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一、(2’×6=12’) ABBAAB

二、(2’×6=12’) 426351

三、(2’×6=12’) ╳√√√╳╳

四、(1’×4=4’) AAAB



1.swim; 2.bedroom/ room; 3.panda; 4.bananas(必须是复数形式); 5.three(写成数字3不对)

六、(2’×10=20’) AABAB BBABB

七、(2’×6=12’) b f a e c d (写成大写字母不扣分)


1. small; eyes; 2. any; twenty(写成数字20不对); 3. Can(必须大写); skate; can’t

九、(1’×6=6’) would; like; else; How(必须大写); much; fifteen(写成数字15不对)

十、(2’×5=10’) ╳ √ ╳ ╳ √





( ) 1. A. tiger B. lion

( ) 2. A. cool B. cute

( ) 3. A. seventeen B. eighteen

( ) 4. A. sad B. dad

( ) 5. A. fridge B. fruit

( ) 6. A. jump B. jacket


( ) 1. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I don’t.

( ) 2. A. I like cows. B. I have a toy cow.

( ) 3. A. Thank you. B. Here you are.

( ) 4. A. They’re in the fridge. B. It’s in the fridge.



( ) 1. --- _________ are my shoes, Dad?

--- Come and look. They’re under the bed.

A. Where B. What

( ) 2. --- Do you like monkeys, Nancy? --- No, I _________.

A. don’t B. do

( ) 3. --- What’s that behind the door? --- It’s ________ umbrella.

A. a B. an

( ) 4. --- __________ are the apples? --- Twenty-five yuan.

A. How much B. How many

( ) 5. This is my father. He is tall. _________ mouth is big.

A. He B. His

( ) 6. --- Can I help you? --- ______ a hot dog and some juice, please.

A. I like B. I’d like

( ) 7. Look at the elephant. Its(它的) nose _____ long. Its ears ____big.

A. is; is B. is; are

( ) 8. --- Do you have _____stickers?

--- No, I don’t. I have _____dolls.

A. any; some B. some; any

( ) 9. 你想知道对方会不会踢足球,你可以问:

A. Do you have a football? B. Can you play football?

( ) 10. 当你想夸赞别人事情做得好时,你可以说:

A. Have a try. B. Well done.



( ) 1. Where’s my dress? a. No, I can’t.

( ) 2. Do you like this red box? b. It’s in the bathroom.

( ) 3. Can you make a fruit salad? c. Yes, they are.

( ) 4. What time is it? d. It’s a horse.

( ) 5. Are those pears? e. It’s five o’clock.

( ) 6. What’s that? f. Yes, I do.


1. 看这个布娃娃。她的鼻子很小,但是她的眼睛很大。

Look at this doll. Her nose is __________, but her __________ are big.

2. 迈克,你有一些铅笔吗? 是的。我有二十支。

--- Mike, do you have _________pencils? --- Yes. I have __________.

3. 刘涛,你会滑冰吗? 不,我不会。

--- _________ you _________, Liu Tao? --- No, I __________.十、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断文后句子的正误,正确的打“√”,错误的打“╳”。(2’×5=10’)

Hello, my name is Mary. Welcome to my new home. Look, this is my living room. You can see three sofas, a white table and a big TV in it. That’s my bedroom. It’s small, but it’s nice. You can see a yellow desk and a small bed. On the desk, you can see some books and a toy car. On the bed, you can see five dolls. I like dolls very much. I like my new home too.

( ) 1. Mary’s bedroom is big and nice.

( ) 2. Mary likes dolls very much.

( ) 3. The yellow table is in the living room.

( ) 4. The toy car is on the bed.

( ) 5. Mary likes her new home.



