百文网 > 学习 > 小学学习方法 > 三年级方法 > 三年级英语





1. play games can computer you?



2.do want many you how?



3. time up it to get is.




( )1.How about this shirt? A .Fourteen dollars.

( )2.How much is it ? B.Fourteen.

( )3.How old is your brother? C.Oh,it’s nice.

( )4.How many elephants? D.Great!

( )5.Let’s make a snowman. E.It’s a pear.

( )6.Is it cold? F.He’s twelve.

( )7.What are these? G.Yes,it is.

( )8.What is this? H.They’re bananas.


1. I sleep ________ nine ten.

A. in B.at C.to

2. My socks _________ yellow and white.

A. are B.is C.isn’t

3. What time ________ you get up?

A.are B.do C.Do

4. I’m _________ a snowball.

A. make B.making C.makes

5. I skate ________Tuesday.

A. in B.at C.on

6. Can you jump? Yes, I ________

A. can B.do C.am

7. Show ________that red cap,please.

A. my B.I C.me

四、 把下列各题的句子重新排列成完整的一段话。

1. OK,You count,Tutu. 2.Where is Mike?

3.Let’s play Hide-n-Seek. 4.Jack’s behind the chair.

5.Oh, there he is! 6.OK,1,2,3…Ready?



Hello, my name is Bill. I have a sister. Her name is Lily.She is a nice girl. There is a yellow flower on her head. We like snow. We’re making a snowman now.Lily smiles, and I smile,too. We are happy.

(1)Bill has a sister.( )

(2)There is a red flower on Lily’s head.( )

(3)Lily has a brother.( )

(4)They are playing computer games.( )

(5)Bill and Lily are very happy now.( )



( ) 1.A. dad B. mother C .grandpa

( ) 2.A. morning B. afternoon C .today

( ) 3.A. pencil B. book C. school

( ) 4.A. kangaroo B. lion C. lock

( ) 5.A. red B. one C. green

( ) 6.A. girl B. boy C .woman

( ) 7.A. class B. school C. pen

( ) 8.A. China B. Canada C. USA

( ) 9.A. mother B. father C.teacher

( ) 10. A.twelve B . five C. picture


1.( )-----______is that woman ?

----She is my English teacher ,Miss Chen .

A. Where B .whoC. what

2.( )-----How many _______can you see ?


A. kite B. kites C. cat

3.( )I _____a new friend . Her name is Alice .

A. am B .have C. has

4.( )------Who is that girl ?

-------_____ is my sister.

A. I B. He C .She

5.( )------______ are you from ?

------I’m from America.

A. Where B .Who C. How many

6.( )------Happy Women’s Day ! Miss White! ------________

A .Happy Women’s Day B .Thank you C. Good idea

7.( )------How are you?


A. How are you? B. I’m fine, thank you. C. I am six.

8.( )------How many pens do you have?


A. I have four B. I can see four. C. Yes, I am.

9.( )------Who’s that man?


A. He’s my father.B. She’s my mother. C. I am a girl.

10.( )------I’m sorry!


A.I’m sorry! B. It’s OK! C. No.

三 、请根据下面情景, 选择恰当的选项。

( ) 1. 当别人问Amy来自哪里, 她应回答说::___________

A. You’re welcome. B. I’m from America. C. My name is Amy.

( ) 2.当你很惊讶地看到一条大鱼时, 应说: _______.

A. What a big goose! B. Howbeautiful! C. What a big fish!

( ) 3. 当你把物品给别人时, 应说: ______.

A. It’s here. B. Here you are. C. Here it is.

( ) 4. Mike 来自Canada,他用餐时喜欢使用 ______.

A. chopsticks B. knife C. fork and knife

( ) 5. 当看到别人要摔倒时,应说:_________.

A. Watch TV. B. Watch out. C. Look at me.



( ) 1. What’s that? A. I have thirteen pencils

( ) 2. Who’s that woman? B. That’s a pen.

( ) 3. How are you? C. I’m from China.

( ) 4. How old are you? D. Sure.

( ) 5. Where are you from? E. She is a teacher.

( ) 6. How many monkeys can you see? F. I’m fine.

( ) 7. Can I have some ice-cream? G. She is my mother.

( ) 8. How many pencils do you have? H. I’m eleven

( ) 9. What’s your mother? I. I can see twenty-two monkeys?


Mike and John are good friends. Mike is twelve. John is thirteen. They are good students. They like hamburgers. Miss White is their (他们的)English teacher. She likes them very much.

( ) 1. Mike and John are good friends.

