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听力部分 40%


( ) 1. A. cook B. coke C. cake

( ) 2. A. right B. night C. light

( ) 3. A. catch B. watch C. match

( ) 4. A. fly away B. run away C. far away

( ) 5. A. have a nap B. have a look C. have a bath

( ) 6. A. a model plane B. a model ship C. a model car

( ) 7. A. wake B. week C. work

( ) 8. A. ring B. sing C. wing

( ) 9. A. beside B. behind C. outside

( ) 10. A. on Sunday morning

B. on Saturday afternoon

C. on Monday evening


( ) 1. A. My mother is washing her hair in the bathroom.

B. My father is washing his face in the bathroom.

C. My brother is washing his hands in the bathroom.

( ) 2. A. I usually watch TV with my grandparents.

B. I usually watch a football match with my parents.

C. I usually watch the cartoon with my friends.

( ) 3. A. Two old ladies are dozing on the beach.

B. Two old ladies are talking on the bench.

C. Two old ladies are reading on the bench.

( ) 4. A. We have Music classes in the music room.

B. We have meetings in the music room.

C. We have music shows in the music room.

( ) 5. A. Please put a new pencil case in your bag, Tom.

B. Please put a new battery in your clock, Tom.

C. Please put your T-shirt in your box, Tom.


( ) 1. A. It’s Kitty’s. B. They’re Kitty’s. C. She’s Kitty.

( ) 2. A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, she can. C. Yes, she does.

( ) 3. A. They eat grass. B. It eats grass. C. They like grass.

( ) 4. A.She’s cooking dinner. B.I’m cooking dinner. C.I’m in the kitchen.

( ) 5. A. Does he like Sunday or Thursday?

B. Does he like Sunday?

C. Is it Sunday or Thursday?

( ) 6. A. What are the children doing?

B. What are you doing, Children?

C. Where are you , Children?

( ) 7. A. What does Jill like doing in the evening?

B. Does Jill often watch cartoons in the evening?

C. What does Jill often do in the evening?


( ) 1. A. Long. B. Short. C. Tall.

( ) 2. A. In the living room. B. In the supermarket.

C. In the fruit shop.

( ) 3. A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, I do.

( ) 4. A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he can.

C. No, he can’t.

( ) 5. A. Mike. B. Fred. C. Alice


It is _________ morning. The sun is ________. Some pupils are playing in the gym. Jim and Mike like to play _________. They are playing now. __________ friend Tom is picking up the balls. Li Ming, Wang Dong and Jack are playing ___________. Linda and Kitty are playing __________. Now Tom is _________ .He is ________on the floor and drinking water. They are very happy.


( ) 1. How many people are there in the photograph?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Two.

( ) 2. Who has a pair of glasses?

A. My father. B. My mother. C. My father and Eddie.

( ) 3. What is father doing?

A. He is cooking. B. He is reading.

C. He is playing basketball.

( ) 4. Where is my mother?

A. She is behind my father.

B. She is in front of my father.

C. She is beside my father.

( ) 5. How old is my brother?

A. Five. B. Twelve. C. Seventeen.


词汇与句型 40%

I.正确抄写句子,注意大小写和标点符号: 7%

where are you maggie im washing clothes in the bathroom



1. It is nice and clean. There is a desk, a chair and a bed in it. I sleep in it. I do my homework in it. It is my___________.

2. Playing football, swimming and running are all very fun. They make me healthy and strong. I like all these _________.

3. I am always with you. Sometimes I am behind you, sometimes I am in front of you, sometimes I am by your side. But you can’t see me in the dark. I’m your _________.

4. They are a kind of fruit. They are small and red. They are smooth. Taste them. They are sweet. They are _________.

5. This pencil isn’t sharp. It is ________. I need a sharpener(卷笔刀) to sharpen it .

III.选出发音不同的单词: 5%

1.( )A . Mark B. car C. make D. park

2.( )A .boy B. noise C. voice D. room

3.( )A . thin B. Mike C. five D. mine

4.( )A . boat B. coat C. soft D. Joe

5.( )A . bee B. tea C. bread D. tree

IV.选出最恰当的答案: 10%

( ) 1. Little Lucy, ______ your book in the desk.

A. put B. puts C. is putting

( ) 2. Put on ________. Don’t get water in your eyes.

A. a swimsuit B. a swimming cap

C. a pair of swimming goggles

( ) 3. My mother usually ______ books in the bedroom. But today she is _________ in the kitchen.

