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My after school life rich and colorful, I like to play football to play video games but I most like playing volleyball.

I once and friends to play volleyball. Started, my serve hit his face, I laughed. Then he began to fight back, playing on my stomach. You come to me to, soon he failed, I began to laugh. Friend said: "you don't satisfied, I will take vengeance." Then we start again. Not he defeated the array, not I lost, we should draw! It left a, I'm a little nervous, I thought, I won't fall down! Results we draw. We decided to come again a game, he called the partner and I also called some "comrades". The game we played very intense, regardless of the outcome, finally, we have an appointment tomorrow to continue fighting.

Ah! This day is really happy!





I like playing volleyball that it’s my favorite sport.


Since I learned to play volleyball in PE two years ago, I was badly interested in it.


Therefore, I learned it with my volleyball teacher.


And half a year later, I joined the school volleyball team.


It’s such an excellent team that I have a great time.


I practice with my team mates every afternoon.


And we have played many matches together. And playing volleyball makes me realize how important of union and teamwork.


As long as we unit together, we can beat any opponents.


I will always cherish my love to volleyball.



排球场地 volleyball court

鱼跃 fish dive

一方场区 court

钩手飘球 over float

对方场区 opponent’s court

一次扣杀 direct spike

发球区 service area

上手传球 overarm pass

进攻线 attack line

钩手扣球 windmill smash

判台 official’s tribune

打手出界 spike off the block

标志杆 vertical rod

轻扣、吊球 dink spike

端线 back line

非正常换人 abnormal substitution

后区 back zone

拦网动作 action of blocking

进攻区 attack zone 缓冲动作 action of giving

封准球 alignment with the ball

位置差(扣球) alternate position spike

轮流发球 alternation

传高球 arch

体后屈 arch back

攻球 attack

进攻区 attack area

攻击手 attacker

攻击性发球 attacking shot

进攻线 attack line

攻击手 attack man

接攻击球 attack receive

进攻区 attack zone

后排队员 back

后取角 back corner

后排位置 back court position

后排队员 back field play

标志杆 antenna



Volleyball, ball games project, one of the movement originated in the United States. On February 9, 1895, the Massachusetts Holly oak ymca director William Morgan invented. At first, people sat on either side of the net on the tennis court, basketball is held in the palm to go, to participate in any number, shot number. The first competition is 1.98 meters high. This is the prototype of the volleyball.


When I first saw the students play volleyball, I think volleyball is very fun, so I became interested in volleyball, now, I took part in the school volleyball team, study hard volleyball, now I play volleyball playing very well.


I learned many things from the volleyball, I know it is very inportant for a team unity , after is to have good skills. I like volleyball.




