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1—5 ACACB 6—10 CCBAD 11—15 BCDCD

三、完形填空(10分,每小题1分) 1—5 ABDDC 6—10 ADCCB

四、阅读理解。(1—5 题,每小题1分,6—15 小题,每小题2分小题,共25分) 1—5 FTFTT 6—10 ABDCD 11—15 CACBD


1. trouble 2. doubt 3. prevent 4. weak 5. hero 6. rubbish / litter / wastes

7. basic 8. cancel 9. praise 10. population


1.done keep / make 2.Thanks to / Because of 3.make, building / making 4.used studying / learning 5.looking forward

七、综合填空: 1. travellers 2.for 3.enjoy 4.that 5. instead 6.crowded

7.either 8.say 9.next 10.known


Our school is a countryside school. It was built ten years ago. There are two big buildings in our school. One is a teaching building , the other is a library. There is a playground in front of them . We often play basketball on it after school. Every spring we plant many trees around the school and we also plant some flowers in the school garden . Great changes have taken place in our school in the last five years. Now our school is getting more and more beautiful. I love our school.




1.Listen to the news . China has sent up Shengzhou ⅥSPAceship into space .

2.The two cities are connected by the railway .

3.It’s necessary for us to have a physical examination each year .

4. We make computers serve our lives better in the future .

5.Because of the bad weather , we have to cancel the sports meet .


1.Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng landed on the earth successfully on October 17,2005.

2. Thank you for your introduction about this technology.

3.How are you feeling after a long space journey ?

4.It’s very important to master technology .

5.I don’t think you can fix the tiny computer by yourself .


1.A:Excuse me ,Mr. Li. Would you please speak a little more slowly ?

B:Sorry .

Q:Why does the man say sorry ?

2. A:You fought with Xiao Zeng, didn’t you?

B:Yes, Miss Wang.But you don’t know the truth of the matter .

A:In a word , it’s not right to fight with each other .At first, you should realize your mistake.

As for Xiao Zeng , I’ll punish him .

Q:What will Miss Wang do with Xiao Zeng ?

3. A:Mr. Yang , can you give me some advice on how to write an English composition ?

B:First, you should consider the topic carefully. Then , an outline ought to be drawn up . After that , you can write your composition .Finally , check it carefully .

A:Thank you, Mr. Yang. I’ll follow your suggestion .

Q:When you write your composition, which are the right steps ?

4. A:How long have you been away from our hometwon, John ?

B:For nearly 20 years .

A:Oh, that’s a long time. Great changes have taken place in our hometwon .You should come back to have a look . I’m sure when you reach our hometwon, you’ll think you’re in a strange place.

Q:Why will John think he is in a strange place ?

5. A:Rita, why didn’t you raise your hand in class ?

B:I didn’t preview the new lesson last night. I dare not answer the teacher’s question . I’m afraid of making mistakes.

A:You should do as your teacher asks next time .

B:Yes, I will .

Q:Why didn’t Rita raise her hand in class ?


Miss Evans taught physics in a London school . Last month she was explaining to one of her students about sound, and she wanted to know if the students understood it . So she said to them, “ Now, I have a sister in Washington . I want to call her on the telephone . If you were 20 meters away and listened to me from the other side of the street when I rang up, who would hear what I said earlier , my sister or you , and why ? ”

The cleverest boy at once answered , “Your sister, Miss Evans, because electricity travels faster than sound .”

“Tha’s very good .” Miss Evans answered , but then one of the girls put up her hand , and Miss Evans said, “Yes , Betty ? ” “ I disagree, ” Betty said , “ Your sister would hear you earlier because when it’s eleven o’clock here , it’s only six o’clock in Washington .”




1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


( )1. A. What good news. B. I like it. C. We are excited

( )2. A. Please be proud . B. That’s really fantastic..C. It’s a pleasure

( )3. A. Let’s work hard. B. In genreal ,we are in good health.

C. It’s a great moment for us

( )4. A Thanks a lot . B. It doesn’t matter . C. I think so.

( )5. A. I will prove that it’s difficult. B. I will prove that’s impossible.

C. I will prove that I can do it .


( )1 A.Because he can’t follow . B.Because he speaks too fast .

C.Because he speaks more slowly .

( )2. A.She will punish Xiao Zeng . B. She will realize her mistakes.

C.She will fight with Xiao Zeng .

( )3. A. Consider the topic→draw up an outline→write the composition→check carefully.

B.Consider the topic→ check carefully→ draw up an outline→write the composition.

C.Consider the topic→draw up an outline→check carefully→write the composition.

( )4. A.Because he is in a strange place . B.Because he feels excited .

C.Because his hometwon has changed a lot.

( )5. A.Because she had sore eyes. B.Because she didn’t sleep well at night .

C.Because she didn’t preview the new lesson last night.


( )1. Miss Evans taught physics at a school in .

A.London B. the country . C. Washington .

( )2.Last month, Miss Evans was explaining to his students about .

A.sound . B.gravity . C.weitht .

( )3. The cleverest boy thought sound was than electricity .

A.fast B.slower C.faster

( )4. Miss Evans thought answer was right .

