百文网 > 学习 > 小学学习方法 > 三年级方法 > 三年级英语





1. chopsticks 胜利者

2. winner 饥饿的

3. hungry 哭

4. quiet 筷子

5. cry 安静是


( )1. A. run B. basketball C. jump

( )2. A. slow B. fast C. fly

( )3. A. noodles B. can C. dumplings

( )4. A. swim B. fish C. bird

( )5. A. sing B. dance C. plane


( )1. -Do you use chopsticks in the UK?

-No, ___________.

A. we don’t B.I do C. we do

( )2. We __________ a knife and fork.

A. do B. has C. use

( )3. The noodles _________ good.

A. am B. is C. are

( )4. It’s easy __________ English people.

A.for B.to C.with

( )5. _______you want a hamburger?

A.Do B.are C.Is

( )6. We’re making __________ cake for you.

A.a B.an C. /

( )7. Please ___________!

A.to stop B.stopping C.stop

( )8. Let’s make a cake ________ Mum and Dad!

A.to B.for C.with

( )9. Please _______ quiet! I’m working.

A.be B.do C.use

( )10. We’re ________ a plane.

A.make B.to make C.making


( )1. Do you want noodles? A. 你正在吃什么?

( )2. What are you eating? B. 你想要面条吗?

( )3. Good idea. C. Amy正在弹钢琴。

( )4. Amy’s playing the piano. D. 让我们喂鸭子吧。

( )5. Let’s feed the ducks. E. 好主意。


( )1. 当你想表达“它们很淘气”时,应说:________

A. They’re lovely. B. They’re naughty.

( )2. 当你想表达“它们正藏在树下”时,应说:_________

A. They are hiding the tree.

B. They are hiding under the tree.

( )3. 当你想表达“这些是纸花”时,应说:___________

A. This is paper flowers. B. These are paper flowers.

( )4. 当你想表达“鸭子们正在往这边来”时,应说:__________

A. The ducks are come now. B. The ducks are coming now.

( )5. 当你想知道那些是什么时,应问:________

A. What are those? B. What is that?


A.watching TV B.get


一、 正确书写所给字母的大小写。

1.F_________ 2.H ________ 3.E ________ 4.q _________ 5.t_________


( )1.penA. 钢笔 B. 铅笔 C. 书包

( )2.ear A. 眼睛 B. 嘴 C. 耳朵

( )3.apple A. 苹果 B. 香蕉 C. 葡萄

( )4.red A. 红色 B. 黄色 C. 绿色

( )5.Chinese A. 日语 B. 英语 C. 汉语

三、 找出下面三个单词中与其他两个不同类的那个单词,将其正确的序号填入题前括号内。

( )1. A. pen B. pencil C. leg

( )2. A. eye B. mouth C. teacher

( )3. A. pencil B. Chinese C. English

( )4. A. table B. bag C. chair

( )5. A. cat B. eraser C. dog

四、 把下面的英语单词和其汉语对应起来,将其序号填入题前括号内。

( )1.book A. 书本 B. 铅笔

( )2.panda A.猴子 B. 熊猫

( )3.green A. 绿色 B. 黄色

( )4.basketball A.足球B.篮球

( )5.cool A. 暖和的 B. 凉爽的(酷的)


( )1. Good morning. A. 见到你很高兴。

( )2. Nice to meet you. B. 早上好

( )3. two big eyes. C. 十岁了

( )4. Ten years old. D. 摸你的眼睛

( )5. touch your eyes. E. 两只大眼睛


( )1.Where is your bag ? A. It’s a pencil.

( )2.Is this your pen ? B. My bag is blue.

( )3.What color is your bag ? C. I am ten years old .

( )4.How old are you ? D. It’s on the desk .

( )5.What’s this ? E. No ,it isn’t.It’s Li Hong’s .


( )1.见到你很高兴,怎么说?

A. Nice to meet you . B. How are you ?

( )2.你想知道对方的名字,应该怎么问 ?

A.Hello ! What’s your name ? B.Yes , My name is John.

( )3.你在路边捡到一只钢笔,你问你的同桌说这是你的钢笔吗?你该怎么说?

A. Where is your pen ?. B. Is this your pen ?

( )4.有八个苹果。

A. There are eight apples. B. She has eight apples.

( )5.你今年多大了,应该怎么说:

A. How are you ? . B. How old are you ?



