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1). My grandfather has n_______ much to doin the evening, so he always goesto bed early.

2).John got ________( 无聊的 )and he left the cinema early.

3).Lily had a w___________ time at the partyyesterday.

4).The small village is famous for its_____________( 瀑布 ).

5).They often surf the __________( 互联网 ) on weekends.

6).—What kind of dance are you learning? --__________( 摇摆 ) dance.

7). I went to many cities last year, s______as Beijing, Shanghai andShenzhen.

8). Most students like to talk with friendso________.

9).Do you know the r_______ of your mathexam?

10).Lina visited lots of ____________( 博物馆 )in British last summer.

II . 单项选择 (15)

( )21.–Where ____ you go _____ your triplast month? -- I went to the beach.

A. did, on B. did, in C. do, at D. do, for

( )22. Do you want to go _____ in winter?

A. to somewhere warm B. somewhere warm

C. toanywhere warm D. anywhere warm

( )23. I called you yesterday, but _____answered me.

A. noB. no one C. anyone D. someone

( )24. She is here ____ me. A. because B.because of C. although D.though

( )25. It’s windy and cold outside, so wedecided _____ outside.

A. togo B. not go C. not to go D. don’t go

( )26.She isn’t hungry , so she doesn’t feellike ______.

A.eating something B. to eat something

C. eating anything D. to eat anything

( )27.___ fine day it is! Let’s go and fly akite.

A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

( )28. —________ do you take a shower?—Every day.

A. How many B. How much C. How old D. Howoften

( )29. My family goes for a trip ___ a year,in summer vacation or in wintervacation.

A. once B. twice C. three times D. fourtimes

( )30. My cousin has a good ___. He neverplay games if he doesn’t do hishomework.

A. habit B. result C. friend D. time

( )31. Getting up early is good ____people’s health. A. in B. for C. at D.of

( )32. —I often watch TV plays on weekends.What about you?

—I ________ watch them. They are long andboring.

A. always B. hardly ever C. usually D. often

( )33. She is sad, ___ she looks happy. A.so B. and C. because D.although

( )34. Sixty percent of the students in ourclass ____ boys. A. lare B. isC. are D. be

( )35. —What do you usually do on weekends?—________.

A. I’m shopping with my mother B. I had tostudy for my English test

C.I usually help my sister with her math D.I go to the piano club everyWednesday

III. 完形填空 (10)

Le Rosy is one ofthe best schools in the world. It has 128 _ 36_ ofhistory. Le Rosy is a good place for students to _37_ . A student’s day _ 38 at7 a.m.and ends ( 结束 ) at 8 p.m. in the school. Students have eight classes aday. Eachclass is 45 minutes ( 分钟 ) long. Then they have art classes and _ 39_sports from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. After dinner, students do _ 40_ kinds of activitieswith students ofdifferent ages.

Le Rosy is also a good place to live.Students’ rooms are nice. Two students__ 41_ a room with a shower. Each student has a _ 42_ and a small desk. Everystudent gets the samebed sheet ( 床单 ) in color. Teachers collect ( 收集 ) thesheets_ 43_ a week for washing, usually onWednesdays and Sundays. And the _ 44_atLe Rosy is the same as other children at school. They must follow ( 遵守 ) therules of the school. _ 45_ they don’t, they can’t study here.

( )36. A. days B. months C. weeks D. years

( )37. A. study B. sleep C. eat D. shop

( )38. A. starts B. stops C. keeps D. arrives

( )39. A. does B. did C. do D. plays

( )40. A. same B. awful C. different D.boring

( )41. A. think of B. live in C. agree withD. look after

( )42. A. family B. hobby C. letter D. bed

( )43. A. once B. twice C. three times D.four timest

( )44. A. teacher B. parent C. reporter D.student

( )45. A. And B. If C. But D. Although

IV.阅读理解 (30)


Tony wants to share ( 分享 ) his living habit with us.