A. read, reading B. reads, reading C. reading, reads

( ) 4. ______ the strawberry. How does it _______?

A. Touch, feel B. Taste, touch C. Feel, touch

( ) 5.What’s behind the door? ________.

A. There’re some toys. B. They’re toys. C. This is a toy.

( ) 6. There ______ some apple juice in the bottle.

A. are B. is C. am

( ) 7. ________ is the tortoise? It’s under the tree.

A. Where B. How C. What

( ) 8. What _______ your friend Alice like eating? Chicken.

A. is B. do C. does

( ) 9.Is Danny playing with ________?

A. he B. his C. him

( )10.The first day of a week is_______ .

A. Monday B. Sunday C. Saturday

V.用所给单词的适当形式填空: 5%

1. Danny ____ (play) basketball every Saturday, but this Saturday he isn’t.

He ____________ (make) a model plane with his son now.

2. What _________ you _______ (do) now? Are you ____________ (run)?

3. ______your dog _____(like) dog food? –No, she __________(do not)

4. Kally always _________ (watch) TV before bedtime, but now she ____________ (chat) with her parents.

VI.按要求改写句子,每格一词: 8%

1. Those are Ben and Alice’s new pencil cases. (根据划线部分提问)

new pencil cases those?

2. I like playing football. I like playing badminton.(改成选择疑问句)

you like playing football playing badminton?

3. I play basketball with my friends on Sundays. (用Jill替换I,其余作相应变化)

Jill _________ basketball with _________ friends on Sundays ?

4. Ella shakes the tree.(改成现在进行时)

Ella _________ __________ the tree now.



Look at this picture. It’s a picture of the jungle (森林). There are many animals in it. They are monkeys, pandas, bears, zebras, peacocks (孔雀) and so on. Look! They are having a sports meeting (运动会). Some animals are climbing the hill. A big monkey can climb fast. It’s at the top of the hill (在山顶). It’s clapping its hands and jumping high. A fat panda can’t climb fast. It’s eating bamboos (竹子) under the big tree. A beautiful peacock is flying above (在上方) the river near the hill. What’s near the river? There are some dogs. They are running. Spotty can run fast. It’s a winner (胜利者).

( ) 1. The animals live in the zoo.

( ) 2. The animals are having a sports meeting.

( ) 3. The small monkey is clapping and jumping at the foot of the hill.

( ) 4. The fat panda likes to eat meat

( ) 5. A peacock is flying above the hill.

VIII.根据短文,选择正确答案 :5%

It is eleven o’clock. It’s a fine day in May. The trees are green and the grass is green, too. The flowers are beautiful. The birds are singing. The butterflies are flying. Alice and her friends Mark, Sally, Flo, and Mike are in a park.

They are having a picnic on the grass. They have got a big bag of food and drinks. Alice and Mark are eating hamburgers. Sally is eating a nice apple. Mike and Flo are drinking lemonade. The boys are drinking water. There are also some fruits and sweets in the bag. The boys like pears and bananas, but the girls like plums, chocolates and sweets. They have a good time in the park today.

( ) 1. It’s a very nice day __________ May.

A. on B. in C. into

( ) 2. They _________ in the park.

A. have a picnic B. have a lesson C. have a party

( ) 3. In the park they can see some birds. They are __________.

A. singing B. flying C. singing and flying

( ) 4. It’s __________ today.

A. sun B. sunny C. cloudy

( ) 5. The children feel ________ today.

A. sad B. just so so C. happy


It is Saturday a_________. The sun is shining. We are playing in the park. S_______ girls are singing and d__________ under a big tree. Some boys are climbing the hill. Judy and May are s________ in the lakes(湖泊). Miss Fang is r_________ a story book. We are very happy.


