't complain pessimistically, don't believe rumors, don't panic. What we have to do is to protect ourselves, build up the momentum and prepare for tomorrow's run.


"Winter is coming. Can spring be far behind? "No matter how cool it is, spring will come as scheduled. Let's learn from the most beautiful rebels, let's all become a "hero", unite as one, form a strong joint force, and win the war without gunpowder.



There are big and small back, there are sad and reluctant. What moved me most is the back of the angels in white in 2020.


The new year is coming In the past, the Spring Festival was full of bustle, streets and alleys were full of people, supermarkets and vegetable farms were even more crowded, people could hear people's laughter in every corner.


Novel coronavirus came to our side light of heart from care and the carefree holiday.


The novel coronavirus is named after a crown. He was like a proud and ignorant king who locked people in his home and could not go out.


The wind knows the grass, the waves show the hero. Grandpa Zhong Nanshan led the medical team to study drugs, and Grandma Li Lanjuan also made a great contribution to the epidemic. If one side is in trouble, support from all sides. Countless medical staff rushed to Wuhan from all directions to support when they heard the news.


Whenever I see angels in white wearing 7 thick protective clothing in the news, I want to say to them: Thank you, you've worked hard! In the airtight protective clothing, the doctors are sweating profusely. They have little rest time because they have to fight against the clock to take the patient's life back from death.


I hope the war will be over as soon as possible. Angels in white, you work hard!



Dear friends and family


Good new year!


The Spring Festival is supposed to be a time of family reunion and national celebration, but this year's Spring Festival is a bit heavy for everyone. All these are novel coronavirus infections caused by the recent outbreak in Wuhan and even across the country.


At present, the situation of epidemic prevention and control is very serious. However, some people (especially the middle-aged and elderly) think that they are in good health, or they won't touch people in Wuhan, so they don't pay attention to the epidemic caused by the virus infection, have no awareness of prevention, love visiting as usual, and don't wear a mask when going out. But novel coronavirus is not only transmitted by humans, but also has the characteristics of animal transmission. Novel coronavirus is not the only reason why the epidemic in Wuhan is caused by "venison" in a venison market.


Friends and relatives, we can let Wuhan close the city; all temple fairs in Beijing are cancelled; all new year's movies are off the shelves; Wuhan has established a hospital in the form of "Xiaotangshan mountain"; the whole country is on alert, and the epidemic situation in 100 cities and empty lanes must be more serious than we think. Data shows that by 13:26 on January 25, 2020, 1336 cases have been confirmed, 1965 suspected, 38 cured and 41 died. Fujian has also confirmed 10 cases, suspected 4 cases.


Novel coronavirus pneumonia, which was also killed in Wuhan, Hebei, was killed at 9:12 a.m. on January 25, 2020 at the Department of ENT of the integrative medicine hospital in Wuhan. He died at the age of 62. How sad!


Friends and relatives, even doctors with full arms will be infected with the virus. How can ordinary people like us not protect more?


As the poem of fighting against pneumonia in the Spring Festival Gala says, "keeping yourself free from infection is your greatest contribution to fighting the epidemic. You are safe, 1.4 billion people are safe, and the epidemic will be destroyed! "


Family, friends, let's go out less and wear masks


Dear angels in white:




2020, novel coronavirus pneumonia has been raging across the country on the eve of the Spring Festival. People are trying to stay away from the virus, but you are going in the opposite direction, fighting day and night in the front line of the epidemic. For the sake of people's health, we should bring the hope of life to others and leave the danger to ourselves.


My father and mother are also medical workers. They didn't have a holiday during the Spring Festival, but I was "placed" in my grandfather's house. I haven't seen them for nearly 10 days. I think they'll call them and wechat videos when they do, but they're always busy and hang up when they can't say a few words. However, I don't blame them, because my father told me that the virus won't have a holiday because of the Spring Festival. They don't have a rest just to get rid of the disease as soon as possible and let us live a normal and happy life!


So, I made an agreement with my grandparents: listen to my father, mother and teacher, stay at home as much as possible, don't go outside, don't visit, study hard, have a rest, and don't cause trouble to the country.


Father, mother and all angels in white, please protect yourself and take good care of yourself!


Wuhan, come on! China, come on!