Here is what Tony usually does on Mondays, Wednesdaysand Fridays. At5:00a.m., he gets up and brushes his teeth. Then at 5:30, hegoes running for anhour. After that, he takes a shower and cleans up for work.He leaves home forwork at 7:10. He starts work at 8:00. In the afternoon, heusually arrives homefrom work at 6:00 or 6:30. On Tuesdays and Thursdays hegets up at 6:30 a.m. Hedoes some housework and then leaves for work. He onlyhas to get up early toexercise 3 days a week.

Tony also has healthy eating habits. On the days hedoesn’t need toexercise, he usually goes to the stores to buy food. He buyshealthy food and helikes cooking dinner at home.

根据短文内容 , 选择最佳选项。

( )46. Tony gets up at ___ a.m. onThursdays. A. 4:30 B. 6:00 C. 6:30 D.8:00

( )47. Tony goes shopping on ___. A.MondaysB.Tuesdays C.Wednesdays D.Friday

( )48. How often does Tony exercise?

A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Threetimes a week. D. Four times aweek.

( )49. Which of the following is TRUE ( 正确的 )?

A. Tony never does chores. B. Tony runs at5:00 on Tuesdays.

C. Tony has good exercise habits. D. Tonylikes cooking lunch at home.

( )50. Which of the following is the rightorder ( 顺序 ) of things Tony doeson Mondays?

a. brushes teeth b. takes a shower c. getsup d. does exercise e. leaveshome for work

A. abcde B. cbdea C. cabde D. cadbe


One of the secrets ( 秘诀 ) of successful people is that they have goodhabits. The good habitshelp them to be successful.

What are good habits? How can you get into good habits? Here issome advice( 建议 ) for you.

First, everyone has his merits ( 优点 ). You should always look for the goodin people and learn from them.

Second, you should try to learn new things and newskills every day. Readinga few pages of a book or a newSPAper every day mayhelp you.

Third, start the day the right way. When you get up inthe morning, look atyourself in the mirror ( 镜子 ) and tellyourself today you must keep your goodhabits.

I think the last one is the most important ( 最重要的 ). No matter what goodhabits you decide to develop, you shouldtry to keep them. Then you can have alife with success and happiness.

根据短文内容 , 选择最佳选项。

()51. According to the passage, what secret makes some peoplesuccessful?

A.They eat healthy food. B. They keep good habits.

C. They meet good friends. D. They have successfulparents.

( )52. Which point ( 哪一点 ) does the writer think is the most importantabout good habits?

A. The first one. B. The second one. C. Thethird one. D. The fourthone.

( )53. What do the underlined words "nomatter what" mean ( 意思是 ) inChinese?

A. 没问题 B. 无论什么 C. 没关系 D. 不怎样

( )54. According to the passage, which ofthe following is NOT true?

A. Everyone has merits. B. Starting the daythe right way is important.

C. You can learn new things from newspapers.

D. Everyone must be successful if he or shehas good habits.

( )55. What’s the main ( 主要的 ) idea of the passage?

A. What our lifestyle is like. B. How to besuccessful.

C. We should have a secret. D. Advice aboutgood habits .


There once ( 以前 ) lived a little deer in the forest ( 森林 ). He hadbeautifulantlers.( 鹿角 ), so he was very happy. But when he saw his ugly legs he wasverysad. One day, he was standing to look at his beautiful antlers in theriverwhen a tiger came up. The deer ran away. The tiger ran after him. The deerranas fast as he could. Suddenly ( 突然 ) he stopped,becausehis antlers got caught( 挂在 ) in the branches ofa tree. He did his best to get clear of ( 挣脱 )thebranches( 树枝 ) and began to run again. When he stopped at a safe place, hesaid tohimself. “ The beautiful antlers almost took my life. But the ugly legssavedmy life.

( )56.The deer often sighed ( 叹气 ) because _________.

A. he did not run fast B. he did not runfaster than the tiger.

C. he had ugly legs D. he had beautifulantlers

( ) 57.When he saw his antlers in the water,the deer ______.