A (An)___________



Ⅰ. Listen and choose(听一听,选出听到的内容,将字母代号写在答题纸上):

1. My mother is cooking in the kitchen.

2. The traffic light is green. Let’s go.

3. My cat can catch a big mouse.

4. The mouse sees the cat. It runs away.

5. I’m tired. I must have a nap.

6. Danny has a model car. It’s very super.

7. There are seven days in a week.

8. The doorbell is ringing. Father is coming.

9. Don’t look outside. Please listen to the teacher.

10. We are going to see a film on Saturday afternoon.

( 1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.A 9. C 10.B )

Ⅱ. Listen and choose(听一听,选出听到的句子,将字母代号写在答题纸上):

1. My mother is washing her hair in the bathroom.

2. I usually watch the cartoon with my friends.

3. Two old ladies are reading on the bench.

4. We have music shows in the music room.

5. Please put a new pencil case in your bag, Tom.

(1.A 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.A)

III. Listen and choose(听问句,选答句;听答句,选问句,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):

1. Whose skirt is that? (A)

2. Does Danny’s aunt like playing badminton? ( C )

3. What food do the sheep eat? (A)

4 What are you doing, Maggie? (B)

5. He likes Sunday. (A)

6. We are having breakfast . (B)

7. Jill often watches cartoons in the evening. ( C )

IV. Listen and choose(听小对话和问题,选择最佳答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):5%

1. A: Look! This is our classroom building.

B: Wow! It’s so tall. There are four floors.

A: Yes, but look at its shadow. Is it long?

B: No, it’s short.

A: Where is the shadow?

B: It’s behind the building, on the lawn.

Q: Is the classroom building’s shadow long or short? (B)

2. A: Danny, what are you doing?

B: I’m doing my homework in the living room. Where are you, Mum?

A: I’m shopping in the supermarket.

B: Is Dad shopping with you?

A: Yes, he wants to buy a watermelon for you.

B: Oh, thank you, Mum and Dad. I like watermelons.

Q: Where is Dad? (B)

3: A: Do you like playing badminton, Peter?

B: Yes, I often play badminton on Thursdays.

A: Do you play badminton on Tuesdays?

B: No, on Tuesdays I usually play basketball.

A: You like sports very much.

B: Yes, and I always play volleyball on Saturdays.

Q: Does Peter play badminton on Thursdays? (A)

4. A: Here are the Chens. They are busy.

B: What is Grandma doing?

A: She’s watching television now.

B: Is Mr Chen washing the dishes?

A: Yes, he is. And Mrs Chen is drying the dishes.

B: What’s Wendy doing?

A: She’s doing her homework

Question: Can Mr Chen wash the dishes? (B)

5. A: Hi, Mike. There’s a football club in our school. Do you like playing football?

B: Yes, I do. It’s my favourite sport. How about you, Fred?

A: I also like playing football. Let’s join the football club together.

B: Great!

A: Do you like playing table tennis, Mike?

B: No, I don’t.

A: Who else does like playing table tennis?

B: Alice likes playing table tennis too.

Question: Who doesn’t like playing table tennis? (A)

V. Listen and fill in the blanks(听一听,填入所缺的单词完成短文,每线一词):8%

It is Sunday morning. The sun is shining. Some pupils are playing in the gym. Jim and Mike like to play tennis. They are playing now. Their friend Tom is picking up the balls. Li Ming, Wang Dong and Jack are playing basketball. Linda and Kitty are playing badminton. Now Tom is tired. He is sitting on the floor and drinking water. They are very happy.

VI. Listen and choose the best answer(听一听,选择最佳答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):5%

This is a photograph. It is new. There are four people in it. They are my father, my mother, my brother and me.

My father is tall. He works in a big shop in Shanghai. He has a pair of glasses. He likes playing basketball. He is sitting in the chair and reading a book now. My mother is beautiful. She has brown long hair. She is next to my father. The tall boy is Eddie. He’s my big brother. He is tall and thin. He is twelve years old. Like my father, he has a pair of glasses too. The short boy is me. I am five years old. I am playing with Eddie. We have a happy family.

(1.B 2.C 3. B 4.C 5. B)


I.正确抄写句子,注意大小写和标点符号: 7%


1. bedroom 2. sports 3. shadow 4. cherries 5. blunt

III.选出发音不同的单词: 5% 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. C

IV.选出最恰当的答案: 10%

1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. B

V.用所给单词的适当形式填空: 5%

1. plays, is making 2. are, doing, running 3.Does , like , doesn’t

4. watches , is chatting

VI.按要求改写句子,每格一词: 8%

1. Whose…are 2. Do…or 3. plays …her 4.is shaking



1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F

2. VIII.根据短文,选择正确答案 5%

1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C


1. afternoon 2. some 3. dancing 4. swimming 5. reading




一、Listen and write: 下面的单词缺了第一个字母,听录音,按四线格书写规范补全单词。每小题连读两遍。(10分,每小题1分)


