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1. A. A nice plate B. Delicious C.For Kate

2. A. A black cat B. Very heavy C.It’s black

3. A. In the meeting room B. At eight thirty C.For about one hour

4. A.It’s a nice one B.The smaller one C.High in the sky

5. A.This afternoon B.With Jenny C.In the office



6.Who sings well?

A.Mary B.Kate C.Classmates

7.How will the man probably go to the hotel?

A.On foot B.By bus C. By subway

8.What happened to the boy?

A.He was late for school

B.He went to see a doctor

C.His father left him alone home.

9.Who thinks history is not as popular as art?

A.The man B.The woman C. Both of them

10.What’s the time now?[

A.10:15 B.10:30 C.10:45

11.Where are the two people?

A. In the man’s office B.In the woman’s home C. In a restaurant

12.What does the woman mean?

A.She has just bought a new car.

B.She has no time to help the man.

C.She will drive the man to the station.




13.What’s David doing?

A.Shopping online

B.Playing computer games

C. Studying English

14.How much will the woman pay for the dictionary?

A.60yuan B.35yuan C.25yuan

15.What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A.Buyer and seller B.Mother and son C. Teacher and student


16.When does this conversation take place?

A.In the morning B.In the afternoon C.In the evening

17.Why won’t the woman go to karaoke?

A.She doesn’t like it.

B.She can’t sing very well

C.She doesn’t want to go out

18.What are they going to do at last?

A.Have dinner B.Sing songs C.Watch TV


19.Who do you think the man is?

A. A stranger B. A friend C. A family member

20.What do we know about the woman?

A.She likes her hometown.

B. She knows little about Wuhan.

C.She’s never been away from Wuhan.

21.Which of the following used to be the oldest?

A.The science museum B.The city library C.The park

22.What does the woman suggest doing ?

A.Climbing the hills B.Having a meal C. Seeing more places


23.What happened while Mr Smith was reading?

A. A ball hit him on the head

B.Some boys went to visit him

C.Someone gave the ball back to him

24.Where was the ball finally found?

A.In the office B.On the playground C.Beside the window

25.What do you think Mr. Smith most probably was?

A. A football player B.A policeman C.A teacher

第二部分 笔试部分


26. —Would you like to play basketball with us this afternoon?

—________, but my mother is ill.

A.I don’t care B.It’s very nice of you

C.Of course not D.My pleasure


解析:本题考查情景交际。句意:—你今天下午愿意和我一起打篮球吗?—邀请我你真好,但是我妈妈病了。I don’t care我不在乎。It’s very nice of you你真好。Of course not当然不行。My pleasure乐意效劳。只有B项符合。

27.—Who is that lady?

—She’s Miss Green.She _______us music, and she is so good.

A.taught B.teaches C.will teach D.is teaching



28.—Sorry, Tom. I can’t find the book you______me.

—It’s OK. I don’t need it any more.

A.lend B.have lent C.will lend D.lent



29.I don’t feel very well, Jack.I’m afraid you______me your cold.

A.give B.had given C.have given D.would give



30.—What’s the matter,Jenny?

—_______something wrong with my bike.

A.It is B.There is C.I have D.It has


解析:本题考查There be句型。句意:—怎么啦,珍妮?—我的自行车出故障了。There be句型表示某地有某物。自行车上有故障,故要用此种句型。

31.—I had a pleasant winter vacation with my family in the north.


A.Oh, that’s nice of you B.Enjoy yourself!

C.Well done! D.Glad to hear that


解析:本题考查情景交际。句意:—我和家人在北方度过了一个愉快的寒假。—很高兴听到这个消息。A项,噢,你太棒了。Enjoy yourself祝你玩得愉快。Well done!干的好!Glad to hear that很高兴听到这个。根据上下文情景只有D项符合。

32.—I think students can have mobile phones to help with their studies.

—________.They often use them to play games.

A.I think so B.I don’t agree

C.No problem D.That’s a good idea


解析:本题考查情景交际。句意:—我认为学生们能用手机帮助他们学习。—我不同意。他们经常用手机玩游戏。I think so我也这么认为。I don’t agree我不同意。No problem没问题。That’s a good idea好主意。只有B项符合。

33.—There ’re four bedrooms in the house,_______with its own shower.

—That’s what I want.I’ve got a few kids.

A.either B.neither C.each D.none



34.—Come home before dinner time, Peter!

