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在英语的从句中,that的用法是经常见的,在宾语的从句中有些的情况下that不能够省略,下面百文网的小编将为大家带来宾语从句不省略that 的情况的介绍,希望能够帮助到大家。

高中英语之the fact that引导主语从句

That he had no girl friends worried his parents a lot.= It worried his parents a lot that he had no girl friends. 他没有女朋友,这件事使他父母非常不安。

That he has fully recovered makes me feel good.=It makes me feel good that he has fully recovered. 他已痊愈,真令我高兴。

That he had not said anything surprised everybody.=It surprised everybody that he had not said anything. 他一言不发,这使大家很吃惊。

用形式主语改变句子结构是许多同学都可能想得到的方式,属通常思维,乃常规表达。但如果借助the fact这一辅助手段,按以下方式改写句子,则会给人以耳目一新的感觉,许多阅卷老师会将其划入高级结构的范畴。如:

The fact that he had no girl friends worried his parents a lot.

The fact that he has fully recovered makes me feel good.

The fact that he had not said anything surprised everybody.



1. 宾语从句前有插入语。如:

We hope, on the contrary, that he will stay at home with us. 恰恰相反,我们希望他和我们呆在家里。

2. 有间接宾语时。如:

He told me that he was leaving for Japan. 他告诉我他要去日本。

3. that在与之并列的另一个宾语从句之后。如:

He said (that) the book was very interesting and that(不省略) all the children like to read it.他说那本书很有趣,所有小孩都喜欢读。

4. 在it(形式宾语)+补语之后时。如:

I think it necessary that he should stay here. 我们认为他有必要留在这里。

5. that从句单独回答问题时。如:

What did he hear? 他听说了什么事?

That Kate had passed the exam. (他听说)凯特考试及格了。

6. 在except等介词后。如:

He has no special fault except that he smokes too much.他除了抽烟太多之外,没有什么特别的毛病。

7. 位于句首时。如:

That our team will win, I believe. 我相信我们队会赢。

8. 在较为正式或不常用的动词(如reply, object)后。如:

He replied that he disagreed. 他回答说他不同意。


1. 备考主语从句应注意以下三点


二是主语从句通常用it作形式主语,尤其是在It is +名词 / 形容词 / 过去分词+that中,或在It seems / happens that中,或疑问句中;

三要注意由what, whatever, whoever引导的主语从句一般不用形式主语。

2. 备考宾语从句应注意以下四点



三是当主句谓语动词是think, believe, suppose, expect, imagine等时,若宾语从句要表示否定意义,往往要通过否主句来实现,即所谓否定转移;


3. 备考表语从句应注意以下三点

一是除that, whether和疑问词外,as, as if, as though, because也可引导表语从句;

二要注意thats why+结果以及thats because+原因的区别;

三是注意the reason (why / for) is that句式。