A. her sister’s B.the boy’s C.the girl’s

( )5. Betty thought the cleverest boy was wrong ,because .

A.electricity is slower than sound .

B. .electricity is faster than sound .

C.clocks in Washington showed a different time from those in London .

二、单项选择(15分,每小题1分) 从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。

( )1. —Listen! .

—Oh,let's go to the classroom

A. There goes the bell B. There's the bell

C. There the bell goes D. The bell goes there

( )2. My parents and I have come back from our hometown.

A. ever B. never C. just D. often

( )3. — Who was it _____?

— Thomas Edison.

A. invented by B. invented from C. invented of D. invented in

( )4. my daughter is only five years old, she can read and write.

A. But B. And C. Though D. So

( )5. — _____ my teacher’s help, I made great progress.

— You should thank her.

A. Under B. With C. Without D. For

( )6. —Could you please tell me ?

—I do a lot of things every day.

A. what do you do B. what did you do

C. what you do D. what you did

( )7. That story sounds _____.

A. interest B. interests C. interesting D. interested

( )8. _____ playing computer too much is bad for your study and health.

A. No doubt that B. There is no doubt that

C. There are no doubt that D. There isn’t doubt that

( )9. —_______ was the population of China in 2005?

— About 1.3 billion, I’m sure of that.

A. What B. How much

C. How many D. What size

( )10. — Do you like your parents, Maria?

—Of course. Though they love me a lot, they are ________me.

A. worried about B. interested in

C. good for D. strict with

( )11.Mr. Wang spent two hours ______ TV yesterday.

A. watch B. watching C. watched D. to watch( )12. He can’t help _____ the answers when he can’t work out the problems.

A. turn to B. to turn C. turning to D. turned to

( ) 13. The bus kept the people _____ for twenty minutes.

A. wait B. waits C. to wait D. waiting

( ) 14.— Our holiday cost a lot of money.

— Did it? Well, it doesn’t matter _ ____ we enjoyed ourselves.

A. unless B. so C. as long as D. so that

( ) 15.— What are we supposed to do first if we want to develop our village?

— Lots of new roads _____, I think.

A. must built B. can build C. can be built D. must be built


阅读下面短文, 从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。

Ben and his classmates are watching a DVD about the environment. A long time ago , most towns and villages were very small . The number of people 1 lived in every country was much smaller than it is today, too. There was 2 heavy industry . People did not use chemicals .There were no motor vehicles and there were no factories . So there was very 3 polution .

Sadly , our environment is much dirtier than 4 was in the past . This is a 5 because the best way for us to be healthy is to live in a clean environment .

The air and water are much dirtier than they 6 be . The chemical factories and cars 7 terrible gas .The water 8 with chemicals from the factories and ships .This means we are destroying our home little by little .

In the DVD we will try to find ways to 9 our environment cleaner and find ways to stop future polution .We hope you will learn 10 you can help make the world a cleaner and healthier place.

( )1.A.who B. which C. whose D. whom

( )2.A. not B. no C. few D. a few

( )3.A. much B. many C. a little D. little

( )4.A. he B.she C. one D. it

( )5.A. question B. bridge C. problem D. difficulty

( )6.A. used to B. are used to C. were used to D. was used to

( )7.A. clone B. afford C. take D. produce

( )8.A.pollutes B. polluted C. is polluted D.has polluted

( )9.A.consider B. give C. make D. develop

( )10.A. because B. how C. what D. why

四、阅读理解。(1—5 题,每小题1分,6—15 小题,每小题2分小题,共25分)



Computers are useful machines .They can help people a lot in their daily life .For example , they can help people to save much to do much work and they can help people to work out many problems .Our country asks everyone to learn to use computers except old people .

Today more and more families own computers .Parents buy computers for their children .They hope computers can help them improve their studies . Yet many of their children use computers to play games , to watch videos or to sing , so compouters cannot help children to study but make them fall behind . So computers are locked in boxes by some parents .

In some other countries , even some sicentists also hate compouters . They say computers let millions of people lose their jobs or bring them a lot of trouble . Will computers really bring trouble to people or can they bring people happiness ?

It will be decided by today’s students themselves .

( )1.Computers can help people do lots of work,so they’ll take the place of humans .

( )2. Generally speaking , young people are more interested in learning and using computers .

( )3. Some parents buy computers for their children in order to play computer games .

( )4.In some countries , computers can make people lose their jobs.

( )5.How to use computers properly will be decided by today’s students themselves .


On Sunday , April 22 nd , people all over the world take time out to appreciate the earth that we all share .It’s Earth Day , a special day to learn about our planet and how to take care of it .

On Earth Day , some people listen to speeches about the environment . Others help clean up their offices or save water and electricity at home .Your parents may even decide to take a day off from driving their cars .

The idea for Earth Day came from a U.S. Senator(参议员) . He was worried about pollution and the health of plants and animals . And the idea quickly caught on (流行起来) . In 1970 , the first Earth Day was celebrated .More than 20 million people in cities all over the U.S. took part in it .Since then ,Earth Day has been used to educate people about their roles in taking care of our planet .

