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On Mid-Autumn night, my mother and I go to the railway station square toadmire the moon.

We sat on the bench of the square to watch the same round moon, it can nothelp but reminds me of: "people have sensitized, month, wa_ing, rain or shinethis ancient full hard, I wish people for a long time, long life" this beautifulpoem. I said to my mother, "the moon is very round tonight." Mother said: "yes,as the saying goes, 15 of 16 round the moon, but the Mid-Autumn festival isdifferent with previous years, this year is 15 moon circle, said on televisionabout 13 points at seven tonight's largest and most round. The moon in the roundthe moon represents our families together." I looked up in the sky to see some"little stars" flying in the sky, then asked: "mother, how the stars in the skyare floating in the wind?" The mother said, "silly child, that is not the starsin the sky, it is the light that people fly." I asked, "what's the use ofkongming lanterns? How can I not see them?" The mother smiled and said, "peopleusually put kongming lanterns in the evening of the Mid-Autumn festival, and thelanterns are in people's wishes. Everyone hopes that the wish will be realizedas soon as possible." I ask again: "why the Mid-Autumn festival want to eat mooncake?" "The moon cake is round," said the mother. "it represents the reunion ofall families and represents a happy and happy life."

At this time, my mother also bought me a kongming lamp, say: "you want tomake what wish to tell kongming light!" I thought about it and said, "I hope ourfamily is healthy and happy every day." Then my mother and I released the light,and the light of the kong lantern flew farther and farther with my desire untilit was out of sight.

What a beautiful Mid-Autumn festival!


The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15thday of August. A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will helpto make the house clean and beautiful. Lanterns will be hung in front of thehouse.

On the evening there will be a big family dinner. People who work far awayfrom their homes will try to come back for the union. After dinner, people willlight the lanterns which are usually red and round. Children will play withtheir own toy lanterns happily.

At night the moon is usually round and bright. People can enjoy the moonwhile eating moon-cakes which are the special food for this festival. They canlook back on the past and look forward to the future together. It is said thatthere was a dragon in the sky. The dragon wanted to swallow up the moon. Toprotect the frighten the dragon away.


The Mid-Autumn night was so quiet that the street lamps in my yard wereshaking. At this moment, my mind I feel like being homesick for month wanderer,infected, yard above that the moon appears in the quiet environment is solonely, so pure, so bright. At this time my heart has been filled with countlesswords to speak to this boundless moonlight.

I couldn't help but think of su shi's famous phrase, "the people have thejoys and sorrows, the moon has the beauty of the moon, I hope the people will belong, the thousands of thousands of beautiful women."

Today is August 15th of the lunar calendar. It is Mid-Autumn festival.

The traditional Mid-Autumn festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunarmonth. Because it is in the middle of autumn, therefore the name is. On thisday, there is a bright moon in the sky, which is very round in the form of ajade dish, so there is a "middle autumn moon full circle". Chinese people regardthe yuan as a symbol of reunion, and the Mid-Autumn festival as a family reunionday, so the Mid-Autumn festival also called the reunion festival.

I love the sun, but I love the moon more, the moon like that. In my eyes,the sun is a bold, passionate boy, while the moon is a gentle, quiet girl. Ilove this kind of peace and grace. Looking at the moon, I felt that she was likea big pearl inlaid in the sky. She was like an incomparable and priceless jadedish, pure and elegant, pleasing to the people. Lo and behold, the sky came witha light cloud that gently covered the moon, and saw only glimmering through theclouds. She squeezed and tried to get out. A gust of cool evening wind blewaway, and the clouds cleared away, and the moon revealed her clear face, like alittle girl's hair on her forehead and a smile on her face. I felt that the moonin the clouds seemed more vigorous and poetic. I discovered that the moon wasbeing spread out by moonlight, which stretched to my eyes, as if inviting me tovisit her home!


I liked the Autumn Festival very much when I was a small girl, because Iwas with my family then. On the evening of August 15 of the lunar calendar, whenthe moon was brightest, we always sat together outside in our yard to eat mooncakes--eaten only on this occasion--and enjoy the beautiful moonlight.