1. it 2. unch 3. mall 4. ilk 5. uck

6. arden 7. urry 8. acket 9. ow 10. an

二、Listen and choose: 听录音,选出相符的一项,圈住其字母代号。每小题连读两遍。(10分,每小题2分)

1、 2、 3、


4、 5、


三、Listen and judge: 根据录音内容,判断下面的图片是否与录音内容相符合。相符的在图片下方的括号里打“√”,不相符打“×”。每小题连读两遍。(10分,每小题2分)

1、 2、 3、 4、 5、

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

四、Listen and write:根据录音中的对话内容,在相应的空格中打√,本题读两遍。(10分,每格2分)






五、Listen and choose: 听问题,选出最佳答案。将答案前的字母代号填入题号前的括号内。每小题连读两遍。(10分,每小题2分)www.

( ) 1、 A: Yes, it’s. B: No, it’s not. C: No, it’s white.

( ) 2、 A:They’re jeans. B: They’re brown. C: It’s a jacket.

( ) 3、 A: There are three. B: It’s 7:00. C: They’re three.

( ) 4、 A:Yes, it’s my jacket. B: Yes, it is. C: It’s Mike’s.

( ) 5、 A: No, it isn’t a classroom. B: No, it’s a football. C: Yes, it is.

六、Listen and judge:听录音,判断下列句子与录音是否相符。相符的打“√”不相符的打“×”。每小题连读两遍。(10分,每小题2分)

( ) 1. There is a small playground in Mike’s school.

( ) 2. The canteen is near the playground.

( ) 3. The gym is on the first floor.

( ) 4. The TV room is on the second floor.

( ) 5. There are many books in the classroom.

七、Listen and write: 听录音,填入句子中所缺的单词,每空填一词。每小题连读两遍。(10分,每空1分)

1. This is my . That is your .

2. My is .

3. This is pretty,

4. What is it? It’s four .

5. It’s 9:30. It’s time for .


八、Think and choose: 选择正确的句子将对话补充完整,并将字母编号写在横线上。(共10分,每条横线2分)新课 标第 一网

A: _______________________________________

B: It’s 9:45. It’s time for P.E. class. Let’s put on the shoes.

A: Yes, they are.

B: Yes , it is.

C: What colour are they?

D: What time is it?

E: No, they aren’t.

F: My shoes are brown.

G. Where are my shoes ?

A: OK, but________________________________

B: Are they in your bag?

A: __________________________________

B: What colour are they?

A: _________________________________

B: Are they your shoes?

A:________________________Thank you .


1. Is this your dress?

2. ?

It’s pink.

3. ?

It’s 8:30

4. ?

Yes, it is.

5. ?

It’s white.


Hi,I am Amy. I have many beautiful clothers. They are colourful. But I like the pink sweater best(最). My brother John has some pretty clothers, too. They are small. He has a pair of new shoes, too. They are black.

( ) 1. Amy is my friend.

( ) 2. I have many beautiful clothes.

( ) 3. I like my pink jacket best.

( ) 4. John is my friend.

( ) 5. John’s new shoes are black.

答 案

一、1. hit 2. lunch 3. small 4. milk 5. duck

6. garden 7. hurry 8. jacket 9. now 10. van

二、 A A A B A

1. Where are my socks?

2. It’s 8 o’clock. It’s time for breakfast.

3. This is our art room.

4. I have a new dress for my birthday party.

5. Go to the playground, play football.

三、× × √ × √

1. Go to the teacher’s office. Hand in the homework.

2. Fold your dress.

3. It’s seven o’clock. It’s time to go to school.

4.Hand up your sweater.

5. Go to the canteen. Eat some noodles.

四、 Tom has a new jacket. Sarah has a nice shirt. John has a yellow

sweater. Amy has a pair of new socks. Mike has a pair of green shorts.

They like them.

五、C A B C C

1. Is the jacket yellow?

2. What are these?

3. What time is it?

4. Whose is the shirt?

5. Is this a football?


There is a big playground in Mike’s school. Where is the canteen?

Oh,The canteen is near the gym. The music room is on the first floor.The TV room is on the second floor. There are many story-books in the library.

七、1. This is my compute . That is your picture.

2. My skirt is white.

3. This red dress is pretty.

4. What time is it? It’s four o’clock.

5. It’s 9:30. It’s time for Chinese class.

八、D G E F A

九、1. Yes, it is.

