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Campus Security

Security issue may sound clichéd, but when it comes to the campus security,we have to take it seriously. Nearly every day, there are reports to thesecurity office on campus that valuable things are stolen away.

A surrounding with stealing, mugging can’t be worse for studying. In suchcases, what measures should be taken to improve the campus security?

On the one hand, we students should strengthen our security awareness. Oncewe smell out something unusual, we should report it to the campus guardimmediately. On the other hand, more equipment such as monitors should beinstalled on campus so as to detect crimes as soon as possible.

Besides, a proper amount of security guards should be arranged to patrolthe campus。

In my opinion, campus security will be improved as long as efforts are madeon campus. Therefore colleges and universities should try their best to makeeveryone on campus safe and sound。


When a variety of problems plague the information systems, the criticalimportance of information security becomes the focus of people's concern.

It does deserve the unprecedented emphasis.

It is widely accepted that information security, to some extent, outweighsother spheres in the field of information. So the related authorities,enterprises, institutions and organizations place the high priority on it.

Information Security concerns a range of problems- informationinterception, loss, damage etc. Business and military information leakage willhave an devastating impact.

For the information owners and monitors, they must drive their efforts toenhance the security protection and maintenance. For example, a strict controlover the access to the secret data shouldn't be absent.

The network and software provider should take a set of tailored protectionmeasures targeting different computer crimes.

The security issues should be also considered at the legislative level, sowe are clamoring for a law designed to clamp down on various cyber crimes.


Every year a lot of people got injured or died in traffic accidents. It isreported that many accidents resulted from people’s breaking of traffic rules.So it is necessary for all to keep the traffic rules in mind and obey themstrictly.

When one crosses the street, one should take the crosswalk, undergroundpassage or pedestrian overpass. If one is riding a bike or motorcycle, keepriding on the right side of the road. When the red light is on, please stop andwait until the green light is on. Give a hand signal if one wants to turn orstop. It is important to let the children know that playing on the road is verydangerous. Helping the aged and children cross the road is always a kind deed.Ifeveryone obeys the traffic rules, it will be much safer to walk or ride on theroad.


School is our home,we are all live and study here. In order to makeourselves safe,as a student,we should obey the school rules,we should go toschool on time and be never late . We must obey the traffic rulers, mustn’t goswimming alone.we shouldn’ t chase(追) each other in the hallway and in theschool yard;we should get on well with others and should not fight withothers;we should not eat the food that goes bad and some junk food;we do notdrink;we mustn’t be allowed to smoke, must keep away fromcigarettes/smoking/drugs ;when you have questions to ask .you may ask theteachers for help.especially,when you meet someone asks for money,you needn‘t beafraid .you report to the teacher or call 110/120 . We are required thatstudents break away from these bad habits and be polite to others. We must obeythe traffic rulers, mustn’t go swimming alone.I hope we have a good timeeveryday



Recently we did a survey on the diets of middle school students. We weresurprised to find thatmany students don't seem to be at all concemed about theeffect that unhealthy food can have on theirhealth. They like snacks and streetfood has become the favorite snack of many students. Also, they eatfood simplybecause it tastes good and don't pay any attention to its storage life. What'smore, somestudents go to school without having breakfast, and lack even basicknowledge about food safety.

Middle school is an important time of growth for students. They should formthe habit of eating ahealthy diet and should have three well-balanced meals aday. In addition, a basic knowledge of foodsafety is essential, which means thatstudents should be aware of the date of production and thenutritional value ofsnack food before they eat it.

In conclusion, the survey indicates that students should improve theirawareness of nutrition andfood safety.



