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Oneday, a young man was cleaning out his late grandfather’s belongings when he cameacross a bright red envelope. Written on the front were the words, “To mygrandson.” Recognizing his grandfather’s handwriting, the young man opened theenvelope. A letter inside read:


Yearsago you came to me for help. You said, “Grandpa, how is it that you’veaccomplished so much in your life? You’re still full of energy, and I’m alreadytired of struggling. How can I get that same enthusiasm that you’ve got?”

Ididn’t know what to say to you then. But knowing my days are numbered, I figurethat I owe you an answer. So here is what I believe.

Ithink a lot of it has to do with how a person looks at things. I call it“keeping your eyes wide open”.

Whenyou meet up with challenges, welcome them. They’ll leave you wiser, stronger,and more capable than you were the day before. When you make a mistake, begrateful for the things it taught you. Resolve to use that lesson to help youreach your goals.

Andalways follow the rules, even the little ones. When you follow the rules, lifeworks. If you think you ever really get by with breaking the rules, you’re onlyfooling yourself.

It’salso important to decide exactly what you want. Then keep your mind focused onit, and be prepared to receive it.

Butbe ready to end up in some new places, too. As you grow with the years, you’llbe given bigger shoes to fill. So be ready for endings as well as challengingbeginnings.

Sometimeswe have to be brave enough to move from the familiar to the unfamiliar. Lifeisn’t just reaching peaks. Part of it is moving from one peak to the next. Ifyou rest too long in between, you might be tempted to quit. Leave the past inthe past. Climb the next mountain and enjoy the view.

Rememberthat your choices will create your successes and your failures. So consider allthe pathways ahead, and decide which ones to follow. Then believe in yourself,get up, and get going.

Andbe sure to take breaks once in a while. They’ll give you a renewed commitment toyour dreams and a cheerful, healthy perception of the things that matter themost of you.

Mostimportant of all, never give up on yourself. The person that ends up a winner isthe one who resolves to win. Give life everything you’ve got, and life will giveits best back to you.



41.The young man’s grandpa wrote this letter to __________.

A.recall his whole life B. tell his grandson how great he was

C.explain how to keep passion D. show how to succeed

42.The underlined part “But knowing my days are numbered” implies that__________.

A.grandpa could count days B. grandpa’s each day was important

C.grandpa knew he was dying D. grandpa was eager to tell the young man

43.According to the passage, ____________.

A.learning to give up is very important B. we’d better stay in the familiarsituation

C.obeying few rules doesn’t matter D. taking breaks once in a while is good tous

44.The young man’s grandpa may agree _____________.

A.how a person looks at things has nothing to do with one’s future

B.we should be thankful for what mistakes teach us

C.successful life is just reaching peaks

D.it’s not so important to decide exactly what you want


Top8 food and beverage(饮品)companies in China

No1 COFCO Group

COFCOGroup is the largest company of various products and services in theagricultural products and food industry in China. It is devoted to providinghealthy and nutritious food, as well as contributing to improvement of people’sliving standards and social development.

No2 Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co Ltd

InnerMongolia Yili Industrial Group Co Ltd is a dairy company. It is engaged inprocessing and producing milk products, including ice cream, milk powder, milktea powder and fresh milk under “Yili”brand. It is headquartered(总部位于)in Hohhot.The company was an official sponsor of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

No3 Shuanghui Group

ShuanghuiGroup is a privately-owned meat processing company headquartered in Luohe,Henan, China. The company’s businesses include pig raising, consumer meatproducts, and so on. It is the largest meat producer in China. On May 29, 2013,Shuanghui announced it would sell American pork producer Smithfield FoodsInc.

No4 China Mengniu Dairy Co Ltd

ChinaMengniu Dairy Co Ltd is a producing company of dairy products and ice cream inChina. The company is based in Inner Mongolia and produces dairy products underthe Mengniu brand.

No5 Bright Food (Group) Corp Ltd

BrightFood (Group) Co Ltd is a food and beverages company headquartered in Shanghai.Bright Food has four listed branches, Bright Dairy & Food Co Ltd, ShanghaiFirst Provisions Store Co Ltd, Shanghai Maling Aquarius Co Ltd and ShanghaiHaibo Co Ltd. The company got a 60 percent stake in the British breakfastcereals producer Weetabix Ltd in 2012 and agreed to acquire a 56 percent stakein the Israeli Dairy producer Tnuva in 2014.

No6 Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co Ltd

HangzhouWahaha Group Co Ltd is a private company, and the largest non-alcoholic beverageproducer in China. The company is headquartered in Hangzhou, Zhejiangprovince.

No7 Wuliangye Yibin Co Ltd

WuliangyeYibin Co Ltd is a Chinese alcoholic beverage company. It specializes inproducing baijiu, and is best known for Wuliangye. Headquartered in Yibin,Sichuan Province, the company sells its products all over the market at home andabroad.Wuliangye reportedly ranks first in terms of market share compared withother baijiu brands.

No8 Tsingtao Brewery Co Ltd

TsingtaoBrewery Co Ltd is China’s largest company to produce beer. It was founded in1903 by a German. The beer is produced in Qingdao in Shandong province and itgets its name from the city’s name. The beer’s present-day logo displays animage of Zhan Qiao, a famous pier on Qingdao’s southern shore.

45.Which company was set up by a foreigner?

A.Bright Food (Group) Corp Ltd. B. Wuliangye Yibin Co Ltd.

C.TsingtaoBrewery Co Ltd. D. Shuanghui Group.

46.Which two companies produce the similar products?

A.Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co Ltd & Bright Food (Group) Corp Ltd

B.Wuliangye Yibin Co Ltd & COFCO Group

C.Shuanghui Group & Tsingtao Brewery Co Ltd

D.Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co Ltd & China Mengniu Dairy Co Ltd

47.What is the underlined word “pier” related to?

A.a person B. a place C. a beer D. a picture

48.Which of the following statements is true?

A.Bright Food (Group) Corp Ltd got a 56 percent stake in the British breadfastcereals producer Weetabix Ltd in 2012.

B.Headquartered in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co Ltd was anofficial sponsor of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

C.Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co Ltd is the largest state company producingnon-alcoholic beverage.

D.Wuliangye Yibin Co Ltd, headquartered in Yibin, Henan, sells its products allover the world.


Pupilsremember more and behave better when 3D images are used in lessons, researchsuggests. They are quicker to learn and absorb new concepts, and display higherlevels of concentration.

ProfessorAnne Bamford studied the effectiveness of 3D content in 15 schools across sevencountries. In each school, one class studied science in 2D classes and anotherdid the same lesson using 3D resources. Pupils in 3D classes could remember morethan those in 2D classes after four weeks, improving test scores by an averageof 17 percent compared with 8 percent for 2D lessons.

Theresearchers commented that the pupils in the 3D groups had deeper understanding,increased attentionSPAn, more motivation and higher engrossment in thelessons.

Oneteacher in the study said, “ In class with 3D you have the ‘wow’ effect. Thepupils are too interested to be disruptive(制造混乱的). They get involved and forgetto be naughty.” Another said, “The class certainly pay more attention to thelearning in the 3D classes. They are more focused. That is important in thisclass --- eight out of the 26 pupils in this class have attention problems, so Iam thrilled with the impact of 3D. They are really attentive.” The study alsofound that teachers could use the 3D animations without specific training.Schools would need 3D-enabled projectors(放映机), laptops with good graphiccapabilities, 3D software and glasses for children to introduce animations intoclassrooms.

ButDanny Nicholson, from the Association of Science Education, said the technologywould be impractical to use in schools and could be too expensive. He said,“While I think the idea of 3D technology is very interesting --- and I’mspeaking as a fan of interactive whiteboards and projectors as a technology inthe classroom --- I worry that 3D is a bit of an expensive gimmick (小玩意儿). Thereare a few cases where a true 3D image might help, but a lot of the time, good 2Dmodels that can be moved, would be just as effective.”

InColorado, the US, one school district is already in the process of having 1,0003D projectors installed in classrooms. And the University of California, whichcarries out scientific research into the Lake Tahoe Basin, has used 3Dpresentations with Grade Six pupils. Those who watched the 3D presentations weremore engaged and reported a general increase in their interest in sciencecompared with students who watched the 2D version.

49.What method did Professor Bamford use to prove the advantages of 3D lessons?

A.Argument. B. Description. C. Comparison. D. Narration.

50.What does the underlined word “engrossment” in the third paragraph probablymean?

A.Encouragement. B. Concentration. C. Contribution. D. Consequence.

51.Teachers think pupils in 3D classes ____________.

A.find it hard to concentrate on the lesson

B.are too naughty to get involved in 2D classes.

C.have less motivation and lower engagement in the lesson

D.have deeper understanding and increased attention span

52.Which of the following statement is TRUE?

A.3D presentations have been used with Grade Six pupils throughout the US.

B.3D technology would replace 2D models in the future.

C.Teachers would use the 3D technology by training.

D.Many pupils are now more interested in science than before.

53.What can we learn from Paragraph 5?

A.2D will be replaced by 3D because it is neither interesting nor effective.

B.Danny Nicholson tends to think that 3D is only a bit of gimmick.

C.3D would be impractical to use in schools because of finance problem.

D.Danny Nicholson doesn’t like to use whiteboards and projectors in theclassroom.

54.What is the article mainly about?

A.How schools can make full use of 3D technology.

B.Pupils behave better when 3D images are used in classes.

C.2D models are always more effective than 3D images.

D.The differences between 3D and 2D images.


Scroogelooked around him angrily. It was Christmas and his only friend Jacob Marley,had been dead for seven years. What was there for him to celebrate? He listenedwith growing anger to the people calling out greetings in the street and growledat his nephew Bob Cratchit, who was just ready to go home. “Merry Christmas,uncle,” called Bob as he hurried out of the door.

Scroogesighed. He might just as well go to bed. Aware that he should not waste hiscandle, he quickly undressed and climbed into bed. But no sooner had he done sothan the ghost of Marley, covered in chains, appeared. “What’s the matter,Jacob?” he asked. “There are the chains I made in my life,” answered the ghost.“I’m forced to wander around with no rest and no peace. I have come here to warnyou that if you do not change, this too will be your fate. You will be visitedby three spirits. Expect the first one tomorrow when the clock strikes one.Expect the second and the third on the following nights at the same hour.” Withthat Marley vanished. “Nonsense!” he said and going back to bed, fell fastasleep.

WhenScrooge awoke it was dark. The clock struck one. At the sound, light flashedinto the room and there stood a young boy. “Who are you?” asked Scrooge in anunsteady voice. “I’m the spirit of Christmas past,” replied the spirit. “Comewith me.” “Do you remember this?” he asked. Scrooge did. He heard the happycries of people, and looking around he found himself, as he used to be, sittingon a chair and reading. It was a Christmas. Suddenly Scrooge watched his youngerself joined in a band, dancing and laughing. “Strange,” said the spirit, “thatsuch little things should make people so happy.” The ghost let him go andScrooge sank down into a deep sleep.

Whenhe awoke again the second night, the clock sounded one again. Before he doubtedthe second spirit already turned up. The fat and jolly spirit was smiling,“I’mthe spirit of Christmas present.”Again Scrooge grasped the spirit’s hand and wastransported to a small house filled with a number of children and their mother.“Why, it’s my nephew Bob’s house,” cried Scrooge in astonishment. His surpriseincreased when the door opened and in came Bob carrying a small, sick boy, TinyTim. “Sit down,” cried Bob to his family. “Let’s have the best Christmasdinner!” They all began to eat eagerly. Scrooge watched at the happiness andcontentment of his poor nephew’s family. “A Merry Christmas to us all!” criedBob. “God bless us everyone!” added Tiny Tim, who sat very close to his fatherand Bob held his thin hand tightly. “No, not for the uncle, but for you and thechildren. Nobody knows better than you how mean that man is.” exclaimed Bob’swife. “Spirit,” cried Scrooge. “Will Tiny Tim live?” “If the future remains thesame,” said the spirit, “there will be an empty chair next year.” Again thespirit moved Scrooge away, and he fell asleep as he fell back into his bed.

Thethird night he woke and waited for the hour and the third spirit. This time thespirit didn’t come in a flash of light but arrived quietly wearing a black cloththat covered its face and form. “I’m the spirit of Christmas that is to come.”The spirit pointed and led him to a large stone. It was at the foot of agrave(坟墓) that was clearly neglected. Scrooge looked closer with tremblingfingers and with horror read his own name on the stone. “Oh, spirit, no, no!”The spirit’s finger remained steady pointing at the grave. “I will honourChristmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year,” cried Scrooge in terror.He reached out to hold the spirit’s hand, but it slipped away. Scrooge lookedaround him. he saw he was in his own bed with his own thing around him.

“Ihave learned from the past, present and the future,” he rushed to the window andshouted to the boys below: “What day is it today?” “Why, it’s Christmas Day,”they replied in amazement. “Wonderful,” cried Scrooge. He rushed to his officeto wait for Bob. When he entered, Scrooge pretended to look angry. “Do you knowwhat day it is, my boy?” he asked Bob. “I’m not going to stand for this anylonger,” he continued, “and so I’m going to raise your salary.” Bob lookedamazed. “A Merry Christmas, Bob,” cried Scrooge slapping him on the back. “Iwant to help you and your family. Let’s talk about it this very afternoon.”

55.What do the underlined words “growled at” mean in the first paragraph?

A.said happily to B. said calmly to C. said slowly to D. said angrily to

56.From the second paragraph, we can learn that ________.

A.Scrooge was even mean to himself

B.Scrooge believed what his friend told him

C.Marley lived with chains before his death

D.Marley came to say “Merry Christmas” to Scrooge

57.When did Scrooge meet three spirits?

A.At Christmas Eve. B. On the 3 different nights before Christmas.

C.On Christmas Day. D. On the 3 different days before Christmas

58.Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Scrooge died the next year.

B.Bob’s son, Tiny Tim, died the next year.

C.There is more than one child in Bob’s family.

D.The third spirit showed Scrooge his well-cared-for grave.

59.What do you think Scrooge would be in the following years?

A.Kind and poor. B. Kind and generous.

C.Happy and mean. D. Miserable and mean.

60.Which of the following saying best describes the passage?

A.No pains, no gains. B. Actions speak louder than words.

C.A friend in need is a friend indeed. D. It will pay to be kind to others.


A.You can land a scholarship easily.

B.You will acquire a new way.

C.Your mind will be sharpened.

D.You may be promoted in your work.

E.You will have better travel experience.

F.Your first language will be improved.

Reasonsfor Learning a Foreign Language

Inthe United Stated, many high schools require at least two years of foreignlanguage study for graduation. Actually, becoming fairly fluent in a foreignlanguage provides many more benefits. As our world becomes increasinglyinternational, the importance of learning a second (or third) language will onlycontinue to grow.

61.________________________________Learning a second language will have a powerful effect on your success inbusiness. The ability to transform freely in multiple languages is so important,in fact, that many companies actually offer financial benefits to employees whocan achieve fluency. If you are working with the general US population, you willprobably see the greatest professional gain by learning Spanish, but almostevery language is spoken somewhere in the melting pot. Whether you are a doctorlearning to communicate directly with more of your patients or a customerservice representative learning to solve more customers’ problems, expandingyour language abilities will help your work greatly.

62._________________________________Because learning a second language requires such a basic change in ideas, itwill provide many intellectual(智力的) benefits as well. Much like studying amusical instrument, learning a foreign language will provide a mental challengethat will increase your intellectual strength in both school and business. Thiseffect is so strong that researchers have found each year of language studyresults in measurable gains on both college and graduate school exams.

63._________________________________ Because we are used to speaking, reading, andeven thinking in our native language since birth, we can’t often pay attentionto various grammatical errors. When you learn a second language, your study ofthe foreign language will force you to draw comparisons and reevaluate yourunderstanding of English grammar. Not only will you learn a second language, butyou will actually learn to communicate more clearly in your first language!

64._________________________________ Traveling either on your own or in a studyabroad program provides many opportunities to study a foreign culture and learnto think outside of your own culture’s assumptions. As an English speaker in aforeign country, however, your ability to actually experience the country’s realculture will be fairly limited. By learning a foreign language before traveling,however, you will actually be able to get past the tourist experience to seewhat the country is really like on the inside. As an added bonus(意外的好处),you canalso perfect your language skills during your stays.

65._________________________________ Not only will language learning benefit you inthe long term, but it can also help you pay for college. Many scholarships areavailable for students who speak a certain language or understand a particularculture. Because these scholarships are offered to a limited group, you willactually have a much higher chance of winning these scholarships than you wouldin some of the more well-known programs.










Howare you? Today I’ve got a wonderful news to tell you. I have offered ascholarship at a university in Australia for my further education. One hundredand twenty students take exams for it, but only a few was chosen and I was oneof them. Therefore, my parents are not happy about it. They are strong againstme. They say it is too far away that they will not see me for a whole year andthey are afraid that I will feel lonely. They can’t imagine a girl so youngliving alone. They advise me to studying in the capital instead. Then I’ll beable to continue living with him. How can I persuade them to accept the factwhat I have grown up?




完型21-25 ADACB 26-30 BABDA 31-35CDCCD 36-40 BCDDC

阅读41-44 DCDB 45-48 CDBB 49-54 CBDDCB 55-60 DABCBD 61-65 DCFEA


1.a去掉2.加入been 3.take改为took 4.was改为were 5. Therefore改为However 6.strong改为strongly 7.too改为so 8.studying改为study 9.him改为them 10.what改为that


Asthe college entrance examination is drawing near, we senior three students areoccupied with busy work. In a way, the P.E.class is the only chance to relax andenjoy ourselves at school. However, it is a pity that our present P.E.class isquite dull and sometimes even replaced by other subjects.

Asis known to all, the P.E.class can not only build up our body but also shape ourpersonality. It serves to develop our awareness of cooperation and spirit ofcompetition. Therefore, it will be great loss to us students if it is replacedby other lessons. Meanwhile, I suggest the teachers should design and organizevarieties of fun sports besides dull field and track practice or ball games,where everyone can be involved and have fun as well. After all, not everybodythinks running and ball games appealing.

Ido hope the P.E.class can enrich our school life and enable everyone to find hisor her own pleasure in it.








Asthe college entrance examination is drawing near, we senior three students areoccupied with busywork.________________________________________________________________







阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21~40 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。

Myfamily fled from Cuba and settled in Miami, USA when I was only one year old. Welived together with other Cubans speaking Spanish.

I’dbeen looking forward to school. However, the first day was a complete 21 . Icame home and told my mum I’d learned my first English word: 22 . It was thenickname a boy had given me. In every way possible, I was 23 from my classmates.I was the only student who couldn’t communicate in English.

24, one person made that year bearable for me—my teacher, Mrs. Collins. She was ayoung African American. 25 _, she understood how I felt as the only nonwhite kidand helped me a lot.

Still,the teasing 26 . The boy who called me stupid always laughed at my accent. Hewas the proud 27 of our class’s reading award. It was a(n) 28 given to astudent, based on excellence in schoolwork. I wanted that award.

AsMrs. Collins cheered me on, I gained 29 and language skills. By midyear, I waswell 30 to speaking English fluently and had a good grasp on reading. 31 theapproach of the award ceremony, I worked as hard as I could. The day 32 came,and I was so nervous.

WhenMrs. Collins 33 me as the winner, it was my proudest moment. My winning caused amini uproar(骚动). The mother of the boy who teased me 34 that the only non-nativeEnglish speaker had taken the prize from her son. But in her 35 , gentle way,Mrs. Collins stood her ground. It was an excellent lesson in fairness and never36 .

Fromthen on, I worked even harder in school, earning “A”s. As I began enjoying 37 asa singer years later, I always 38 Mrs. Collins in interviews when asked aboutpeople who had 39 me. I can’t tell you how many times the spirit has guided methrough 40 in my life.

21.A. shock B. puzzle C. mistake D. pleasure

22.A. slow B. weak C. honest D. stupid

23.A. set apart B. set off C. set down D. set about

24.A. Surprisingly B. Happily C. Fortunately D. Wonderfully

25.A. However B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. Anyhow

26.A. appeared B. continued C. increased D. started

27.A. holder B. follower C. supporter D. carrier

28.A. gift B. honor C. treasure D. responsibility

29.A. patience B. respect C. pride D. confidence

30.A. on my way B. in my way C. by my way D. to my way

31.A. For B. By C. With D. In

32.A. suddenly B. hurriedly C. certainly D. finally

33.A. permitted B. introduced C. announced D. admitted

34.A. explained B. realized C. complained D. told

35.A. weak B. light C. warm D. strong

36.A. cheering up B. giving up C. turning up D. holding up

37.A. courage B. independence C. success D. support

38.A. requested B. noticed C. reminded D. mentioned

39.A. confused B. impressed C. taught D. inspired

40.A. chances B. choices C. challenges D. competitions



