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二、 选出不同类的单词,将序号写在括号里。(8分)

( )1、A. pen B. ball C. pencil

( )2、A. sister B. brother C. school

( )3、A. mouth B. nurse C. driver

( )4、A. cake B. leg C. ear

三、 读句子,给下列图片标序号。(6分)ww W .x kB 1.c Om

1、She’s a teacher. 2、He’s a farmer. 3、He’s a policeman. 4、She’s a nurse. 5、He’s a driver. 6、She’s a doctor.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

四、 判断下列句子与图片是否相符,是写T,否写F。(8分)

( )1、--What’s this?

--It’s a book.

( )2、This is a kite.

( )3、--Is it a black cat?

--Yes, it is.

( )4、--How old are you?

--I’m six.

( )5、--Where is the pen?

--It’s in the book.

( )6、--This is Mr. Li.

--He’s a good teacher.

( )7、Look! This is a panda.

( )8、Point to her eyes.


( )1、-- _______(多大)are you? --I’m ten.

A. How old B. How many

( )2、--I’m nine. --I’m nine,_______.

A. to B. too

( )3、--Happy birthday, Sam. -- ______.

A. Thank you. B. Here’s your present.

( )4、--What’s this?—It’s a_______.

A. pen B. pencil

( )5、--Is it a dog?--_____.

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t.

( )6、--Where’s the book?

—It’s___ the desk.

A. on B. in

( )7、This is _____ 【我(宾格)】. I’m a pupil.

A. my B. me

( )8、This is my father. He is a ____ ( 医生 ).

A. nurse B. doctor


( )1、遇到危险时,你应该这样求助:

A.Good afternoon. B.Help ! C.Hello !

( )2、你要向同学介绍自己的妈妈,你可以这样说:

A. This is my shool. B.He’s a teacher.

B. This is my mother.

( )3、上课铃响了,老师准备上课,值日生可以这样说:

A.Stand up! B.Sit down! C.Good morning!

( )4、指一指她的鼻子,你可以这样说:

A. Point to your nose. B.Point to her nose.

C.Point to her head.



( )1、How many boys? A.Yes,it is.

( )2、How old are you? B.Thank you.

( )3、Is it a cat? C.Twelve boys.

( )4、Here’s your present. D.It’s in the blue bag.

( )5、Where’s the bird? E.I’m nine.

( )6、How are you? F.I’m Fine,thank you.






1. Ll 2. Ss

3. Ii 4. f

5. Q

二、同学们,请看清楚,选择 a 或者 an 填空哦(5分)!

1 . I’d like hot dog.

2 . Would you like egg?

3 . Helen would like ice cream.

4. This is skirt.

5. What about cake.


( )1. –What's this? – .

A. It's a sweet. B. She's Yang Ling.

( )2. –Are you Bobby? –

A. Yes, I’m not. B. Yes, I am.

( )3. –Would like a pie? –Yes, please.

A. you B. your

( )4. – . –Good evening.

A. Good evening. B. Good afternoon.

( )5. –Look me! –Great!

A. in B. at

( )6. A Cake, a pie, for you and .

A. me B. my

( )7. –This is my friend Tina. – .

A. Nice to meet you, Tina. B. No, I'm not.

( )8. –What colour is your cap? –It's .

A. nice B. black and white


( )1.你看见别人的新T恤衫时,你可以说:

A. It's great. B. Look at my new T-shirt.

( )2.你想询问对方是不是Yang Ling,可以说:

A. Hi. Are you Yang Ling? B. Good afternoon,Yang Ling.

( )3. 你想让别人看迈克的新夹克衫时,你可以说:

A. Look at my new jacket. B. Look at Mike’s new jacket.

( )4. 当你与他人告别时,说:

A. See you! B. Hello!

( )5.Mike询问对方是不是Liu Tao, Liu Tao怎么回答:

A. No,I’m not. B. Yes,I am.

( )6.当你想拒绝别人的请求时,你可以说:

A. Yes, please. B. No, thank you.

( )7.当你想询问衣服的颜色时,你可以说:

A.What’s this? B. What colour is it?

( )8.当对方赞赏你的衣服好看时,你可以说:

A. Thank you. B. How nice!

( )9.当你想问对方要不要一个蛋糕时,你可以说:

A: Would you like a cake? B: I’d like a cake.

( )10.当你第二次向对方提出建议时,你可以说:

A:Would you like a/an …? B: What about a/an …?


( )1、Hello! Are you Liu Tao? A. Hello, Tim.

( )2、Goodbye, Miss Li. B.Yes, please.

( )3、Nice to meet you, Helen. C. Goodbye, Mike.

( )4、Look at my jacket. D. No, I'm not. I'm Wang Bing.

( )5、Hello! I'm Tim. E. Nice to meet you, too.

( )6、Would you like a cake? F. How nice.


1、A. Good morning, Helen. Look at my new cap.

B. It’s red. C. Good morning, Mike.

D. It’s nice. E. Thank you. What colour is it?

2、 A. Would you like an egg? B. What about a hot dog?

C. What’s this? D. Yes, please.

E. No, thank you. F. It’s an egg.



A .my B. skirt C. red D. nice E. Good morning

A: _________.

A: Look at ________new__________.

A: What colour is it?

B: Good morning.

B: It’s __________.

B: It’s _______



