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1-5. CAACC 6-10 .CBCAB . 11-15 CABCB . 16-20.CCBCC.

21-25 CBDDD. 26-30 ABCAC . 31-35.ABADC . 36-40.BADAB

41-45.CBDAB 46-50.DDACB 51-55.DACBD. 56-60.CCAAD


66.What’s wrong ?/What’s up ?/What happened ?What’s the matter ?

67.I don’t want to go to school

68.It doesn’t matter./ Don’t worry .

69.be angry with me

70.Thank you ./Thanks.

71 countries. 72.thousand 73. visit 74. fell 75. relaxed

76. In 1976.

77.More than 100

78. In Paris


80.In the collectors’ magazine.




1. A. They are roses B. They are red C. Sure ,they are

2. A. I’d like to B. I like C. I would

3. A. Yes, I’ve just seen a boy hit by a car B. Yes , I need a table for three persons

C. Yes ,I need a room with two beds.

4. A.. James Hanks is from Europe. B. I live in Wall Street, London, England

C. Yes, it’s Mrs. .Taylor and I live at number 23 Finaly Street.

5. A. That’s OK. B. The weather is fine C. It’s a pity we can’t go out today

B听短对话,回答问题。问题已经给出(读一遍 )5分

6. What fruit does the girl like to eat ?

A. Apples B. Pears C. bananas

7. Who is Li Ping waiting for ?

A. His uncle . B. His father C. His mother

8 What color is Lily’s sweater ?

A. Blue B. Green C. Yellow

9. How does the girl usually go to school ?

A. By bus B. On foot C. By bike.

10. What has Linda just bought

A. .A car . B. computer C. A TVset

C. 听长对话,选择答案.问题已经给出,(播放两遍)

11. What happened to the madam ?

A. She had a car accident . B. She wanted to buy a new car . C. She lost her car.

12. Where did the madam park her car ?

A. Near Front Street B. In front of the hotel C. Near Park Street.

13. What’s the car’s number ?

A. 456JKY B. 654JKY. C. 564JKY

14.When did the madam return to the parking lot ?

A. At 10:10 B. At 10:45. C. At 3:10

15. What’s her phone number ?

A. 23253031 B. 23253041 C. 23253401


16. What was the weather like that day

A. It was quite warm . B. It was rainy C. It was very cold .

17. Why did Mrs. Owen wait until it was Saturday ?

A. Because she looked to see a lots of people in shops

B. Because she was free that day C. Because her husband was free

18 What did Mrs. Owen ask her husband to do ?

A. She asked her husband to drive for her .

B. She asked him to pay for the things and carry them for her

C. She wanted him to choose everything for her.

19.What time was it when they came out of the last shop ?

A. It was noon B. It was afternoon C. The moon had risen

20. What did Mrs. Owen see after they came out of the last shop ?

A. She saw a nice meal B. She saw some nice drink. C. she saw the moon

第二部分 笔试共80分II.单选(20)

( )21.We should clean _____ every day

A. our tooth B. our teeths C. our teeth D. teeths

( )22.The doctor told him ______ any more.

A. not smoke B. not to smoke C. don’t smoke D. doesn’t smoke

( )23.--- Oh! I came in a hurry and forgot to bring food.

--- Never mind. You can have some of ____. A. I B. me C. any D. mine

( )24 Although she is ____one-year-old woman ,she can play____piano well

A. an, the B. an , a C. a, a D, a ,the

( )25…______will you play soccer after you enter senior high school ?

… Three times a week .

A. What time B. How many times C. How long D. How often

( )26. –What ___ news ! ----Yes. We are all _____ about it.

A. exciting; excited . B. exciting ;exciting

C .an excited; excited D. excited ;exciting

( )27.After the ______working, we have finished _____of the whole work.

A. four-hour; three-fourthes B. four-hour; three-fourths

C. four-hours; three -fourths D .four-hours; three-four

( )28.---It is too cold here in winter .Let’s go _____.

---Good idea ! why not ___ Thailand ?

A .somewhere warm ; to warm B. warm somewhere ; visit

C. somewhere warm; visit D. warm somewhere ; to visit

( )29.Do you know ________?

A.what time the train leaves. B. what time leaves the train

C what time does the train leave D. the train leaves what time

( )30.Many foreign leaders arrived _ Beijing __Nov.6th 2014 to attend the APEC .

A. at on B. at in C. in on D. in in

( )31. The Changjiang River is one of the _____ in the world.

A.longest rivers B. longer rivers C. longest river D. longer river

( )32.---Are you going to Shanghai by plane ?

--- It’s fast , but expensive. So I’m not sure. I____ take a train

A. should B may C. must D will

( )33 I’m going to Sanya for the summer holiday ?-------______________!.

A.Have a good time. B. Well done C. Best wishes to you D. Thanks a lot

( )34. I never drink coffee. -------______________.