—I _______, Mom.

A.promise B.guess C.wish D.admire



35.Are you alone? I just want a ______word with you.

A.single B.new C.private D.certain



36.—Look, the boss is angry with Alex.

—Well, he came late again.But that’s no______to shout at him.

A.problem B.lesson C.excuse D.reason



37.—Her father tried to______that nothing unusual had happened.

—In fact, it was not serious.

A.imagine B.pretend C.mean D.warn



38.—Why did she______your invitation?

—Because she had an important meeting to attend that day.

A.turn down B.put away C.look up D.hand in


解析:本题考查动词短语辨析。Turn down拒绝;put away整理好;Look up查阅;hand in上交。句意:—她为什么拒绝你的邀请?—因为她那天有一个重要的会议要参加。

39.—I still haven’t found my pet dog.

—I’m sorry to hear that. You______be very sad.

A.can B.should C.must D.will


解析:本题考查情态动词的用法。—我仍然没有找到我的宠物狗。—很遗憾听到这个坏消息。你一定很伤心。Must be一定...表示肯定猜测。

40.—What did the teacher say to you?

—He asked me_______.

A.why I look unhappy then B.when did I go home last night

C.how could I solve the problem D.if I had got everything ready




A jobless man wanted to apply(求职) for the position of “office boy” at Microsoft.The staff manager interviewed him and gave him a 41_______: clean the floor.The man passed it; he cleaned the floor very well.

“You are hired(雇佣),”the manager told the man. “Give me your email address, and I’ll send you the form to 42________.I shall also send you the 43_______you should report for the work.”

The man replied, “I don’t have a 44________, or email!”

“I’m sorry,” said the manager. “If you don’t have email, that means you do not exist(存在). And we cannot 45_______persons who do not exist.”

The man was very 46_______.He didn’t know what to do.He only had 10 dollars with him.Once that was 47_______, he wouldn’t have any money to buy even food.He went to the supermarket and bought a box of tomatoes with his 10 dollars.He went from door to door and 48_______ the tomatoes in small bags.He doubled his money.

He 49________this three times, and returned home with 60 dollars.He realized that he could continue to live this way.He started to go earlier every day, and return later.He doubled or made even three times his money every day. Soon, he 50______a cart, then a truck.In a very short time, he had his many delivery (递送) trucks.

Five years later, the man became one of the biggest 51_______sellers in the country.He started to plan his family’s future.He called an insurance(保险)broker, a man who sells insurance.At the end of the 52_______, the broker asked him for his email address.The man replied, “I don’t have an email.”

Hearing that, the broker felt very 53_______. “You don’t have email, and yet have succeeded in becoming so 54_______.Can you imagine what you could have been if you had email?” he said aloud. The man thought for a while, and replied, “an office 55_____at Microsoft!”

If you just lost your job or just failed an interview, don’t worry, think of the positive(积极的)...Good days are on the way and something better will happen to you.

41.A.job B.hand C.chance D.test

42.A.check out B.put up C.fill in D.write down

43.A.name B.date C.address D.ticket

44.A.computer B.screen C.website D.letter

45.A.believe B.pay C.accept D.refuse

46.A.pleased B.excited C.embarrassed D.disappointed

47.A.exchanged B.spent C.wasted D.lost

48.A.divided B.showed C.kept D.sold

49.A.repeated B.reminded C.tried D.counted

50.A.borrowed B.repaired C.received D.bought

51.A.truck B.insurance C.food D.door

52.A.introduction B.conversation C.business D.story

53.A.worried B.satisfied C.upset D.surprised

54.A.clever B.healthy C.rich D.confident

55.A.boy B.secretary C.cleaner D.head


41-45 DCBAC 46-50 DBDAD 51-55 CBDCA


42.Check out检查;Put up张贴;fill in填写;write down写下来。本句说的是通过面试,经理要给他填表。故要用fill in.

43.date 日期,address地址,ticket票。此处指经理会告诉他要求上交的日期。












55.Secretary秘书,head头,领导。根据上文A jobless man wanted to apply(求职) for the position of “office boy” at Microsoft.可知,他要应聘办公室文员因没有电子邮箱而失败,因此干销售取得成功,这里首尾呼应,因此当保险经纪人惊讶他要是有电子邮件会更成功的时候,他就这样幽默的回答了。




