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Qing Ming is popularly associated with Jie Zi Tui, who lived in Shanxi province in 600 B.C. Legend has it that Jie saved his starving lord's life by serving a piece of his own leg. When the lord succeeded in becoming the ruler of a small principality, he invited his faithful follower to join him. However, Jie declined his invitation, preferring to lead a hermit's life with his mother in the mountains.


Believing that he could force Jie out by burning the mountain, the lord ordered his men to set the forest on fire. To his consternation, Jie chose to remain where he was and was burnt to death. To commemorate Jie, the lord ordered all fires in every home to be put out on the anniversary of Jie's death. Thus began the "cold food feast", a day when no food could be cooked since no fire could be lit.


The "cold food" festival occurs on the eve of Qing Ming and is often considered as part of the Qing Ming festival. As time passes, the Qing Ming festival replaced the "cold food" festival. Whatever practice is observed,the basic observation of Qing Ming is to remember one's elders by making a special effort to visit their graves, ashes or ancestral tablets. To make the visit even more meaningful, some time should be spent to remind the younger members of the family of the lives and contributions of their ancestors, and the story of Jie Zi Zhui who choose death over capitulation.



黄帝 the Yellow Emperor

天坛 Heaven

进行祭天仪式 perform rituals

向上天跪拜 prostrate oneself before the powers of theuniverse

共产主义革命 Communist revolution

祭祖 honor their ancestors

扫墓 Tomb-Sweeping

破四旧 cast to the four winds

家风 family values

大禹 King Yu

古巴比伦 ancient Iraq

青铜铸件 bronze casting

甲骨文 oracle bones

君权神授 the Mandate of Heaven

朱红的瑞鸟 a great vermillion bird

求道之人 seekers after the Way

孝顺 filial piety

翰林院 the Imperial Academy

周文王 King Wen of the Zhou

百家争鸣 100 schools bloomed

相当高的大司寇官职 a quite high ministerial job

说客 trouble-shooter

红卫兵 the Communist Red Guards

仁爱,仁慈,谦恭,礼仪 Love, benevolence, courtesy, good manners

剥夺旧的贵族 dispossessing the old aristocracies

中国最早的文字 the first Chinese writing

地方官 local magistrates

步兵,弓箭手,骑兵,战车御者 infantry, archers, cavalry, charioteers

兵马俑 Terracotta Army

世界第一个官僚政治体系的中央集权帝国 the world’s first bureaucratic,centralized empire



Family lays thefoundation of everything.


As the ancients used tosay, repaying our roots.


All four of the greatold world civilizations began on rivers-the Nile, the Euphrates, the Indus andthe Yellow River.


Harness the waters ofthe river for irrigation that enable ancient people to feed bigger and biggerpopulations


Out of theseprehistoric pictographs came the modern Chinese script.


the place where theancestors were worshiped


The Bronze Age layershere are 30 feet deep in Yellow River silt.


The oracle bones andthe later myths are clues to early Chinese beliefs about society and thecosmos.


Divination, ritual andwriting were the basis of state power.


When the five planetsgather in the constellation called the Chamber


When a ferment of ideasgrows about the nature of kingship, the function of states,duties,obligation and morality.


broke a peace dealbetween three feuding clans


restore civilization byteaching rulers to be virtuous


Confucius was very keenon the idea of humaneness, or benevolence.


To have guests comefrom far away is a pleasure, is it not?


For tax and commerce,the weights and measures were standardized. There was to be a uniform coinage.



