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这篇人教版高中英语必修单词语言总结Unit 4 Wildlife Protection是百文网小编整理的,希望能够帮到你!词汇是语言的三大要素之一,是语言能力的有机组成部分,是发展语言技能的重要基础。

1. pay attention to 注意

Eg: A great deal of attention has been paid to protecting the environment.

You speak English well, but you’d better pay more attention to your written English.

Useful phrases:

3. stomach n.

1) a baglike organ in the body where food is digested, the part of the body below the chest.

2) a desire to eat

Eg: I’ve a pain in my stomach.

Some animals, for example, have two stomachs.

I have no stomach for this.

4. as a result (of): because of sth. that has happened

eg; In San Francisco, four hundred people were killed as result of the earthquake.

5. apply v.

1) to request something, esp. in writing

2) to bring or put into use.

Eg: I will apply for the job today.

Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial production methods.

6. suggest v. : to say or write an idea to be considered.

Eg: The monitor suggested a visit to the Western Hill this weekend.

My sister suggested Mary should accept the invitation.

Has the doctor suggested you/ your paying close attention to your own health?

7. hunt v. & n.

1)v. to chase in order to catch and kill (animals and birds) either for food or for sport.

2) v. to search (for)

3) n. an act of hunting

Eg: He likes hunting very much.

Knowing a foreign language sometimes is a must in job hunting.

He is on the hunt for a better job.

7. peace n.

1) [U] calmness, quietness

2) [U] a condition in which there is no war between two or more nations.

Eg: Please let me go on with my work in peace.

There was a short peace, but then another war broke out.

The two nations used to be at war with each other, but now they are at peace.


9. protect…from : protect …against

Eg: He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight.

A new material was painted to protect the roof from rain.

10. in danger: at risk

Eg: The little boy was once in danger of losing his sight. Which doctor helped him out of danger?

11. contain vt. 1) to hold, have within itself; 2) hold

Eg: Sea water contains salt and 11 other minerals.

This book contains all the information you need.

The hall can contain 500 people.

12. loss n.

1) [U] the act of fact of losing possession

2) the pain, harm, damage caused by losing sth.

3) [C] a failure to win or obtain

Eg: Did you report the loss of your jewellery to the police?

He’ll try his best to make up the loss.

What make him unhappy was the loss of yesterday’s football match.

Word usage:

14. affect v.

1) to cause some effect and change in, influence.

2) to cause feelings of sorrow, anger, love etc. in

Eg: The climate affected the amount of the rainfall.

The audience was deeply affected.

She was deeply affected by the news of his death.

15. protection n.

1) [U] the act of protecting or state of being protected

2) [C] a person or thing that protects

Eg: You’d better turn to an adult for protection if there is a bully in your class who makes your life difficult.

This hat will give protection against the sun.

Shoes are a protection for the feet.

16. enemy n.

1) [C] a person who hates or dislikes another person; one of two or more people who hate or dislike each other.

2) [C] someone or something that hurts, wants to harm or is against (someone or something)

Eg: He made many enemies during his political life.

John and Paul are enemies (of each other).

Cancer is an enemy of/ to mankind.

17. recently adv. Lately, in recent time; not long ago.

Eg: I haven’t seen her recently.

The accident happened quite recently.

The way of life has changed a great deal in recent years.

18. die out : disappear completely

Eg: This kind of bird is dying out.

Many traditional customs have die out because they are out of date.

The fire is dying out. You’d better add some firewood.

Unit 4 Wildlife Protection

20. reserve n.

1) [C] a piece of land reserved for a purposse

2) [C] a quantity of sth. kept for future use.

3) v. to keep for a special purpose.

4) v. book

Eg: We drove the car slowly and watched the lions in the nature reserve.

I must keep a good reserve of energy for tomorrow’s match.

You’d better reserve the money for future need.

We must reserve two seats on the plane.

5. arean.

1) [C] a particularSPAce or surface; a part or division of the world.

2) [C] the size of a surface

Eg: You haven’t cleaned the area under the table.

There aren’t many wild birds in this area.

What’s the area of China? It covers an area of more than 9 600 000 square km.