( ) 2. Mike is twelve.

( ) 3. John is twelve, too.

( ) 4. Tom likes hamburgers.

( ) 5. Miss White thinks(认为)they are good students.


一、根据图片,在括号里写出单词的英文大写字母编号。( 8 % )

A、head B、foot C、nose D、arm

E、hair F、eye G、face H、hand

二、听句子,选择单词填写在横线上。(5 % )

1 . Wash your ______________ ( hand , hands ) .

2 . Brush your ________________ ( head , hair ) .

3 . Touch your ________________ ( face , nose ) .

4 . Raise your right ________________ ( leg , arm )

5 . This is ______________________ ( your ,my)

四、选出相应的答句,把所选答句的字母编号写在括号内。(8 % )

( ) 1.Good afternoon. A . Good morning . B. Good afternoon .

( ) 2.What’s your name? A . I am Ben Webb . B . Hello .

( ) 3.Wash your hands. A . All right , Dad . B . Thank you .

( ) 4.How are you ? A . How are you ? B . I am fine , thank you .

五、用英语在方框内写出下列人体部位的名称。(8 % )

七、选出符合图意的句子,于巴具编号与任括号内。(10 % )

( ) 1 . A . Touch your nose . B . Touch your mouth .

C . Touch your toes .

( )2 . A . Raise your left arm . B . Raise your right leg .

C . Raise your left leg .

( )3 . A . Wash your hands . B . Wash your face .

C . Wash you hair .

( ) 4. A. Raise your atms. B. Raise your legs.

C. Raise your right arm.

( ) 5. A. Clean your teeth. B. Clean your nose.

C. Brush your teeth.

八、判断句子是否符合图意,如符合在括号内写“T ”否则写“F ”。(8 % )

( )1、 Wash your face . ( )2、 Raise your right leg .( )3、Raise your hands . ( )4、 Touch your toes .



( ) 1. A. she B. he C. goodbye

( ) 2. A. morning B. afternoon C. good

( ) 3. A. I B. my C. you

( ) 4. A. are B. am C. yes

( ) 5. A. father B. family C.brother


1.sister(对应词)_________ 2. is(复数)_________

3.我的家庭(翻译)__________ 4. friends(单数)_________

5. I(物主代词)__________ 6. too(同音词)_________

7. goodbye(同义词)__________ 8. hi(同义词)__________

9. she’s(完整形式)___________ 10. I am(缩写形式)_________

11. 一位好朋友(翻译)_________ 12. he(对应词)_________



1.How many ____?

A .plate

B .plates

2.I’m nine____ old.



3.____ old are you ?

A. How


4.I see so____ candles.



5.I have ____gifts.


B. three



A.How many?

B.How are you?


A. Have some cake.

B.Can I have some cake,please.


A.Thank you.

B.Here you are.



B.You’re welcome.


A.Good idea.

B.Happy birthday.


一. 写出下列各字母的大写或小写形式。 例:R r , o O

(1) ___ a,___h, ___ j,___ k ;

(2) B___ , C___ , D___ ,E___ ,G___ , P___ ,T___ , V___ ;

(3) ___ i , ___ y ;

(4) FG___ ,LM___ , M L___ , N R___,xq___,

te ___ ,ql

(5) ___ju , ___ pq , ___i w ,UF

(6)UFT eart PRH .

二. 按字母表顺序,把各黑点连接起来,看看是什么动物。

三. 写出下列各字母的相邻字母。

(1) ___ B ___ (2) ___ f ___ (3) ___ J ___

(4) ___ n ___ (5) ___ R ___ (6) ___ v ___

(7) ___ Y ___ (8) ___ d ___ (9) ___ g ___

(10) ___ K ___



two ( ) five ( ) one ( ) seven ( ) ten ( )

three ( ) eight ( ) four ( ) six( ) nine( )


A.six B. seven C. three D. five E. ten F. eight

1. two + four =__________

2. nine ÷ three =_____________

3. four + ____________= nine

4.seven + three =_____________

5. _______ - one = six

6.two × four =_______________


( )How old are you? A. Ten gifts.

( )How many gifts? B. Sure. Here you are.

( )May I have a look? C. Thank you.

( )Can I have some juice? D. I’m fine, thank you.

( )How are you? E. Great!

( )This is for you. F. Thanks.

( )Happy birthday! G. OK. Here you are.

( )Let’s eat the cake. H. I’m 10.


A. Thank you.

B. 5.

C. Very well, thanks.

D. No, thanks.

E. I’m 8.

( )1. How are you?


( )2.How old are you?


( )3. How many balloons?


( )4. Happy birthday.


( )5.Have some juice.



( ) 1.Happy teacher’s day. A .Nice to meet you too.

( )2.Nice to meet you. B. Thank you.

( )3.Can I have some cakes? C. Sure. Here you are.

( )4.Let’s go to school. D. Good afternoon.

( )5.Good afternoon. E. Ok.


1.______ clever the boy is!

A.How B.What C.What a

2.________ exciting sport it is to go bike riding!

A. What a B. What an C. What D. How

3._________they had _________with each other over a cup of coffee!

A. How fun, chatting B. What fun, chatting

C. What a fun, chatting D. What a fun, chatted

4. lovely the squirrel is!

A. What a B. How C. What D. How a

5._______a beautiful car! I've never seen it before.

A.What B.Which C.How D.Whether

6.______ fun it is to have ice cream in hot summer!

A. What a B. How C. What D. How a

7._____ lovely dog!

A. How B. What a C. What

8._________ useful advice she gave you ! You should listen to her.

A. How B. How a C. What D. What a

9.Look! playful the boy is! He is jumping up and down with excitement.

A. What B. How C. What a D. How a

10.---__________ weather it is! We can’t go boating on the Xuanwu Lake.

---Don’t worry. Let’s go to the Science Museum instead.

A. What good B. How good C. How bad D. What bad

11.—The newSPAper said, “LiNa is on Time cover”.

—____________exciting news it is!

A. What B. How C. What a D. How a

12.--- Do you know Shenzhou X is flying in space?

--- exciting news!

A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

13.______ good news they told us yesterday!

A. How a B. How C. What D. What a

14.- ______ amazing program The Voice of China is!

- Yes. There are ______ many people who like to watch it.

A. What; such B. How; so C. What an; so D. How; such

15.--- ______ hard work you have done!

--- It’s very kind of you to say so.

A. What B. How C. What a D. How a



1. PRC( ) 2. GTP( ) 3. 231( ) 4. 917( )

QST( ) PTO ( ) 132( ) 971( )

5. this( ) 6. am( ) 7. how( ) 8. hair( )

that( ) are( ) hello( ) hand( )


( ) 1、A. Good evening,Janet. B. Good afternoon,Janet.

( ) 2、A. I’m fine,thanks. B. I’m fine too, thank you.

( ) 3、A. Nice to meet you. B. Nice to meet you too.

( ) 4、A. My name is Sally. B. I’m Sally.

( ) 5、A. This is Chen Mim. B. This is Ben.


( )1. Hello, is Mr. Chen.A. this B. it

( )2. How you.A. is B. are

( )3. My is Janet.A. name B. brother

( )4. I’m , thank you.A.five B.fine

( )5.Hi, I’m new teacher.A. you B.your

( )6. morning.A. Good B.How


1. M 2. B 3. J 4. E 5. x

6. K 7. H 8. l 9. f 10. i


( )1. A:What’s your name? B:

A.Hello. B.My name is Xiaohong. C.Thanks.

( )2. A:Hello, Miss White. B:

A. Hello. B. I’m Jiamin. C. I’m OK.

( )3. A:Good afternoon,children. B:

A. Good evening, Mr White.B. Good afternoon, Mr White.

C. Good morning, Mr White.

( )4. A:How are you? B:

A. Nice to meet you. B. I’m fine,thanks. C. And you?

( )5. A:This is my brother, Ben. B:

A. Hi, Ben. B. I’m Ben. C. Thank you.

( )6. A:Good morning, Xiaoling. B:

A. I’m OK,thanks. B. Good morning, Jiamin.

B. C.I’m zhou yongxian.

( )7. A:Hello, am Lihong.

A. I B. my C.you

( )8. A:Nice to meet .

A. me B.your C.you

()9. A:Good evening, Liling. B:

A. Goodbye, Mike. B. Hello, class. C. Good evening, Mike.


( )—( )—( )—( )—( )

A. Nice to meet you too. B. Hello. What’s your name?

C. I’m Zhang Xiaoling. And what’s your name ? ww w.X kb1.coM

D. Nice to meet you, Ben. E. My name’s Ben.


A: Good morning, Mrs Gao.


A:This is Mrs Gao.

B: Nice to meet you, Mrs Gao.

C: , Miss Liu.


A: Hello !

B: Hi !

A: I’m Mr He. What’s your name ?

B: I’m Deming.

A: are you, Deming ?

B: I’m , you ?

A: I’m OK



