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一、1. × 2. × 3. √ 4. √ 5. ×

二、1B 2D 3B 4E 5A

三、1. what 2. Who 3. Where 4. How 5. When

四、1. What should you do then?

2. He likes riding a bike, too.

3. Where does she work?

4. It’s next to the hospital.

5. How can I get to Zhongshan park?

五、1. collecting stamps 2. green leaves 3 . west of 4. Anything else 5. straight ahead

六、 1A 2B 3A 4B 5A





一、 判断每组单词画线部分的发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不同的打“×。(5分)

1. subway 2. bookstore 3. how

supermarket ( ) easy ( ) down ( )

4. cleaner 5. learn

teacher ( ) pleasure ( )


( )1. Lucy _______ to school by bus every day.

A. go B. goes C. is going to go

( )2. Do you like______?

A. swim B. swimming C. swimming

( )3. Look a ________ picture.

A. five B. fifth C. the fifth

( )4. Mike is going to buy a notebook________.

A. now B. this evening C. every day

( )5. The bed ______ the right is hers.

A. on B. in C. at


where how when what who

1. --__________ are you going to be?

-- I’m going to be artist.

2. --________is that tall girl?

-- She’s Jim’s little sister.

3. --________ does his pen pal live?

-- He lives in Shanghai.

4. --________ do you go to the park?

-- We call go there by bike.

5. --______is Jim’s birthday?

-- It’s February the twelfth.


1. then what do you should (?)


2. riding he bike a too likes (.)


3. does where work she (?)


4. hospital next it’s to the (.)


5. can I how to Zhongshan Park get (?)



1. 我的爱好足收集邮票。

My hobby is _____ ________.

2. 我的植物有两片绿叶子。

My plant has two _____ _______.

3. 医院在书店的西面。

The hospital is______ _______ the bookstore.

4. “今天晚卜我将要做作业,打扫房间。” “还有其他的么?”

--I’m going do my homework and clean my room this evening。

--______ _____?

5. “书店在哪?”“一直向前走。”

--Where is the bookstore?

--Go ______ _____.


Dear Mummy,

How are you? I am fine at school Tomorrow is National Day. We don’t have to go to school. I am going to take a trip with my friends in the morning. I am going to Zhongshan Park. I am going there by bike. It’s near our school in the afternoon. I going to the bookstore and buy some new books. In the evening,I am going to watch TV. What are you going to do tomorrow? Can you tell me?

Your son,



( )1. What’s the date tomorrow?

A. Oct. 1st. B. Nov. 1st.

( )2. Where is Tom going On National Day morning?

A. The bookstore B. Zhongshan Park

( )3. How does Tom going to the park?

A. Ride a bike B. On foot

( )4. Is the park far from Tom’s school?

A. Yes,it is B. No.It isn’t

( )5. What is Tom going to do in the bookstore?

A. Buy some new books. B. Take a trip.



姓名 Jack

年龄 11

职业 学生

上学 坐公交车

爱好 踢足球,打篮球

晚上的活动 做作业,看漫画书,看电视