Now , Earth Day has become a worldwide celebration . In 1990 , two hundred million people from 140 countries took part in clean-ups , tree planting and other environmental events on Earth Day .

( )6. Earth Day is a special day to learn about our planet and .

A.how to pay attention to the earth B. how to learn English

C. how to go to the moon D. how to make use of time

( )7.On Earth Day , we are told to .

A. go shopping B. save water and electricity at home

C. listen to music D.drive our cars

( )8.The idea for Earth Day was given by a from America .

A. farmer B. teacher C. scientist D. senator

( )9. According to the passage ,the first Earth Day was celebrated

in in .

A. 1990, the U.S.A. B. 1970, Beijing

C. 1970, America D. 1990, America

( )10. Why has Earth Day become a worldwide celebration ? Because .

A. Earth Day is on Sundays . B. we can sing songs on Earth Day

C. there are so many people on Earth Day

D. Earth Day can teach people how to take care of our planet


Everyone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It makes your heart and body strong. Children who often exercise are more alert(灵活的).This means they do better in tests and schoolwork than those who don’t exercise.

There are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games. Make sure you exercise in the following ways: you have to like what you’re doing. Exercise enough but not too much. It’s best to exercise twice each week. Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all kinds of things until you find one, two or even three sports that feel right for you.

You can exercise at fitness centers(健身中心).They have a lot of equipment(设备)there. The equipment will help exercise your arms, legs and other parts of your body to make you fit. Some people buy equipment for their homes. But it is very expensive.

Exercising can be fun. Friends can exercise together at a fitness center, or they can play sports together. How do you exercise?

( )11.In the passage, the writer tells us that we all need to ___________ .

A.drink B.sleep C.exercise D.work

( )12.Which of the following sports is not mentioned in the passage?

A.Fishing. B.Running. C.Swimming. D.Walking.

( )13.Where can we exercise according to the passage?

A.In the restaurants. B.In the hospitals.

C. At fitness centers. D.At the bus stops.

( )14.Why do we need to exercise?

A. Because we have nothing to do. B. Because it makes us strong.

C.Because it’s boring. D.Because we can spend time.

( )15.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

A. Some people buy equipment for their homes,but it’s very expensive.

B.Children who often play sports do better in the schoolwork.

C.Try all kinds of things until you find the sports that are right for you.

D. It’s best to exercise at least five times every week.


1.It is polite to help those who are in t .

2. There is no d that computers are widely used in all kinds of areas .

3.Trees can p the wind from blowing the earth away .

4.She is w in English , let’s try our best to help her improve it .

5. Liuxiang is regarded as our national h .

6.Make sure that all (垃圾) should be put into the dustbin.

7. We should learn a lot and master some (基础)skills when we are learning.

8. Computers are used in business to place and (删除)orders .

9.When a child makes a little progress in studying , we should (表扬)him for it.

10. What’s the (人口)of Laibin City ? It’s more than 2,450,000.



Something must be to our school clean and didy .


sending Chang’eⅠinto space successfully , China’s space industry is getting stronger and stronger.


Let’s work hard together to a great contribution to a harmonious society(和谐社会) .


Computers are for working and by many people .


We are to a better future for Chinese tomorrow’s space industry .


for travellers enjoy instead crowded that say known either next

Get ready ,China . The world is coming! Every day lots of foreigners come here as business people or 1 . And even more people will come in 2008 2 the Beijing Olympics . When they come to China , we should do something to help them 3 themselves and like China and the Chinese people .But there are some things they not like :

1. The traffic problems .Cars park on sidewalks .Bus driers drive so fast 4 they make people who try to cross the street afraid .

2.Queue jumping(插队) . At the post office , or even at McDonald’s , people push to the front of a line 5 of waiting .

3.Bumping(拥挤) .Too many people are 6 into buses and trains .This make people feel terrible ,and it is not safe, 7 .On a bus in North America , people try to make themselves smaller and they will 8 “ Excuse me ” or “ Sorry ” if they knock into(撞) someone . In China , people make themselves bigger with no “Sorry” or “Excuse me”.

4. Littering .Some people throw rubbish onto the ground even when there is a rubbish bin right 9 to them .

Most Chinese people are just unhappy with these kinds of things . And certainly , the government has 10 the problem and is trying to do something about them . 23 期任务阅读

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


根据以下所给中英文提示,以“I Love Our School” 为题写一篇短文。

我们学校是一所乡村学校,它建于10年前。现在校内有两幢建筑物,一幢是教学楼, 另一幢是个图书馆。在它们的前面有一个运动场。放学后,我们经常在运动场上打篮球。每年春天, 我们在学校周围种上很多树,在花园里种上一些花。最近5年,我们学校发生了很大的变化,学校越来越漂亮了。

1. a countryside school, was built ,

2. there be , big teaching buildings , one…., the other….

3. in front of, playground ,play basketball

4. every spring, plant, trees, flowers, around the school,

5. take place,more and more beautiful.

注意:1. 词数 70—80 。不得出现真实的地名、人名。

2. 必须用上所给英文提示。

3. 只抄提示词不得分。

I Love Our School



