百文网 > 学习 > 小学学习方法 > 四年级方法 > 四年级英语




Unit 1

like喜欢 dog狗 cat猫 panda熊猫 horse马 tiger老虎

I like dogs,

I don’t like ducks.

Do you like cows?

Yes ,I do./No ,I don’t. I like pigs.

Unit 2

make制作 any一些 banana香蕉 some一些 our我们的

I have some bananas.

Do you have any oranges?

Yes, I do./No, I don’t. I have some apples.

Unit 3

thirteen十三 can 可以 fifteen十五 sure当然

eighteen十八 play玩 many许多 do 做

How many cars do you have?

I have thirteen.

What do you have?

I have some robots.

Unit 4

basketball篮球football足球jump跳 skate溜冰 swim 游泳

I can play football.

Can you skate?

Yes, I can./No, I can’t. I can swim.

Unit 5

bedroom卧室 living room客厅 clock钟 table桌子


How are you ?

Fine, thank you.

Where’s my skirt?

It’s in the bedroom.

Where are your books?

They’re on the table.

Unit 6

at 在(某处) coffee咖啡 tea 茶 juice 果汁 rice 米饭 fish鱼 big 大的

What would you like?

I’d like an egg, please.

Anything else?

Some rice, please.

Unit 7

shoe鞋子 sock袜子 twenty二十 thirty三十 forty四十 fifty 五十

Can I help you?

Yes, I’d like a ruler.

How much is it?

It’s twenty yuan.

How much are they?

They’re forty yuan.

Well done!

Thank you.

Unit 8

eye眼睛 small 小的 his他的 short短的 ear耳朵 thin瘦的 tall高的

She’s a girl. She’s thin.

He’s a boy. He’s tall.

His eyes are big.

Her ears are small.