Mother would then tell me the story of the moon fairy Chang-o, who lived ina palace on the moon, with a jade rabbit for companion. I always imagined that Iwas the moon fairy whenever I heard the story. When I grew older, however, I wascompelled to leave home for education in the city. And now I am living aloneaway from home. The August moon only serves to remind me of the lost happy daysI had with my family in the country.


Watching the summer vacation has passed, we have entered a new semester inSeptember, before we enter the learning state, we ushered in the Chinesetraditional festival after the Spring Festival, and dragon boat along theMid-Autumn festival, the Mid-Autumn festival can be noisy, every familydecorated.

The most important thing about Mid-Autumn festival is to eat moon cakeswith family. In the early morning of the Mid-Autumn day, my father told me to goto my grandma's house as soon as he went to the market, and I was still sleepywhen I got to my grandmother's house.

When I got to my grandmother's house, I first said hello to my grandma andgrandpa, and gave them the present. I was watching TV, and my father waschatting with my grandfather, and my mother was cooking dinner with mygrandmother.

At about 10:30 am, my aunt and her family returned to the festival, so thatthe family finally got together on the day of the Mid-Autumn festival. I am soe_cited! When all the preparations were done, the meal was ready. The wholefamily sat on the table happily eating, which is different from the usualatmosphere.

Grandma cooked a lot of dishes to treat us, chicken and duck fish andvegetables, and a lot of mooncakes and drinks on the table. It's not easy for afamily to get together, not only for meals, but for meaningful activities. Afterdinner, I took my family to China resources to visit supermarket shopping. Igave you a whole aspect of the sea and air e_planation, a few twists and turns,it took me a long time to e_plain the general situation of the whole supermarketclearly, how, I strong!

After dinner, my aunt and my family left to leave, and I began to linger onthe festival that made me happy and happy. What a memorable Mid-Autumn festival!I am so happy, I love this Mid-Autumn festival!


In China, Mid-autumn Day is considered to be a symbol of family reunion. Onthis day, all the family members gather together at home to celebrate thisspecial occasion. Last year, I could not celebrate the festival with my familybecause I was in university. However, this special day left a deep impression onme.

I still remember the atmosphere of that evening. All the students who couldnot go back home assembled in our classroom, having a party to celebrate thistraditional festival. We tried our best to show our own enthusiasm. As an ethnicminority, I performed a peacock dance, which received warm applause. After thetwo-hour party, we went out to the playground and sat together to appreciate themoon because it is a tradition on Mid-autumn Day. We ate moon cakes, playedcards, and listened to romantic poems recited by one of our classmates. In thatharmonious atmosphere, nobody felt lonely or homesick even though we were faraway from our homes.

Thanks to our classmates, I experienced such a colorful and interestingMid-autumn Day at my university. Thus, I learned to value all the festivals Ispent during my university life.


中秋节 Mid-autumn Festival

Mid-autumnFestival is a popular and important lunar harvest festivalcelebrated by Chinesepeople. The festival is held on the 15thday of the eighthmonth inthe Chinese calendar. There are some traditions in this holiday. Fore_ample, people would have a big dinner with their families. After dinner, theyoftenenjoy the full moon which is round and bright. The other traditionofmid-autumn festival is eating moon cake. Moon cake is the essential ofthatday, which means reunion. As time goes by, there are various kinds ofmooncakes, but they are much more e_pensive than before. I like mid-autumnfestivalbecause my families will get together and have a big dinner on thatday.



The Autumn Festival

Chinese celebrate the harvest on the Mid-Autumn Festival since ancienttimes. It's the same as the custom of Thanksgiving Day in North America. Thecustom of the Mid-Autumn Festival was popular in everywhere in China in theearly Tang dynasty. The Mid-Autumn is on August 15 according to lunar calendar,it's the festival on which people will worship the moon.

On this night, the moon will be bright in the sky and people will gettogether to appreciate the moon in the family. The Mid-Autumn Festival waslisted as one of China's cultural heritage in 20__ and was designed to be apublic holiday in 20__. The moon cake is regarded as an indispensable food onMid-Autumn Festival. People give them to their relatives and friends as gifts orenjoy them in the family party. The traditional moon cake is printed withcheracters "longevity", "blessing", "harmony" and so on. What a funnyfestival!



