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On the 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar, just after theSpring Festival, the Lantern Festival, a traditional Chinese festival, isushered in. The Lantern Festival is also called "little first month", "LanternFestival" and so on.

The first month is the first month of the lunar calendar. The ancientscalled night "Xiao", so they called the fifteenth day of the first month theLantern Festival. The 15th of the first month is the night of the first fullmoon of the year. It is also the night of the beginning of the year and thereturn of spring. People celebrate it and celebrate the continuation of the newyear. Therefore, the Lantern Festival is also called "Shangyuan Festival".

According to Chinese folk tradition, in this bright moon hanging night,people point out thousands of colored lights to celebrate. Go out to enjoy themoon, set off lights and flames, like to guess lantern riddles, eat yuanxiao,have a family reunion and celebrate the festival together.

I spent the Lantern Festival in my hometown this year. I not only sawbeautiful colored lights and colorful fireworks, but also saw dozens of colorfulfloats and floats.

The crowd poured in, and my parents and I crowded past and saw floats"passing" by me. All kinds of decorations make the car look like beautifulgirls.

Just then, there was a deafening sound in the sky. The crowd looked up atthe sky and saw fireworks "bloom" on our heads. I said to my mother, "Mom, lookhow beautiful they laugh!" Mom looked at me and smiled.

"It's Lantern Festival!" Every tree put on new clothes. Whenever peoplewalk by the tree, the colored lights on the tree are like eyes staring at you.Among the big trees, red lines were "led". On the red line, small lanterns hungone by one. The small lanterns looked at the people and smiled red.

Then we went to the lantern riddle exhibition. A corridor was covered withriddles. Everyone guessed. I'm not idle either. I look around. "Oh, it's sodifficult to guess! Oh, it's also very difficult!" It's really a little hatewhen books are used! I secretly complained about myself.

Back home, grandpa has cooked my favorite dumpling. "Grandpa, why do youwant to eat dumplings? Can't you eat dumplings?" Grandpa smiled and said to me,"of course you can't eat dumplings. The custom of our Southerners is to eatdumplings, which symbolizes reunion!" At this time, everyone gathered around,you and me, laughing and enjoying the delicious dumplings. The room was full oflaughter.

This lantern festival also makes me understand that as long as the familygets together, it is the happiest and happiest thing in my life!












The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival becausethe first lunar month is called yuan-month and in the ancient times peoplecalled Night Xiao. The 15th day is the first night to see a full moon. So theday is also called Yuan Xiao Festival in China.

According to the Chinese tradition, at the very beginning of a new year,when there is a bright full moon hanging in the sky, there should be thousandsof colorful lanterns hung out for people to appreciate.

At this time, people will try to solve the puzzles on the lanterns and eatyuanxiao and get all their families united in the joyful atmosphere.





The Lantern Festival night, mother and I went to the most prosperous streetsquare is watching lanterns.

One out of the door, I saw the street crowded, many shop doorway theblazing exuberant. People all around each side by a warm hand, while talkingabout. The trees on both sides of the road hung a beautiful lights, YiZhanZhansmall lights like the stars twinkle, I as if into the world of fairy tales. Eachlantern is various, the store has a long, there are round, and automaticrotation. All these form a festive and peaceful yuanxiao nights.

We went to the square, the square was a sea of people, the north side ofthe square built a grand palace decorated gateway, decorated gateway varietywere pictured on the dragon, there are many spirited rabbit, under the lightreflect, they come in all shapes, lifelike. The south of the square is a curtainof blue, so the light "waterfall" waterfall, inlaid with a few red big word: "Iwish the original people's happy life" lights flash, falls as if to flow, Ican't help but the superb artistry of gasp in admiration for the designers.

All of a sudden, listen to "bang" sound, I looked inside, see a beam oflight into the sky, and then opened the colorful fireworks. This a fireworkssuch as call to arms, all of the fireworks lit the sky suddenly turned intoanother splendid stage, colours, shapes, just look at this one, another roseagain, make a person dazzling. Thunder is heard, asing if is hammering in melee,the people can't help expletives, yuanxiao nights to the climax stage!

Fireworks over, I rubbed his acid trapped neck and mom returned homereluctantly and sick at this how happy Lantern Festival!







The Lantern Festival is held on the 15th day of the first month. On theLantern Festival, the Spring Festival is really over. On this day, people watchlanterns, set off fireworks and eat yuanxiao or tangyuan. I like watchinglanterns and appreciating lanterns best on the Lantern Festival.