A. So do I B. So did I C. Neither did I D. Neither do I

( )3 5.If there _____no buying and selling of a nimals, there___ no killing in nature.

A. is ; is B. will be ; will be C. is ; will be D. will be ; is

III:完型填空(共10分 )根据短文内容,从四个选项中选择一个最佳答案,

Students often talk about the rules that they must obey at school . For example , they have to____36 uniforms every day. They are not __37 to wear their own clothes. However, the problem is that none of the students believes the uniforms are ___ 38 . They hope to look smart in their own clothes. But the teachers think that__ 39 they wear different kinds of clothes , they would not study __40 . Also the students should not be late for school. If 41 __ is late, the teacher will punish him or her. It is not allowed to take mobile phones into the classroom. During a test, the students should finish the paper__42 themselves. It’s wrong to talk about the answers with the o ther students. The students who are on duty should____43 the classroom before the others come to school . Any student can’t go out of the schoolyard __44__ the teacher’s permission. In the library, one ___45 to love the books and talking aloud is forbidden(禁止).

36. A. put on B. wear C. on D. in

37. A. allowed B. allowing C. allows D. allow

38. A. ugly B. clean C. new D. beautiful

39. A. if B. which C. when D. why

40. A. careful B. carefully C. hardlier D. hardly

41. A. everyone B. anyone C. someone D. no one

42. A. of B. by C. on D. in

43. A. put up B. hand up C. use up D. clean up

44. A. without B. with C. on D. in

45. A. need B. needs C. needing D. needed

IV阅读理解(共15分)根据短文内容 选择一个最佳答案

Passage 1

A little knowledge can make a difference at a time of life or death. Do you know what to do if you find yourself in an earthqua ke ?

If you are inside:

•Quickly move under a strong desk, a strong table or along a wall. You can also get into a small room like the bathroom, This will protect you from falling things. Do not get into lift.

•Don’t stand near window , large mirrors(镜子), heavy furniture or fireplace .

If you’re outside:

•Move away from buildings and streetlights. These could fall on you.

•Squat (蹲下) and protect your head until the shaking stops.

After the earthquake:

•Check , take care of injuries and help make sure people around you are all right.

•Watch out for aftershocks.

•Protect yourself by wearing long pants, a long-sleeved shirt and strong shoes.

•Listen to the radio for the latest information.

46 If you are in a tall building when an earthquake happens , you’d better ______.

A. run into a lift B. not stay in the bathroom

C. stand near large mirrors D. not stand near window

47. If you are outside during an earthquake, _______.

A. you must move into a building B. you can’t squat

C. you have to stop the shaking D. you must move away from streetlights

48 After the earthquake, you should _______.

A. look after injuries. B. not help the others around you

C. protect yourself without wearing shoes

D. not listen to the radio for the latest information

49.The underlined word “aftershocks” in the passage means “ ______” in Chinese .

A. 震撼 B.震源 C.余震 D.防震

50 The passage is mainly about ______.

A. what to do before an earthquake takes place

B. what to do if you are in an earthquake

C. how to escape from an earthquake when you’re at home

D. how to predict an earthquake in the open air.

Passage 2

Sydney Tower

Address: 100 Market St, Sydney

Phone: 02 9333 9222

Fax: 02 9333 9203

Open time: 9:00am to 10:30pm ( Saturday to 11:30 pm)

Ticket: $ 60 (for an adult) $ 30 (for a child)

Website: Sydneytower au

How to get there: train to Town Hall Station and a short walk along Market Street.

How to book tickets: by phone/ fax or through the web

Attraction: Sydney’s best views are just the beginning ! Sydney Tower takes you to the highest point above Sydney for exciting 360°views of our beautiful city.

51 S ydney Tower is ______ in Sydney, Australia.

A. The busiest street B: the biggest station C. the most beautiful D. the highest point

52 If you want to book a ticket to Sydney Tower, you can’t ________.

A.Email sydneytower @ hotmail . com B .Fax: 02 9333 9203

C. search Sydneytower . au D. dial 02 9333 9222

53.Frank wants to go to Sydney Tower with his two children,he will pay .

A. $ 60 B. $ 90 C. $ 120 D. $ 150

54.Last Saturday, John went to visit Sydney Tower. He had to get down the tower __

A. after 11:30pm B. before 11:30pm C. at 10:30pm D. by 10:30pm

55.The passage above is probably______.

A. a piece of news B. a conversation C. a story D. an advertisement

Passage 3

There has never been a better time than now to buy a new piece of technology,(技术) such as a computer. Technology usually starts out at a high price, but as time goes by it goes down in price. Now I’ve found that many new products are at good prices from the st art.There is no question about it This is a buyers’ market for sure.!

Also, as shopping on the Internet gets saf er , more people are trying to buy things in that way.The Net is where buyers can save money if they know of a few money-saving sites. The first things that a person should do is to compare the prices online stores.Sites such as pricesgrabber, techbargains, nextag and street prices will help you decide which store has the lowest price.The differences can be $500-$1000.

