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Ourcollege volleyball team _______________ 15 members from differentdepartments.

Howmany countries _________________ the 2014 world cup?

I needa lot of reference books,___________ dictionaries and handbooks to do myresearch.

Hesolved the problem_______________

If hecarries on driving like that, he ______________ dead.

____________you ______ come tomorrow?

_________the mother went upstairs to see if her aby was still asleep.

AlthoughI am afraid of doing skateboarding, I will _________________.

At thebeginning of the term, different clubs in our college try to ____________ newcomers ____________ their activities.

To lose a friend is easy but to______________ a friendship is hard.

Plans for our vacation are beginning to____________.

I used to ____________ a tourist guide whenI was a student.

Though her father has passed away, hissmile will always stay_____________.

It’s safer to ___________ the strongerparty.

I ________ _______ shanghai commercialcollege and my major is business management.

We shouldn’t _________________________difficulties. Instead, we should face them.

I would like to ____________________ yoursuggestion before I give you a reply.

It’s quite interesting to ____________ myholiday ______ working on a boat.

After the fire, we had to _____________ andbuild the business again from the beginning.

Let’s __________________ this roadsiderestaurant for something to eat.

No matter how hard it is, we have to finishour task____________________.

He will be present at the meeting________________.

To ___________________ that he was at home,I called him up in advance.

Hope for the best and ____________________the worst.

He will _____________________ charge of hisoffice tomorrow.

I know that I ____________________fail inthe exam.

They ________________________ be here anhour ago, but they didn’t.

We invited her to dinner but she didn’teven bother to __________________.

In the film, she has to find a husband______________ or risk being deported.

My friend _____________________ and haddinner with us last night.

She ____________ me for help.

A good marriage is ___________________trust.

You have to board the train now, because itwill leave ________________.

Although winter means cold weather, I loveit ______________.

The genius died _______________.

It’s rude to __________________ someone.

The beggar ___________________ money fromthe people in the street.

What _________________ do you mean?

He invited us to ______________ the car andgo for a ride with him.

Even when you argue, you should ________keep cool.



