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一、 听录音,选出所听到的内容。(5分)(听两遍)

( ) 1. A. beside B. between C. before

( ) 2. A. forest B. front C. from

( ) 3. A. cold B. coat C. boat

( ) 4. A. first B. second C. third

( ) 5. A. music room B. Science room C. art room

二、 听录音判断下列图片是否正确,正确的写T,不正确的写F。(5分)


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

三、 听录音,给下列图片排序。(5分)(听两遍)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

四、 听录音,根据所听问题,选择正确的答句。(10分)(听两遍)

( ) 1. A. Thank you. B. Not at all. C. That’s all right.

( ) 2. A. It’s on the table. B. No, it isn’t. C. They’re on the table.

( ) 3. A. There is three. B. There are 18. C. It’s 80.

( ) 4. A. Yes, there are. B. Yes, there is. C. No, there aren’t.

( ) 5. A. There are 3. B. Yes, there are. C. Yes, there aren’t.

五、 听录音,完成下列短文,每空一词。(5分)(听三遍)

A: What can I do for you?

B: I’m a new __________here. __________there a __________room in our school?

A: Yes, there is. It’s on the __________ floor. It’s__________ the music room.

B: Thank you very much.



( )1. nice dance ( )2. juice cake ( )3. ice cream

( )4. cinema classroom ( )5. clock cup


1. 在她前面 2. just right

3. 多少个新学生 4. show him around

5. 在第二层 6. Help!

7. 两间电脑室 8. so heavy

9. 在房子中间 10. Here are the cakes.


1. one(序数词) 2. they(物主代词)

3. aren’t(完全形式) 4. high(同音词)

5. us(主格) 6. let’s(完全形式)

7. this(复数) 8. I(宾格)

9. soft(反义词) 10. there is(缩略式)


( )1. There an apple and three on the table.

A. is; peach B. is; peaches C. are; peaches

( )2.-- Are there any students in the playground? --No, .

A. they aren’t B. there are C. there aren’t

( )3. It's time go home.

A. to B. for C. /

( )4. is popular in China.

A. Tea B. Milk C. Coffee

( )5.How many are there in the school? There one

A. librarys, are B. libraries, is C. library, is

( )6.Where Bobby? He’s the swing.

A. is, at B. are, on C. is, on

( ) 7. is not here. Let’s go and find .

A. She, she B. She, her C. Her, she

( )8. is the first day of a week.

A. Monday B. Saturday C. Sunday

( )9.There are table tennis rooms, they are on floor.

A. two, second B. second, two C. two, the second

( )10. any apple juice in the glass?

A. There is B. Is there C. Are there

( ) 11.There any pies in the fridge.

A. aren’t B. isn’t C. are

( )12.You’re too .I can’t you.

A. high, push B. heavy, push C. hard, push


1. Liu Tao is on the (three) floor.

2. (be) there any water in the river?

3. There (be) any soup on the desk.

4. How many (desk) are there in the school?

5. We cannot see (some) books on the desk.

6. There (be)three beds and a sofa in the bedroom.

7. Whose shoes are (that)? They’re (my sister).


1. 我们学校有一个美术室。

Art room in school.


many computers in the room?

3.“你的杯子里有一些牛奶吗?” “是的,有一些。”

— there milk in your glass? —Yes, there’s .

4. There are some cakes in the fridge.(改为否定句)

There__________ __________cakes in the fridge.

5. There is some milk in the glass?(改成一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

__________ __________ __________milk in the glass ?

__________, there __________.

6.There are twenty trees in the garden.(对划线部分提问)

_____ _______ _______ are there in the garden?


1. in, the, this, ground, UK, is, the , floor (,.)

2. your, music rooms, are, in, any, there, school(?)

3. playground, swing, is, in, the, there, a(.)

4. water, too, is, the, cold(.)

5. there, not, pen, my, pencil, in, case, is, a (.)

八、在Ⅱ栏中找出Ⅰ栏相应的答句。( 5分)


( )1.Who are you? A. We have three.

( )2. How many apples do you have? B. They are in the fridge.

( )3.Is the art room on the first floor? C. Yes, there is.

( )4.Is there a big playground in your school? D. Yes, it is.

( )5. Where are the cakes, Tina? E. I’m Mr Bear.



This is Mary’s room. It’s big and bright(明亮的). We can see some kites on the front wall (前墙). On the back wall (后墙),there’s a clock. Look, it is four fifty now !

We can see a desk and a bed in her room. The desk is beside the window. Where are her bag and pencil box ? They’re on the desk. What’s on the bed ? We can see a pair(条)of jeans. Mary likes them, but they’re too short.

Mary and her friend Kate like this room very much. They like to play here.

( )1. We can see a clock on the front wall.

( )2. It’s five forty now.

( )3. We can see a desk and a bed in Mary’s room.

( )4. The jeans are too short.

( )5. This is Kate’s room.