When I came to the street, I saw that the street lamps were full oflanterns, 16 street lamps in a group, 8 on one side. We walked to the bridge,and the lantern "door" was also set up on the bridge. There are four biglanterns in the first row of the "door", which say "congratulations on the newyear"; 10 lanterns in Row 2; There are 16 in a row below; Until the penultimaterow, there are 10 more; There are also four in the last row, with four bigcharacters on it, which are "Happy New Year".

Look at the rest corridor of the small square in the center of the bridge.There are 10 marble seats. There are 4 large lanterns above the marble seats,and there are also 10 groups of large lanterns. On average, there are four largelanterns on each small lattice and each marble seat, which are arc-shaped, and alarge lantern is hung on the side.

Well, let's go somewhere else!

Lantern Festival - on the Lantern

In the middle of the big square, I saw a big lantern, about 10 times thatof me. Nine small lanterns were hung on the big lantern. There is a unicorn inthe middle of the big lantern. The unicorn represents auspiciousness, and acrane on both sides of the unicorn just guarded it. Next to the crane is a pairof rabbits. The rabbit holds a gold ingot in his hand. On the side of the rabbitis a pair of cranes. Behind the main body are some gifts, firecrackers,couplets, Fu characters and so on. Actually, this is a float! Its theme is"blessing from the jade rabbit".

Lantern Festival - under the Lantern

Don't just look at the center, we still have some rabbits playing happilyon the lawn!

There are a pair of rabbits in the center of the lawn. Grandpa rabbit iswearing a pair of small glasses to "congratulate you", while grandma rabbit iscarrying a fruit basket, which may be giving it to the rabbits! Look! There aretwo little rabbits next to grandma rabbit, a little male rabbit and a littlefemale rabbit. The little female rabbit holds an apple in her hand. Oh, this iswhat grandma rabbit gave her! The little male rabbit was laughing and holding alantern to see how lively the Lantern Festival was! There are three littlerabbits beside grandpa rabbit, two little female rabbits and a little malerabbit. Look! Grandma rabbit also gave the little girl rabbit an apple. She islaughing happily! Another little female rabbit sat on her favorite big mushroom,wearing a big red bow, smiling and trying to say something. The naughty littlerabbit is not afraid to blow himself up with a string of firecrackers in hishand! How brave!

There are some little rabbits next to me. I won't introduce them one byone. There are many lanterns. I'll take you to see them with my own eyes nexttime I'm free!












lantern festival is a china’s traditional festival. it is celebrated on thefifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year.

i,antern festival is one of the biggest holidays in china. several daysbefore lantern festival, people begin to make lanterns. lanterns are made in theshape of different animals, vegetables, fruits and many, other things. whilemaking lanterns people usually write riddles on lanterns. on the eve of lanternfestival, all the lanterns are hung up.

on lantern festival people go outside to have a look at the lanterns andguess the riddles on the lanterns. perhaps you call see some wonderful folkperformances,dragon dance and yangko. everything is very interesting andeveryone is very happy. our life is rich and varied.




The Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month is a traditional festival in China. This year I had a special and lively night without curfew.

Special, because this is the first time I'm not at home for the festival. In the past, on the 15th day of the first month of each year, our family was ready early to see the lanterns. Every year, I can enjoy the beautiful, novel and colorful lanterns, as well as the beautiful, charming and colorful fireworks. According to my mother, the lantern show in Zhangye is clearer than that in Linze. Therefore, with the consent of my parents, I went to my uncle's house for the Lantern Festival.

My uncle cooked the dumplings early. They were round and sweet to the heart, but I only ate a few and pestered my uncle to take me to watch the lights.

When we got to the square, ah, it was a sea of people. Around it, there were lanterns of different sizes and shapes, which made people dizzy. There are red goldfish lanterns, Fuwa lanterns symbolizing the Olympic Games and peacock lanterns... This year is the year of the horse. Of course, the horse is the protagonist. There are horse spring lanterns, shepherd children's horse lanterns, horse fighting lanterns and rows of shining lanterns. I wish people to take the lead in their body, career and life this year.

In the distance, the flashing lighthouse attracted me. It took us a lot of effort to squeeze into the front. The high lighthouse is inlaid with beautiful neon lights, red, blue, yellow, green and colorful. It stands in the middle of the square. It is very beautiful.

After a while, we came to the park again. There are many lights hanging here, especially those flashing in the willows. There are lovely doll lights, beautiful peacock lights and golden ingot lights, which are really unforgettable.

