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五、Read and choose.(火眼金睛谁最亮,读单词选出不同类的一项。)(10分)

1. B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C

六、Look and choose.(根据图片,选择正确的单词。)(10分)

1. D 2. E 3. B 4. A 5. C

七、Read and answer.(你问我答看谁强,看问句找答语,将序号写在前面的括号内。)(10分)

1. D 2. A3. B4. E 5.C

八、Read and choose.(单项选择,将正确答案序号填在括号内。)(10分)

1-5 BABAA 6-10 CBBAA

九、Read and choose.(根据情景选择合适的答案!)(10分)






五、Read and choose.(火眼金睛谁最亮,读单词选出不同类的一项。)(10分)

( ) 1. A. floor B. ruler C. window

( ) 2. A. door B. strong C. quiet

( ) 3. A. nurse B. farmer C. toy

( ) 4. A. key B. beef C. chicken

( ) 5. A. bowl B. fork C. tall

六、Look and choose.(根据图片,选择正确的单词。)(10分)

A.shoes B. English book C. picture D. glasses E.computer

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

七、Read and answer.(你问我答看谁强,看问句找答语,将序号写在前面的括号内。)(10分)

( )1、Is Amy in the study? A.Five.

( )2、How many people are there in your family? B. OK.

( )3、Let’s clean the classroom. C. No, thanks.

( )4、What’s his name? D. No, she isn’t.

( )5、Would you like a pear? E. His name is John.

八、Read and choose.(单项选择,将正确答案序号填在括号内。)(10分)

( )1. My friend red glasses.

A. have B. has C. is

( )2.How many ________ are there in your family?

A. people B. peoples C. man

( )3. I’m hungry. What’s ________ dinner?

A. or B. for C. on

( )4. The keys are _________ the door.

A. in B. on C. under

( )5.---What’s in your classroom? --- _________________.

A. One blackboard and desks.

B. It’s so big.

C. It’s near the door.

( )6.--- Are the pictures near the window? --- No, ________.

A. the are B. they are C. they aren’t

( )7.Daming has ________ English book.

A. a B. an C. /

( )8.Go to the ________. Watch TV.

A. kitchen B. living room C. bedroom

( )9.Let clean the floor.

A. me B. I C. my

( )10. We a new classroom.

A. have B. has C. are

九、Read and choose.(根据情景选择合适的答案!)(10分)

( )1.你想帮助别人,会说:________

A. Help yourself.

B. Let me help you.

( )2.你想知道别人书包里有什么,会说:________

A. What’s in the schoolbag?

B. What’s in your classroom?

( )3.圣诞节那天,你见到了好朋友,会说:________

A. Hello! B. Merry Christmas.

( )4.当妈妈把饭做好了,她会说:________

A. Dinner’s ready! B. Thank you.

( )5.你的妈妈是厨师,你会这样介绍:________

A. My mother is a doctor.

B. My mother is a cook.



