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目前所在: 广州

年龄: 40

户口所在: 湖北

国籍: 中国

婚姻状况: 未婚

民族: 汉族

身高: 170 cm

体重: 55 kg


人才类型: 普通求职

应聘职位: 店面/陈列/展览设计,平面设计师

工作年限: 10

职称: 无职称

求职类型: 均可

可到职日期: 一个星期

月薪要求: 3500~5499元

希望工作地区: 广州,深圳,中山



起止年月:2011-03 ~ 2012-09

公司性质: 民营企业


担任职位: 空间设计师

工作描述: 主要负责连锁店及公司对外宣传设计工作。

离职原因: 裁员


起止年月:2009-10 ~ 2010-12

公司性质: 民营企业


担任职位: 空间设计师

工作描述: 主要负责广告宣传设计、平面图设计、室内效果图设计策划等。



起止年月:2006-06 ~ 2009-06

公司性质: 民营企业


担任职位: 平面设计师

工作描述: 主要负责平面设计、活动策划、内刊编辑及排版等相关工作,并成功策划10月9日开业庆典大型活动的规划及相关工作。另外,全权负责茂辉网站的栏目策划,并对网站界面进行合理的调整。

离职原因: 辞职


起止年月:2000-05 ~ 2005-12

公司性质: 中外合资


担任职位: 企划专员

工作描述: 主要负责卖场布置、画册、海报、单张的设计及活动策划。

离职原因: 辞职


毕业院校: 湖北省潜江文昌技能专科学校

最高学历: 中专


毕业日期: 1992-07

专 业 一: 电子信息与科学技术

专 业 二:

起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 所学专业 获得证书 证书编号

1999-02 1999-12 潜江新华电脑学校 广告设计 培训证书


外语: 英语一般

粤语水平: 一般


国语水平: 良好











Name: College Students Resume Nationality: Chinese

Current location: Guangzhou National: Han

Account Location: Hubei stature: 166 cm ? 55 kg

Marital Status: Single Age: 25 years old

Training and Certification: Integrity Badges:

Job intentions and work experience

Talent Type: General Job ?

Position: Vocational education / training / tutor: teacher, business / management classes, advertising design / planning:

Work Experience: 6 Title: Intermediate

Job type: Full-time Date Available: anytime

Salary requirements: 2000 - 3500 hope that the Working Area: Guangzhou Guangzhou Guangzhou

Personal Work Experience: Company Name: Public International Cultural Communication Center, beginning and ending Clear :2008-09 ~ 2009-05

Company nature: private-owned business: advertising, planning, marketing,

Positions: AE and Program

Job Description: The company main business advertising, public relations, event planning mainly during employment I was responsible for business development and customer service. One successful pioneering project in Guangzhou Mangu Silver's 2009 annual investment projects, and the Guangzhou software industry association of software and animation training base for personnel training awarding ceremony. There is a wealth of customer service experience, familiar with the operation of the advertising process, have a stronger ability to copy writing and proposals. And full-service business development in the pioneering project in the service process to accurately determine customer needs, and guide customers and established good customer relationships, so that the overall quality of their public relations capacity in particular, has been improved.

Reason for leaving:

Company Name: Hangzhou excellent Ace Network Technology Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Office of the beginning and ending Clear :2007-03 ~ 2008-08

Company nature: the private sector by sector: E-commerce

Positions: Customer Service in charge of

Job Description: Responsible for customer service and employee motivation training. Working diligently in the company, innovative thinking once again provided me with an opportunity to show, have suggested and organize staff training, so that the company's after-sales service capacity and professionalism have been greatly improved, the company has won a good reputation, won the recognition of bosses and colleagues!

Through these exercises and learning, let me have a good management capability and capacity of communication and coordination, enhance service awareness and public relations skills.

Reason for leaving:

Company Name: Hubei entrepreneurial technical schools beginning and ending Clear :2003-09 ~ 2007-01

Company nature: institution-owned Industry: education

Positions: the class teacher and computer science teacher

Job Description: The secret secretarial school serving 507 business classes taught by professional computer class teacher and the office software programs, to teach school during the active part in the organization of the various teaching and research activities, and consciously cultivating all aspects of the capacity of school leaders and colleagues deeply consistent well received and won many outstanding class teacher, advanced workers, the honorary title.

Students during the school a good professional skills and practical ability of society to form an education and social development, integration, I propose an innovative teaching methods, gain my colleagues to emulate, while also continue to temper themselves and upgrade their professional skills and speaking ability the same time, his own management and coordination capacity has been a great improvement.

Reason for leaving:


Graduate institutions: Hubei Radio & TV

Supreme Education: College Degree obtained: No access to graduation date: 2005-07-01

A learned profession: Computer science education learned profession 2: Accounting

By the education and training experience: the termination of Clear Start Clear School (institutional) professional to obtain the certificate Certificate No.

2002-092005-07 Hubei Radio and Television University computer science education diploma 513055200506140034

2008-04 Psychology, Peking University, Guangzhou Station Zikao undergraduate psychology reading


Language: English General

Mandarin level: fluent in Cantonese level: General

The ability to work and other expertise to

Computer Science Education, a four-year vocational education, classroom management and teaching experience, a good image, good temperament, strong verbal and written communication skills, good management and coordination capacity; a corporate employee training and management experience and experience in advertising copy and AE ! Want to get your favor!

Detailed personal autobiography

Adhering to the "diligence and innovation, hands-on" work of faith, in schools during his tenure, in addition to upgrading the professional skills, with students, colleagues, leaders live and work so that their knowledge of psychology, has a deep interest in, knowledge and experience to let me Better with individuals, groups and society harmonious exchanges and cooperation. More importantly, in the business community of experience in the workplace, I have been fully refined and sublimated, so that their Bunsen has the speaking ability and organizational capacity for coordination has been running perfect integration. And in advertising the company's public relations work experience to make my ability to get an unprecedented increase. I hope I can in good faith of the heart, with a modest attitude of a feeling of practical belief in hard work and innovative spirit of self-confidence, for units and individuals to contribute!

Personal contact



求职意向: 室内设计师助理

姓 名: 性别: 女 毕业院校: 泉州理工职业技术学院 专业:室内设计


联系电话: 138

通信地址: 福建省泉州市 邮编: 362014


2014年9月-- 2014年6月 第一高中

2014年9月-- 2014年7月 泉州理工 大学 室内设计专业


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能熟练的进行听、说、读、写。并通过国家 英语 四级考试。尤其擅长撰写和回复英文商业信函,熟练运用网络查阅相关英文资料并能及时予以翻译 。




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