Our classroom



1. Little bear is between his mother and father.

2. Snow white lives in the forest.

3. My uncle and my cousin have a cold.

4. In the US it’s the first floor, but in the UK it’s the ground floor.

5. There isn’t an art room in our school. (BAAAC)


1. Sam and Bobby are playing on the swing. They are happy.

2. Little bear is in front of his mother.

3. This sofa is so soft. I like it very much.

4. This soup is just right.

5. There is a music room on the ground floor. (FFFTF)


1. This bed is too soft.

2. Goldilocks is afraid.

3. There is a football under the desk.

4. There are three bears in front of Goldilocks.

5. There’s a bag beside the desk. (23154)


1. What a beautiful dress!

2. Where are the cakes?

3. How many classrooms are there in our school?

4. Is there a music room?

5. Are there any pictures in the bedroom? (A C B B B)


A: What can I do for you?

B: I’m a new student here. Is there a computer room in our school?

A: Yes, there is. It’s on the second floor. It’s beside the music room.

B: Thank you very much.





her, let us, first, any, beside,

has, two, soft, aren’t, their


on the third floor, 又饿又渴, in the forest, 正好,

in front of me, 第二个学生, two classrooms,

一些美术室, too soft, 在冰箱旁边






How many books are there in the bag?

There is not a pen in my pencil case.

The water is too cold.

Are there any pictures on the wall?

My classroom is on the first floor.


1.aren’t , any 2.Is , there, any, No, isn’t

3.libraries, are, there 4.in front of






( B )1. When _____ you come back ? A. do B. did

( A ) 2. Yesterday I _____ to the park. A. went B. want

( A ) 3. We need food ______ our picnic . A. for B. of

( B ) 4. ______ did you do at the weekend? A. When B. What

( A ) 5. Please give ______ the pencils. A. out B. up


( 2 ) 1. Did they buy ice cream?

( 1 ) 2. How many do you want?

( 5) 3. We visited lots of places.

( 4 ) 4. Mum bought a new T-shirt for me.

( 3 ) 5. Daming took a photo of the Great Wall.

等级 评卷人

三.听音,判断正( T )误( F )。(每小题2分,共10分)

1.The dress is Ms Smart’s. (F)

2. They came back last Saturday. (F)

3. Daming wants five bananas. (T)

4. It’s Lingling’s sweater. (T)

5. There are enough pencils. (F)

等级 评卷人

四 听音,选出正确的汉语意思。(每小题2分,共10分)

( A ) 1. A.快点 B. 多少 ( B ) 2.A.冰激凌 B. 奶酪

( B ) 3.A. 盒 B. 瓶 ( A ) 4. A. 大英博物馆 B. 伦敦眼

( A ) 5. A. 小时 B.分钟

等级 评卷人

等级 评卷人


(B)1. A. I’m Lingling. B. I’m fine, thank you. C. Hello

(A)2. A. No, she didn’t. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, she does.

(A)3. A. Half a kilo. B. five C. six

(B)4. A. London. B. By bus C. At seven o’clock.

(C)5. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I will. C. Yes, he did.


等级 评卷人


(B )1.Did they_____ ice creams?

A. bought B.buy C.went D. go

(A )2.Yesterday I went to the park______ my mother.

A. with B.to C.at D.in

(A )3.Did they go home____ bike?

A. by B. with C.at D. in

( D)4.Yesterday, I _____ an ice cream.

A. do B.have C.has D. had

(A)5.______you live in this city?

A. Do B.Does C.Is

( B )6.We_____back last Sunday.

A. come B. came C.comes

( A )7.______ did you come back?

A. When B. What C.Who

( A )8.I _______my ice cream!

A. dropped B. drop C.drops

( B)9.I ____ near Amy and Sam now.

A.lived B. live C.living

( A )10.I come______ China.

A. from B. of C.for

等级 评卷人

七、 选择适当的译文。(每小题2分,共10分)

( A )1.When did you come back?

A. 你什么时候回来的? B.你到哪儿去了?

( B)2. How many bananas do you want?

A. 你想要香蕉吗? B. 你要多少香蕉?

(B )3.There are ten pencils in the blue box.

A. 蓝色的盒子里有多少铅笔? B. 蓝色的盒子里有十支铅笔。

(B )4. Sam took my T-shirt.

A. 萨姆想要我的体恤衫. B. 萨姆拿走了我的体恤衫.

( A )5.What did you do at the weekend?

A.你周末做了什么? B. 你周末要做什么?

等级 评卷人

八、 对话配对。(每小题2分,共10分)

( B ) 1. Where did you go? A. We bought some apples.

( D ) 2.Did you wash Lingling’s T-shirt? B.We went to the British Museum.

(A )3. What did you buy? C. Four apples.

( E ) 4. How did you go there? D. No, I didn’t.

( C ) 5. How many apples did your mum say? E. By bus.