Remember that many stores also have large discounts (打折) on many things at certain times of the year. But I’d rather sit in front of my computer in my comfortable chair of going shopping in crowded places

56What should come first if you want to shop online ?_______

A. Cheap stores B. Good prices C. Safe Internet. D. Good technology

57If you want to buy a computer online,What should you do before you buy one ?___

A. Bargain first, then make a decision.

B. Search different online stores and buy a good one

C. Choose one and compare the prices at different online stores

D. Look for many online stores to find out whether you can a fford it

58Why does the writer prefer to shop online? Because______

A. he can save time and relaxed B. he doesn’t like shopping by himself

C. shops are too far D. the prices online are lower

59Which of the following does the writer agree to ?____

A. Shopping online is comfortable. B.The buyers’market is growing worse.

C. The Internet is really bad D. shopping in malls is not good for him

60 What would be the best title for the text?_____

A. How to buy a computer B. How to save money

B. How to use computers safely D. How to go shopping online


A: Hi, Kathy ! Do you have a plan for tomorrow ?

B: Not yet . 61__新

A: I plan to go to the book store. Would you like to go with me ?

B: Fine . 62__.

A: Well, I want to buy some story books. B: Great. What kind of books do you like ?

A: 63 . What about you ? B: I’d like to read stories like Gone with the Wind.

A: I know that book. 64 .

B: You are right . Have you read any books by young writers born in the 1980s?

A: Oh, I like reading their writings on the Internet.

B: Haha ! 65 . A: That’s right .

A; I plan to watch TV. B: It’s a good way to save money.

C. What kind of books are you going to buy? D: What are you going to do ?

E: I like short stories best . F: It’s really a great book in America .

G: It’s quite boring .

第二卷 主观题


A: You look sad ,Nancy !__66_ B: I don’t know, Grandma.I feel like doing nothing .

A: Are you ill ? B: I’m not sure .________67______

A: Why don’t you want to go to school ? B:I had an exam last week ,but I failed it.

A: _68___.You have worked hard ,I know .You were just unlucky. And one exam doesn’t mean all.

B: But I’m afraid my mother and father will ___69____ me

A: They won’t . All you should do is to keep on working hard .

B: .I will . Believe me

A: Come on ! Try the apple pie I made for you B:___70____.That is my favorite .

VII、根据短文内容, (每词只能用一次,有两个多余词 5分)

visit thousand country fall jump relax travel

Many things were invented by accident .Did you know that tea was invented by accident ? Although tea wasn’t brought to the Western ___71___until 1610, this beverage was discovered over three 72 years before that . The inventor of tea is Shen Nong . His tomb(坟墓)is in Yanling County . Many people go there to __73___the place .According to an ancient Chinese Legend, the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open fire . Some leaves from a nearby trees __74___into the water and reminded there for some time .The emperor noticed that the leaves produced a pleasant smell. He decided to taste the hot mixture. It was tasty .And one of the world’s favorite drinks was invented.

Today tea is the most popular drink in the world It can quench(解渴)people’s thirst and make them ____75____.


The first telephone cards ,produced in 1976,were Italian. Five years later the first British card appeared, and now you can buy cards in more than 100 countries. People usually start collecting cards because they are small and light and you don’t need muchSPAce for them. It is also a cheap hobby for beginners, although for some people it becomes a serious business. In Paris, for example , there is a market where you can buy telephone cards cost up to £4,000.The first Japanese card has a value of about £28,000.Most people only see cards with prices like these in their collectors’ magazine.

76 .When were the first Italian telephone cards produced ?______________

77. How many countries can produce telephone cards now ?___________

78. Where can we find a market to buy telephone cards ?_______________.

79. What is the price of the first Japanese telephone card ?_____________

80. In which magazine do most people see cards with prices ?_________

IX翻译句子翻译句子(81-86 各1分,87- 88翻译成汉语各2分。 共10分)


Students practice their spoken English__________________________

82 玩太多的电子游戏影响学习Playing computer games ______their studies

83 .我们以作为中国人而自豪We _____________________________ Chinese.

84我们应该有礼貌的和老人说话.Old people should ________________________

85 人们都在为实现中国梦而努力People are all working hard to make China dream________

86 每个人在学习上都不可避免的犯错Nobody can _____________in studies.

(B) Be careful of what to give as gifts. Giving a wrong gift or giving a gift in a wrong way can make people angry.87 In Russia ,if you want to give flowers , you should only give one. Giving people money is impolite. In America ,knives should not be given as gifts. They mean the end of friendship. The Japanese don’t like the No.9 ,either ,because it has the same reading as Japanese word for bitterness(苦) .They don’t like a gift that isn ’t wrapped (包装)beautifully. In France, you should not give wine as a gift , They can be found anywhere.88You can give flowers, but not carnations(康乃馨).They can bring bad luck.

87 ___________ 88.______

X写作( 10分)70 字左右


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