At this time, with the roaring sound, the sky of the square suddenly lit up. Oh, it turned out that fireworks began to set off. This is what I look forward to most. I saw fireworks bloom in the air like beautiful flowers, and then slowly disappear. Some crossed the sky like beautiful meteors, and some scattered flowers from the sky in the distance. It was very beautiful.

How lively Zhangye is on the fifteenth day of the first month and how charming the night scene of the Lantern Festival is!










The fifteenth day of the first month is a traditional festival of ourChinese nation. At this moment, my heart has been hooked by the rich dinner. Whomakes today the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month!

"The moon is round and round on the 15th day..." this classic song isaround my ears again. Listen... At this time, I have come to my grandparents'house: "Grandpa, grandma, happy Lantern Festival!"

"Wow" my eyes fly away with the fragrance and catch a large piece of meatagain, hee hee!

After dinner, dusk shrouded everything around us, so we decided to go toSwan square to enjoy the moon.

As I walk, the moon also walks. If I walk fast, it also walks fast; I walkslowly, so does it. As soon as I looked up, a round, large and high disc hung inthe air, as if it were the most dazzling star in the sky. The surrounding starswere not shy and comparable with the moon. It seemed to say, "you see, you havedominated all the glory of the 15th, how can you let me shine!"

Suddenly, my eyes were fascinated by the fascinating riddle guessing. Iquickly took my family to join the fun.

"There is a prize if you guess right, there is a prize if you guess right!"At this time, my uncle opened his voice and attracted people heartily. Beforewaiting for my uncle to finish, the visitors had already begun to grabmysteries. Some secretly turned over reference books, others discussed with eachother, or enlightened, and happily competed for prizes. It was so lively!

As the night gets deeper and deeper, there are more and more people playingin the square. Adults and children gather together, like the vivid pictures ofthe master and the hot partners, spreading their troubles and playing"Crazy".

Suddenly, I don't know where there is a strong smell of sleeves. Oh, mymother peeled off this sweet and delicious thing, and the juice penetrated fromit. Wow, it's so fragrant! I quickly took a bite, um, a word: "incense"! It'sstill slowly aftertaste after eating!

It was getting late. I looked at the people who were playing hide and seek,playing balloons, guessing lantern riddles and setting off fireworks












Lantern Festival is a traditional festival in China. This year's LanternFestival, our school organized a unique "Happy Lantern Festival" activity!

Before the activity started, I came to the activity site of writingcouplets and waited. Look! The contestants smiled one by one. They all lookedconfident. You and I exchanged the written content one by one. I calmly came tothe writing desk, took out the carefully prepared brush, drove light andfamiliar to write seriously, and soon a few big words came out.

Then, I quickly joined the lively activity of wrapping dumplings. Kneadingnoodles is the first and crucial step in making dumplings. Our group poured theprepared flour into the basin, poured some water, kneaded a large dough with thehelp of the students' parents, and then distributed it equally to each member.Everyone thought and thought. They added all kinds of juice to the dough. Afterkneading, it became colorful and very beautiful. Just listen to "the dumplingfilling is coming..." everyone, you argue with me and start wrapping dumplings.I first squeezed the dough in the palm of my hand and patted it into a cakeshape, then closed my palm slightly and added stuffing to it. At this time, Iaccidentally threw sesame sugar all over the floor in a hurry. I regret it! Ittook a lot of effort to make several dumplings. The students next to them arenot like this. They pinch the dough of appropriate size, gently flatten it andadd stuffing, then put their hands up, rub it, and gently knead it into smalland exquisite dumplings. It is a sharp contrast with my dumplings, which isenviable.

When the glutinous rice balls are put into the pot, we wait nearby. It'scalled a hurry. We can't wait to eat them directly from the pot! After a longwaiting period, the glutinous rice balls finally came out of the pot. With agentle bite, the soft skin immediately melted away in my mouth. The smell offruit juice and sesame came to my nostrils and turned into a wonderful force.Once and again, it made me particularly satisfied and gave me endlessaftertaste.

At the end of the activity, the students gathered to take a group photo ofthe class. Although I stood at the edge, I smiled brightly because I wasparticularly happy today. This is this year's Lantern Festival - a livelyFestival!







Watching lanterns on the Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese custom.No, I went to see it last night. Our family has a rule: go to grandma's house onNew Year's Eve, go to grandma's house on the 15th of the first month, go tograndma's house on the first day of the new year, and go to grandma's house onthe fifth day of the new year. Therefore, it is certain to come today.

