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Nowadays,with the rapid development of our society,almost all the graduateshave to face a choice:to get a job first or to find the job you like first?Asfar as I am concerned,the graduates should get a job first and then choose thejob they like.The reasons can be listed as follows:

First of all,for many students,even they themselves don’t know what kind ofjob they want to choose.For these students,to get a job first can help them findout their favorite job through trying different work.What’s more,the graduatesare all under great employment pressure.There are thousands of graduates need tofind their jobs every year.So if the graduates don’t get their jobs as soon asthey leave the school,they will miss the best chance to get a job.Last but notleast,one can accumulate experience and broaden horizons in his or her firstjob.It’s certain that these experiences will contribute to future job.As thefamous saying goes “One should apply theory to practice.”,students should applywhat they have learned in class to their jobs,thus enhancing their workingskills.

Above all,nowadays under the greater employment pressure,the graduatesshould get a job first and then to choose the job they like.Since students canhave a better understanding of what they like and gain experience in the firstjob.


In daily life we are often faced with choices.More often than not,we haveto make cardinal decisions indepentently.This moment is very important foreveryone to go through.

In order to make a decision that we will not regret,we should bear thesetwo principles in mind:thinking before acting,and never missing anyopportunities that arise.On one hand,we should have an apparent,objectivejudgment about ourselves while maintaining a clear idea about the world aroundus.On the other hand,we should also think about opportunity.Many people may notquite agree with this and think that opportunity is so rare that only theluckiest people come across it.However,opportunity is open to everyone and oneshould make good use of it when confronted with it.One should take advantage ofit just like the proverb states:“Opportunities are only from the preparedminds.”

So when one is faced with choices the next time,remember that using themind and taking advantage of good opportunities will pave the way tosuccess.


One of the most important problems a young person faces is deciding what todo. There are some people, of course, who from the time they are six years oldknow that they want to be doctors or pilots or fire fighters, but the majorityof us do not get around to making a decision about an occupation or career untilsomebody or something forces us to face the problem.

Choosing an occupation takes time, and there are a lot of things you haveto think about as you try to decide what you would like to do. You may find thatyou will have to take special courses to qualify for a particular kind of work,or you may find out that you will need to get actual work experience to gainenough knowledge to qualify for a particular .

Fortunately, there are a lot of people you can turn to for advice and helpin making your decision. At most schools, there are teachers who areprofessionally qualified to give you detailed information about jobqualifications. And you can talk over your ideas with family members and friendswho are always ready to listen and to offer suggestions.


Without exception,everyone has to make choices in life,whether they concernschool,career,or love.While some choices are simple,one cannot avoid the task ofmaking difficult decisions.

Choices are often directly related to one's happiness.Universitystudents,for example,face a hard and crucial decision upon graduating.Manystudents have difficulty deciding whether to continue studying or begindeveloping a career.Every individual is different,and one must take the factorsof one's personal life into consideration.In addition to an awareness ofspecific circumstances,however,making the right choice also depends on correctappraisal of oneself.

In order to choose correctly,therefore,one must be both realistic and selfaware.Furthermore,once having made a decision,one should seriously accept andpursue the path one has chosen,and strive towards the realization of one's goalwith spirit.


Life is full of all kinds of choices, and there was an important andmemorable choice in my life.

When I was graduated from my junior high school,I had to make a choice tobe a through-train student or be a senior high school. I was very aware of mystrengths and weakness. I loved learning history and geography,even interestedin politics. I didn't want to leave away from my favorite subjects because Ialways enjoyed them while I was studying. So through painful choices,I chose tobe a senior high school student.

I never regretted the choice. I am proud of myself --a senior high schoolstudent who is enjoying the pleasure of others' learning. Learn to choose, tochange your destiny, to change your life!