等级 评卷人


1. you, did , back, come, when ?

When did you come back?

2.food, need, for, we , our, picnic

We need food for our picnic.

3. bananas, you , did, how many, buy

How many bananas did you buy?

4. go, did, you, where

Where did you go?

5. dropped, my, ice cream,I

I dropped my ice cream.

等级 评卷人


Yesterday was Saturday. It was sunny. I got up at 7:30. After breakfast, I went to the beach(海滩)with Alice. There were many people on the beach. We ran, jumped and played volleyball(排球) on the sands(沙滩). We swam in the sea. Some men fished on a boat. We had a good time. We were tired(疲乏的), but happy.

( B )1.Yesterday was ______ . A. Sunday B. Saturday

( A )2. The weather was _____. A. sunny B. windy

( B )3. I got up at ____. A. 7:00 B. 7:30

( B )4.I went to the beach with ______. A. Peter B. Alice

( A ) 5. We played volleyball _____. A. on the sands B. in the sea

等级 评卷人

十一、同学们,这学期我们学习了购物的知识,请以“Shopping”为题写一遍小作文。(50字左右, 共20分)

提示:开头—— It was a fine day.

中间:1.购物时间—I went to the supermarket + 时间。

2.购物地点—The supermarket is…

3.购买物品—I bought + 物品名称。

4.费用— I spent…yuan.

结尾—抒发感情——I was very happ


一. 判断下列各组单词读音是(T)否 (F) 相同

( )1. wasp ( )2. sky ( )3.mask ( )4.postman ( )5.first

crisp ask desk toast spiring

二. 选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项,把序号填在题前的括号里

( )1. A pilot B cook C teacher D save

( ) 2. A doctor B taxi driver C help D singer

( ) 3.A wants B goes C have D likes

( ) 4.A foot B bike C bus D car

( ) 5.A eight B twentieth C eleven D fifth

( ) 6.A August B October C April D ninth

( ) 7.A sing B reading C playing D drawing

( ) 8.A flies B do C swims D drives

三. 按要求写单词


2.drive (职业名词)-------


4.child (复数)---------


6.two (序数词)-------


8 three(序数词)-------

9 cook(职业名词)-------

10 first(基数词)------


( )1.Do you have ------ oranges skirt ?

A / B a C an

( ) 2. I go to the park ------ .

A by the bus B on bus C by bus

( )3.What does your brother want ----- ?

A to be B be C to is

( )4.My birthday is on ----- September.

A 12 th B 12 nd C 22 th

( )5.Linda is good at----- .

A singing B sing C sings

( )6.It’s on the----- day of this week.

A 3 th B third C three

( )7.Froggy likes------,------he is good at it.

A singing,but B singing,and C sing,and

( )8.Luck and Jim live------our school. They go to school by-----.

A near from,foot B near,the bus C far from,bus

( )9.------wants to be a cook ?Bob.

A Who BWhat C How

( )10.I have a card for you.------.

ASure B I can’t wait. C Thank you.

五. 句型转换

1.I want to be a pilot..(对画线部分提问)

-------- do------ want to be?

2.He likes his new job.(变成一般疑问句)

------- he ----- his new job?

------,he ------.(肯定回答)

------,he -------.(否定回答)

3.I come to school on foot.(对划线部分提问)

------ do ------ come to school?

六. 根据句意首字母提示补全单词,完成句子

1. John is a teacher. He t------- English.

2. Can you come to my birthday p------?

3. My father can make nice food. He is a c-----.

4. Mary t----- Bus No. 10 to school.

七. 阅读理解,回答问题,用T和F判断对错

In China some students usually go to school by bike,some by bus and some on foot.How do students in other countries usually go to school?Do you know?Let’s read the following.

John lives in New York(纽约).His home is near the school.So he go to school by scooter(滑板车).Every day it takes him about fifteen minutes to get there.He gets to school on time.

Susan is a student of a middle school in Tokyo(东京).The school is far from her home.Every day she has to go to school by underground.It takes her about forty minutes.She gets up early because she doesn’t want to be late for school.She is a good student.

Sally’s home is in London(伦敦).It is far from her school.She usually goes to school by bus.This kind of bus has two floors.It takes her an hour every day.She must get up very early every morning.She gets there early.

( )1John lives in New York ,and his school is far from his home.

( )2.Susan goes to school by bick.

( )3.Sally’s home is in London.It is far from her school.

( )4.Susan is a middle school student.

( )5.Sally usually goes to school by car.


一.T F T T F (每题2分)

二.D C C A C D A B (每题2分)

三.1.teach 2.driver 3.flying 4.children 5.has (每题2分)

6.second 7.twelfth 8.third 9.cook 10.one

四.C C A A A B B C A C (每题2分)

五.1.What you (每题2分)

2.Does like

Yes does

No doesn’t

3.How you

六.1.teaches (每题2分)




七.F F T T F (每题2分)