The fireworks show at Grandma's house was beautiful, with smiling faces andcircles. We had dinner there, watched a fireworks show and talked about familyaffairs, so we left. When I came, I brought a box of fireworks. When we left, wewent down and put some white ones. Send my sister and them home, and we'll go tothe ceramic technology city to see the lanterns. The lanterns there are sobeautiful.

When I went there, what impressed me most was that I split the mountain tosave my mother. It was very vivid. Unfortunately, I didn't move. If I moved, itwould be good. It'll be more realistic. There's another one called ghost. Iforgot, but it's also very good. And the story of Cowherd and weaver girl. Whilewalking, I listened to my mother explain what happened to Cowherd and weavergirl.

Gradually, I was thirsty. My mother said, "do you want pear soup?" "Yes!"We bought two drinks, 10 yuan. That's enough. What annoys me most is that ittastes the same as mineral water. No, no, no, no, it's harder to drink thanmineral water. I guess mineral water, edible pigment and pear slices are reallyhard to drink. Walking, I saw the peacock open the screen. It's really big andvery beautiful. There are many light bulbs on a feather, led. It's time for usto go back. It's beautiful. It's beautiful. I was dazzled.

Mother said, "always buy a souvenir home." I'm so happy.

I came to several stalls. There were many kinds. I didn't know what tochoose. I finally decided to choose a mace. Because this is very attractive, Ithink many people buy it. So I also bought it. After we made a price for sometime, we decided to sell it for 8 yuan. I agree very much.

When I walked quickly, I saw what I wanted to see most and liked most,pleasant goat and grey wolf, as well as China's aeroSPAce industry. I like bothof them very much. There are Tiangong 1 and Shenzhou 8. There are many kinds. Ialso like them very much. The pleasant goat and grey wolf are a little too fake,but they are also very good. There was a dragon when I went out.

It was great to see the lanterns this time. The only fly in the ointmentwas the pear soup. We don't want it until we've finished drinking. I feel thatten yuan is really wasted money. I can't buy it again next time I come. Is itreally cheating customers. I feel very, very sick. Overall, the lantern isgood.

Let's go to his house sometime.











On the occasion of the Lantern Festival, there is a festive atmosphereeverywhere. You see, guessing lantern riddles and setting off fireworks... Thereare all kinds of strange activities, ranging from astronomy to geography. NowI'll take you to see the fireworks party!

Through the bustling trail, we came to the sparkling lake. We waitedanxiously and patiently. As time passed, more and more people were crowded. Thecrowd could not see the head from the West and the tail from the north. Therewere a sea of people. Some sat on stone chairs, some bent over, some leanedforward and backward, and some stood on tiptoe. There are white hairedgrandfathers, young people with clear eyebrows and embroidered eyes, andchildren of four or five years old.

After a long time, just listen to the bang, strange flowers appear in thesky, and the exciting fireworks party begins! People were suddenly silent. Then,the sky appeared colorful, scrambling, from yellow to purple, from red to blue,from blue to white, very beautiful! Colorful, large and small fireworks arereflected on the sparkling lake, as if fish are also setting off fireworks intheir homes! Some of the wonderful flowers in the sky are green grass, some arepeach red and plum white. It is graceful and beautiful, as if it smellsfragrant.

"Boom", the air exploded one after another "Phalaenopsis", which was veryrealistic. After a while, the orchids turned into red lanterns, slowly down andstraight into the water. White snakes soar into the sky, and the "s" walkingmethod is attractive. Small boats shot out of the lake and stood gracefully onthe lake, as if warships were coming to us, solemn and solemn. Suddenly, a"meteor shower" appeared in the sky. The white "meteor shower" turned the nightinto the day. The houses two kilometers away from me were obvious. It was asdense as a cobweb, like the end of the world, and the stars crashed into theearth. Then, colorful lines burst out on the ground and made a "crackling"sound, like setting off firecrackers. Suddenly, the earth became a colorfulworld.

Suddenly, a crystal clear waterfall appeared by the lake. The waterfall wasdifferent. It was condensed by countless small white spots. It was verylifelike. The waterfall rolled down and emitted wisps of clear smoke, likePenglai Fairy Island floating on the sea.

Finally, flowers of various forms appeared in the sky, with a deafening andsoul stirring sound.

Today's party is over. The fireworks parties are more and more wonderfulagain and again, which let me see the prosperity and development of science andtechnology in the motherland.










