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初三,是接近中考的一年,那么,在这一年里,对于英语学习要怎样做练习呢?还很困惑的话,那不妨和百文网小编一起来做份外研版初三上册英语Module 7测试试卷,希望对各位有帮助!

外研版初三上册英语Module 7测试试卷

Ⅱ. 单项选择(10分)

1. The two-day tour of Las Vegas was quiteadventure for my family. We all enjoyed it very much.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

2. —I hear many people visit the town every day. What is it well-known?

—Well, it has very beautiful sights.

A. as B. for C. with D. in

3. Ms Wang said, “You should write a bookafter you finish reading The Arabian Nights. ”

A. shop B. title C. club D. review

4. Sara’s grandpa died in 2003. He has beenfor more than ten years.

A. dead B. alive C. dying D. living

5. —The radio says a tiger hasfrom the local zoo.

—Oh, what bad news! I hope it can be found soon.

A. heard B. fallen C. escaped D. borrowed

6. When I passed Mr Black’s office, heour exam results with the head teacher.

A. discusses B. is discussing

C. discussed D. was discussing

7. —People, especially the young, by their friends.

—That’s true. Friends play an important part in everyone’s life.

A. easily influences B. easily influenced

C. are easily influenced D. will be easily influenced

8. —In my opinion, everyone shouldtheir bad behavior(行为)in public places.

—I agree with you.

A. pay for B. tidy up

C. die for D. turn off

9. —Oh, Jackie, you know so much about Paris.

—Well, I lived there.

A. at times B. for a time

C. at a time D. at all times

10. —? You look very unhappy, Toby.

—Well, I lost my grandma’s glasses. I can’t find them anywhere.

A. What’s up B. Are you crazy

C. What’s that D. Where are they

Ⅲ. 完形填空(10分)

Some years ago the captain of a ship was very interested in1. He always2medical books to sea and liked to talk about different diseases. One day a3sailor on his ship pretended(假装)to be ill. The captain came to see him and was very pleased to have a patient to4. He gave the man some medicine and then5the other sailors do his work. Two days later6sailor pretended that he didn’t feel well. Once again the captain looked up in his medical books and told the“sick”man to have a rest.

The other sailors were very7because they had more work to do. 8one of the other sailors decided to punish the sick men. He mixed(混合)some soap and other unpleasant things. Then he gave his new“medicine”to the“sick”men. It was9terrible that one of the“patients”jumped out of his bed, and ran away10he could. The captain knew they were not sick at all, so he made them work very hard for the rest of the shipping on the sea.

1. A. medicine B. knowledge C. science D. art

2. A. caught B. got C. had D. carried

3. A. happy B. hard-working

C. lazy D. hungry

4. A. look for B. look after

C. look back D. look up

5. A. asked B. took C. sent D. made

6. A. another B. the other C. other D. others

7. A. pleased B. sorry C. angry D. surprised

8. A. At first B. At last

C. At the end D. At the beginning

9. A. very B. much C. so D. quite

10. A. as soon as B. as fast as

C. as early as D. as carefully as