2. What colour is your T-shirt?

3. What time is it?

4. Is this your jacket?

5. What colour is your shirt?

十、×√×× √



一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词(10分)

( )1、 A. garden B. green C. colour

( )2、 A. my B. five C. nine

( )3、 A. my B. five C. nine

( )4、 A. picture B. pants C. P.E.

( )5、 A. white B. five C. my

( )6、 A. red B. room C. run

( )7、 A. shirt B. jacket C. shorts

( )8、 A. four B. five C. what

( )9、 A.dinner B. lunch C. breakfast

( )10、A. picture B. pants C. Chinese.

二、 判断你听到的单词与图片是否相符,相符打√,不相符打×。(10分)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


1. What ________ is it ? It’s ________ .

2. What _________ is it ? It’s _______ o’clock

3. Where is your ________ room ? Oh , it’s on the second ________ .

4. It’s ________ . It’s time for ________ class.

5. How many________ do you have ? I have ________ .


1、 2、 3、

( ) ( ) ( )

4、 5、


( ) ( )


( )1. A. It’s on the first floor. B. Yes. C. No, it’s a library.

( )2. A. It’s Beijing. B. It’s 9:00. C. It’s time to go to school.

( )3. A. It’s fine. B. I have five. C. It’s my pen.

( )4. A. It’s my skirt. B. It’s red. C. It’s a skirt.

( )5. A. It’s Jack’s. B. It’s beautiful. C. It’s white.



1. A: What’s in the ________ room ?

B: It’s Amy’s ________ schoolbag ? (绿色)

2.Is this your ________?(牛仔裤) No, it ________. It’s Mike’s.

3. I can see three _________.

4. _________ _________ is it ?

It’s 7 _________. It’s time for go to school.

5. What _________ are my jeans? They’re _________. (蓝色的)

七、选择填空。( 10分)

( ) 1. _______ you have a library ?

A. Is B. Are C. Do

( ) 2. _______ these your shoes ?

A. Is B. Are C. Do

( ) 3. _______ dress is this ? It’s a Amy’s

A. What B.Whose C.Where

( ) 4. _______ is the washroom ? It’s on the first floor.

A. What B.Whose C.Where

( ) 5. Mike! Hang _______ your shirt.

A. on B. up C. off


( ) 1.What colour is your bag ? A. It’s ten o’clock.

( ) 2.What time is it? B. It’s on the second floor.

( ) 3.Where is your classroom? C. It’s green.

( ) 4.Where is Mike? D. Yes, I do.

( ) 5. Do you have a library? E. He is in the canteen.

九、选出划线部分读音不相同的一个单词 (10分)

( ) 1. A. bike B. rice C. fish

( ) 2. A. egg B. bed C. she

( ) 3. A. apple B. cake C. bag

( ) 4. A. ice-cream B. big C. pig

( ) 5. A. leg B. he C. me


I’m Mike. It’s seven o’clock. I get up and put on my blue jeans and purple jacket. At 7:30, I go to school. At 9 o’clock, I go to English class. At ten o’clock, I go to art room and draw some pictures. At 12 o’clock, I go to our canteen for lunch. At 3:15, I have P.E. class with my white shoes. At five o’clock , I go home.

1. What colour are the jeans? ________.

A. Black B. Brown C. Blue

2. What time does Mike get up? At ________.

A. 7:00 B.7:30 C. 8:00

3. What class does Mike have at nine o’clock? _______.

A. English B. Chinese C.Math

4、Mike have lunch at __________

A. at home B. at school C. at restaurant

5、When does Mike go home? __________

A. 5:00 B. 5:30 C.6:30



1、 garden 2、five 3、shoes 4、picture 5、white

6、room 7、shirt 8、what 9、dinner 10、 Chinese.


1、what time is it ? It’s 11:05

2、where is the washroom?

3、They are my shoes .

4、What’s this ? It’s a skirt.

5、go to the music room , sing and dance


1. What ___colour is it ? It’s blue .

2. What time is it ? It’s three o’clock

3. Where is your computer room ? Oh , it’s on the second floor .

4. It’s 9:45 . It’s time for English class.

5. How many fans do you have ? I have nine .


1、what time is it ? It’s 12:10

2、It’s 9:00 . It’s time for Chinese class

3、what’s 13 and 10 ? It’s 23

4、Wow ,the gym is so big .

5、Do you see my pants and shirt ?


1、where is the library ?

2、what time is it ?

3、how many books do you have ?

4、what colour is your skirt ?

5、whose is this ?



