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T: Let’s sing a song 《I stop, I look, I listen.》 OK?

Ss: Yes. (Sing the song.)

T: Good morning, everyone!

Ss: Good morning, Miss Lu!

T: How are you today?

Ss: Fine, thanks. And you?

T: I’m fine, too. What day is it today ?

Ss: It’s Tuesday.



T: (Taking some word-cards)

Now, look at me. What’s this?

S1: Library.

T: Very good. Together, what’s this?

Ss: Library.

T: Well done. But how to spell?

Ss: L—i—b—r—a—r—y.

(Then, review the words “ride bike violin piano ead ” in the same way. )

T: What do you do after school ?

S1: I play the piano.

S2: I read an English book. What do you do after school?

S3: I ride my bike.

(Then, Ss ask and answer by each other. )

T: OK, class, please ask me .

Ss: What do you do after school?

T: I read an English book.



T: Shh… Look there, (point to the screen of a computer)

I play…

Ss: …play table-tennis

T: Great! Do you want to know what kind of the ball Ken plays ?



