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Since I was very small, I watched a lot of sports with my father. My fatheris a huge fan of basketball match. When he has time, he will sit in the sofa andwatch NBA. So I enjoy the time to watch the match with him. I also become asport fan, but my passion on sports is much stronger. I am interested inwatching all kinds of sports, besides basketball, tennis, volleyball and othersports are favored by me. Though I am a girl, I play many sports in the school.My classmates admire me. I feel so proud of myself of being different. What'smore, doing sports makes me happy. I feel the energy when I am running in theplayground. I also learn to be patient and persistent, which helps me a lot inmy study.


Most people in China like playing sports, because it’s a good way to keephealthy.

In big cities, people play many kinds of sports. The old people always getup early to play Talchi or go for a walk. The middle-aged people often dancetogether in squares in the evening, which has become a tradition. While theyoung like going swimming in summer and go skating in winter.

What’s more, there are some other popular sports in China, such as tabletennis, football, basketball, volleyball, badminton and so on..What is yourfavorite sport? Can you tell me?


There is no doubt that football is No. 1 sport in the world. People fromall around the world are so crazy about this match. In China, a lot of peoplestay up all the night just to watch the football match from TV. The fans fromdifferent areas make up the group just to support their teams. These fans sittogether and cheer for their idols. It is such a great moment for them. Thoughthe football level in China is below the international, more and more teenagerswork on this field and they fight for the country’s future. This year, thefootball team has won some important matches and win respect from the world.


I like sports, because doing sports is really a good thing. Firstly, ithelps me keep healthy. Exercise is one of the most active and effective means toenhance the physical health. Secondly, doing sports is a good way to relax. Whenyou are upset, sport may pull you out from depression. Finally, it’s easier tomake friends while take part in sport activities, because you have the sameinterest. It’s important for making friends. All in all, I get a lot fromsports.


Though PE class is a part of children’s education, many teenagers didn’tform the habit of doing exercise, they don’t have interest in sports. Enthusiasmfor sports is of great importance, young people should treat it as theirintegral part of education.

On the one hand, promoting enthusiasm for sports among teenagers helps themkeep a healthy lifestyle. In the school, students are forced to take exercise inthe PE class, they need to join certain activities. In this way, students livein a healthy lifestyle, they won’t get sick easily. But after they leavingschool, no one forces them to do so, so they are lazy to take exercise, theirbodies gets weaker.

On the other hand, the enthusiasm for sports can help students enhancetheir sense of teamwork. As we known, most sports need more than one person todo, like badminton and table tennis, these sports needs more than two people.When students are playing badminton, they need to cooperate, so that they candefeat others, if they just keep an eye on themselves, they game can’t beplayed. Doing these sports will bring students the sense of teamwork, which isimportant for their career.

People should keep the habit of taking exercise, the sound body ensuresbetter future. Enthusiasm for sports can make people feel it a happiness to takeexercise.