A. was sad B. was happy C. was afraid D. wasnot sorry

( )58.We can see the tiger ________.

A.ran as fast as the deer B. did not run sofast as the deer.

C. did not run after the deer D. did notwant to eat the deer

( ) 59.The deer did what he could to________.

A. run after the tiger B. get clear of thebranches C. see his antlers D.save his antlers

( )60.The story tells us a fact.( 事实 ) That ________

A. don’t judge ( 判断) things by appearances ( 外表 ) B. we should loveuglythings

C. don’t love beautiful things D. all theugly things can save your life


Mr.Black, a worker from America,went to Beijing for his holiday with hisfamily.One day he had a bad cold and coughed day and night. So he went to seeadoctor. After the doctor had examined( 检查 ) him, hesaid,” Here are two bottlesof medicine for you. The big , two pills( 药丸 ) a day. Thesmall, one pill a day.”Mr. Blackhurriedly called his sons to come when he got back. He told them. “ Theelder,two pills a day. The younger, one pill a day.” “Who told you to do that ?”his wife asked in surprise. “It is the doctor.” answered Mr. Black proudly( 自豪地).

( )61. Mr. Black was ______.

A. anEnglishman B. a Chinese C. a Frenchman D. an American

( )62. Mr. Black went to Beijing with atleast( 至少 ) _____ people.

A.three B. one C. two D. five

( )63._____ caught a bad cold.

A.Mr. Black B. The younger son C. The elder son D. Mrs. Black

( )64.The doctor said, “The big, two pills aday.” “The big” means______.

A. MrBlack’s elder son B. Mr Black’s wife

C.The big apple D. the medicine in the big bottle

( )65. Mrs Black asked, “Who told you to dothat.” “ to do that”means___.

A. goto the doctor B. cough day and night

C.tell the two sons to take the medicine D. sell the medicine

V . 选词填空 (10) 选择单词 , 并用其适当形式补全短文。

look go walk be start stop see drink for get

Today was a beautiful day. My father and I 66._____to Penang Hill again,butthis time we 67._____ to the top. We 68____ at 9:30a.m. and 69.______ lotsofspecial Malaysian flowers along the way. About one hour later, we 70._____and71._____ some water. Then we walked 72. _____ another two hours before we73.____to the top. I 74._____ quite tired, but the city 75. _____ wonderfulfrom the topof the hill!

66._________ 67._______ 68.________ 69._________ 70.________

71._________ 72._______ 73._________74._________ 75. _________

VI. 补全对话 (10) (从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话, 只填序号。)

A:Excuse me, may I ask you some questions?B:Certaily.

A:76.____________ B:I eat them every day.

A:Do you like them? B:77.______But myparents say they’re good for myhealth.

A:Do you like junk food? B:78._______ But Itry to eat it only once aweek.

A:Why? B:79._________

A:How often do you sleep every night?B:80.___________

A:Oh,I think you must be in good health.


假如你是 Susan ,昨天是周日,你很忙碌且感到有点累。请根据以下提示给你的好友Jenny 写封电子邮件,告诉他你是如何度过周日的。

提示: 1. 上午做作业、打扫屋子; 2. 中午做了西红柿面条( tomatonoodles );

3. 下午看望奶奶,并帮奶奶洗衣服; 4. 晚上陪奶奶看电视。

要求: 60 词左右,可适当发挥。



1—5ACCBC 6—10 CABBA 11—15 CCACB 16—20 CABAB



1.nothing 2.bored 3.wonderful 4.waterfalls 5.Internet

6.Swing 7.such 8.online 9.result 10.museums


21-25 ADBBC 26-30 CBDBA 31-35 BBDCC


36-40 DAACC 41-45 BDBDB


46-50 CBCCD 51-55 BCBDD 56-60 CBBBA 61-65DAACC


66. went 67.walked 68.started 69.saw 70.Stopped

71.drank 72.for 73.got 74.was 75.looked


76-80 ECBAD

作文 略



