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SAT2,亦称SATII,或SAT Subject,是美国大学录取应届高中生时采用的学业水平考试。那么化学有哪些知识点呢?接下来百文网小编为你整理了sat2化学知识点,一起来看看吧。


Writing Formulas (写分子式)

General Observations About Oxidation States and Formula Writing


More About Oxidation Numbers (关于氧化数)

Naming Compounds (化合物命名)

Chemical Formulas (化学分子式)

Laws of Definite Composition and Multiple Proportions (定比定律和倍比定律)

Writing and Balancing Simple Equations (写作和平衡简单方程式)

Showing Phases in Chemical Equations (化学平衡式)

Writing Ionic Equations (书写离子方程式)

Gases and theGas Laws 气体和气体定律

Introduction—Gases in the Environment(入门—环境中的气体)

Some Representative Gases(一些有代表性的气体)



General Characteristics of Gases(气体的基本特征)

Measuring the Pressure of a Gas(测量气压)

Kinetic Molecular Theory(气体动力论)

Some Particular Properties of Gases(气体的特殊性质)

Gas Laws and Related Problems(气体定律和相关的难题)

Graham’s Law(格锐目定律)

Charles’s Law(查理定律)

Boyle’s Law(波义耳定律)

Combined Gas Law(混合气体定律)

Pressure Versus Temperature(气压和温度)

Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures (道尔顿分压定律)

Corrections of Pressure(压力校正)

Ideal Gas Law(理想气体定律)

Ideal Gas Deviations(理想气体偏差)



Sublevels and ElectronConfiguration 原子内电子排布

Order of Filing and Notation(电子填充次序和命名)

Electron Dot Notation(Lewis Dot Structures)(Lewis 点结构)

Noble Gas Notation(稀有气体元素)

Transition Elements and Variable Oxidation Numbers(过渡元素和可变的氧化数)

Period Table of the Elements 元素周期表


Periodic Law(周期律)

The Table(周期表)

Properties Related to the Periodic Table(元素周期表的性质)

Radii of Atoms(原子半径)

Atomic Radii in Periods(同周期的原子半径)

Atomic Radii in Groups(同族的原子半径)

Ionic Radius Compared to Atomic Radius(相对原子半径的离子半径)

Electro negativity(电负性)

Electron Affinity(电子亲和能)

Ionization Energy(电离能)

Bonding 化学键

Types of Bonds 化学键类型

Ionic Bonds(离子键)

Covalent Bonds(共价键)

Metallic Bonds(金属键)

Intermolecular Forces ofAttraction 分子间的吸引力

Dipole-Dipole Attraction (极性分子间的吸引力)

London Forces(伦敦力)

Hydrogen Bonds(氢键)

Double and Triple Bonds(双键和三键)

Resonance Structures(共振结构)


Matter 物质

Definition of Water(物质的定义)

States of Matter(物质的状态)

Composition of Matter (物质的构成)

Chemical and Physical Properties(化学性质和物理性质)

Chemical and Physical Changes (化学变化和物理变化)

Conservation of Mass (质量守恒)

Energy 能量

Definition of Energy(能量的定义)

Forms of Energy(能量的形式)

Types of Reactions(Exothermic Versus Endothermic) 反应类型(放热对吸热)

Conservation of Energy (能量守恒)

Conservation of Mass and Energy(质能守恒)

Scientific Method(科学方法)

Measurements and Calculations(测量和计算)

Metric System(指标系统)

Temperature Measurements(温度测量)

Heat Measurements(热量测量)

Scientific Notation (科学记数法)

Factor-Label Method of Conversion(Dimensional Analysis)转换方法(量纲分析)

Precision, Accuracy, and Uncertainty(精密度,准确度,不确定度)

Significant Figures(有效数字)

Calculations with Significant Figures (有效数字的计算)

AtomicStructure and the Periodic Table of the Elements 原子结构&元素周期表

Electric Nature of Atoms 原子的电本质

History (历史)

Basic Electric Charges(基本电荷)

Bohr Model of the Atom(原子的波尔模型)

Components of Atomic Structure(原子结构构成)

Calculating Average Atomic Mass(计算平均原子量)

Oxidation Number and Valence(氧化数和化合价)

Metallic,Nonmetallic,and Noble Gas Structures(易失电子.易得电子.惰性气体结构)


Atomic Spectra 原子光谱


Mass Spectroscopy (质谱学)

The Wave-Mechanical Model 波动力学模型

Quantum Numbers(量子数)



