百文网 > 学习 > 小学学习方法 > 三年级方法 > 三年级英语





一、 找出一个与其他三个词不同类型的一项。(5分)

( )1、A、red B、pen C、black

( )2、A、stand B、sit C、pen

( )3、A、pen B、cake C、book

( )4、A、dog B、cat C、one

( )5、A、sister B、mother C、teacher


( ) 1、------Here is your present.

------ .

A、Thank you. B、I am nine. C、It’s a book.

( ) 2、------How old are you?

------ .

A、I’m ten. B、I am fine. C、Thank you.

( ) 3、------Where’s the pencil?

------ .

A、It’s a pencil. B、In the bag. C、No, it isn’t.

( ) 4、------What is this?

------ .

A、It’s a book. B、Nine. C、I’m Sam.

( ) 5、 brother is a driver.

A、He B、She C、His

三、在右栏中找出左栏中每个句子的答语 (10分)

1. Good afternoon. A. Good morning!

2. What’s your name? B. It’s in the desk.

3. Hello! C. I’m fine, thank you.

4. Goodbye! D. It’s a book .

5.How old are you? E. No, it isn’t.

6. Good morning! F. My name is John.

7. How are you? G. Bye-bye!

8. Where’s my book? H. Good afternoon.

9. Is it red? I. Hi!

10.what’s this? J. I am ten.


1. 当你想问别人叫什么名字时,你会说:( )

A. what’s your name? B. how are you ?

2.有一天,你在街上遇见一位很久没有见面的同学?( )

A. How are you? B. Here you are.

3. 你想知道哥哥在哪,应该问:( )

A. Where is my brother? B. Where is my sister?

4. 当别人对你说"Happy birthday!"时,你应该说:( )

A. Happy birthday. B. Thank you.

5. 你想向别人介绍你的妈妈,你应该说: ( )

A. This is my mother. B. What’s my mother.

五、给下列单词分类。( 把单词前的数字写在横线上)( 10分)

1.book 2.bird 3.ear 4.red 5.panda 6.blue 7.grandmother 8.nose 9.dog 10.schoolbag 11.cat 12. father 13.green 14.mouth 15.pencil 16.mother 17. yellow 18. brother 19.pen 20.hand

文具______________颜色 ______________动物_________________



This is my family. My grandpa 、my grandma 、my father 、my mother and I . My grandpa is a doctor. He is 62. My grandma is 60. She is a teacher. My mother is 38. She is a nurse . My father is 40. He is a policeman. My name is Daming. I’m eleven. I’m a pupil. I love my family.

( )1、How old is his grandpa?

A、 38 B、 62 C、40

( ) 2、How old is his mother?

A、 38 B、 60 C、40

( )3、Is his father a doctor?

A、 Yes, he is. B、No, he isn’t. C、He is a teacher.

( )4、How many people(人) are there in the family?

A、Six B、Seven C、Five

( ) 5、What am I ?

A、pupil B、policeman C、farmer






二、 将左右两边的单词连接起来使其组成一个短语。(10分)

go to holiday listen to books

at the work play CDs

have weekend read football

on flute watch home

play the lunch go TV


( ) 1) We ¬ ______ wear jackets.

A not B doesn't C don't

( ) 2) . I like summer .it’s________.

A warm B hot C cold

( ) 3) I go ______ train .

A by B on C for

( ) 4) I play football _____ 7 o'clock _____ the afternoon.

A at , at B at , in C in , in

( ) 5) It _______ autumn .

A is B a C does

( ) 6) ______ he go to school by car ?

A Do B Is C Does


1) Where do you live ? I play football.

2) Doe she like football? Yes , she does .

3) What do you do at the weekend ? I live in Dalian .

4) Where do you play ping-pong ? I walk to school .

5) How do you go to school ? At the park


jug art teddy rabbit vase

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )



