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小升初英语语法归纳:状语从句及被动语态Be done(合集两篇)



状语就是在一句话中,表达该句的时间,地点,方式,原因,条件等的成分。 那么状语从句就是用一个从句,表示状语。







连词:when,while ,as soon as , not…until , before,after,since,etc.


eg.:I will visit my good friend when I have time.

Someone knocked at the door when/while I was sleeping.

He didn't go to bed until he finished his homework.


连词:where, wherever, anywhere, everywhere,nowhere

You can go anywhere you like.


连词: if,unless除非, as/so long as只要,once一旦

eg.:If it doesn't rain tomorrow,we will go there by bike.

You'll fail in the exam unless you work harder.


连词: so taht,so+adj./adv.+that, such+n.+that

eg.: She was so angry that she couldn't speak.

She worked hard so that everything got ready by 6 o'clock.


连词: so that,in order that

eg.: Please speak more slowly so that we can make full notes.


连词: although, though, as, even though/if, whether…or not, no matter+疑问词/疑问词-ever


连词:because, since/now that, as



连词:as…as, not as/so…as, …than


连词:as,as if/though好像

小升初英语语法归纳:被动语态be done

被动语态be done

时态 主动语态 被动语态 例句 主动语态 被动语态 一般现在时 do/does Am/is /are done Cats eat fish. Fish are eaten by cats.

一般过去时 did Was/were done He made the kite. The kite was made by him.

现在进行时 am/is are doing Am/is/are being done She is watering flowers. Flowers are being watered by her.

过去进行时 Was/were doing Was/were beiing done She was writing a letter at this time yesterday. A letter was being written by her at this time yesterday.

现在完成时 have/has done Have/has been done I have finished the work. The work has been finished by me. 过去完成时 had done Had been done I had finished the work. The work had been finished by me.

一般将来时 Will/shall/be going to do Will/shall/be going to be done They will plant trees tomorrow. Trees will be planted by them tomorrow.

含有情态动词 can/may/must do can/may/must be done I can find him. He can be found by me.



