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1.Dad is used to smoking and drinking.There's no chance ________ I'm able totalk him into ________.

A.whether;giving it up

B.of whether;giving them up

C.that;getting rid of them

D.which;stopping it

答案C[由smoking and drinking可知,A、D中的代词错误。B项翻译不通。注:that引导的是一个同位语从句。]

2.Keep in mind ________ you want others to respect you,you must respectothers first.(2011·湖北鄂州市高三上学期模底考试)

A.that when B.that if

C.if when D.when if


3.Shenzhen was only a small fishing village compared to ________ it isnow.

A.which B.that C.what D.where


4.Think about ________ you are good at and ________ you enjoy and build onthose abilities.

A.what;that B.what;which

C.that;that D.what;what


5.________ seems strange to us is ________ the troublesome boy is gettingalong well with all his teachers.

A.It;that B.That;how

C.It;how D.What;that


6.________ words I use can not express my appreciation of your timelyhelp.

A.Whatever .How many

C.No matter what D.Whichever

答案A[no matter what一般不引导名词性从句,这是一个主语从句,所以排除C。B、D语义不通,可排除。]

7.Human beings are different from animals ________ they can use language as atool to communicate.

A.in that B.for that

C.in which D.for which

答案A[in that是“在……这一点上”的意思,引导状语从句。]

8.________ climber gets to the top first will get a ¥5,000 prize.

A.No matter when B.Whichever

C.No matter which D.Whenever


9.Along with the letter was her promise ________ she would join us in thework.(重庆酉阳一中高三第四次月考)

A.which B.what C.that D.whether


10.Many of the creatures in Rowling's world are not real,and much of ________happens is strange.

A.which B.that C.what D.it

答案C[of后的________ happens是一个宾语从句,从句缺主语,故选what。]

11.________ some teenagers don't realize is ________ difficult life can beafter they get addicted to drugs.

A.What;how B.That;how

C.That;what D.What;what a

答案A[第一空:主语从句缺宾语用what。第二空:是表语从句,正常语序为:life can be ________ difficult afterthey get addicted to drugs,就很容易填上副词how了。故选A。]

12.They began to think about ________ could be made of these valuablematerials.(浙江温州中学高三1月月考)

A.how use B.full use

C.better D.what use

答案D[短语make use of(利用)中的use是名词可用形容词what来修饰。how是副词,不可修饰名词。]

13.There was a big argument among the children about ________ move to a newhouse.

A.if they should B.that they ought

C.if should they D.whether they should


14.________ sometimes keeps her awake at night ________ Tom is getting moreand more quiet at home.

A.That;which B.It;that

C.Whether;what D.What;that


15.—I rang you at about nine,but there was no reply.

—Oh,that was probably ________ I was seeing the doctor.(天津一中高三上学期第五次月考)

A.why B.when C.what D.that


16.His mother did ________ she could ________ the boy.

A.what;help B.that;help

C.what;to help D.that;to help


17.It isn't expected ________ he said caused so much discussion at themeeting.


A.that B.what that

C.what D.that what

答案D[D项中that引导主语从句,what hesaid又在主语从句中作主语,what作said的宾语。that引导主语从句时一般不省,所以排除C。]

18.Some language experts think we learn languages in the same way ________ welearn other things,and ________ we are born with is a general ability to learnand adapt.

A.不填;that what B.which;what

C.that;what that D.in which;that


19.It was the first time Agassi had understood ________ real championsfinally understand:winning is a test of nerves and not just power.

A.that B.what C.how D.when


20.Thinking that you know ________ in fact you don't know is a seriousmistake.(吉林长春市高三第一次模拟)

A.what B.that C.when D.however

答案A[把这句话写完整应该是:Thinking that you know what in fact you don't know is aserious mistake.句意:认为你知道了事实上不知道的东西,那是一个严重的错误。]

21.We will all appreciate ________ you can come to join us in developing ourhometown.

A.that if B.it if

C.it that D.that when

答案B[appreciate跟it作形式宾语,if you can come to join...可视为真正的宾语。]

22.Much to the couple's comfort,their income is now double ________ it wasfive years ago.

A.that B.than C.which D.what


23.In peace,too,the Red Cross is expected to send help to ________ there ishuman suffering.(江西九校联考一模)

A.whoever B.wherever

C.however D.whatever


24.It was in time of danger ________ he made the final decision ________ theyshould send more doctors there.

A.where;that B.when;which

C.where;what D.that;that


25.The news ________ is spreading around the airport is ________ a heavystorm is coming.

A.what;不填 B.that;that

C.不填;that D.that;which


26.If you leave this application form and go to another website,you will lose________ you have already filled out on this form.(福建泉州市高中毕业班临考质量检查)

A.whatever B.no matter what

C.whichever D.no matter which

答案A[这是宾语从句,filled out缺少宾语,所以填whatever。C、D语义不对;B项一般不引导名词性从句。]

27.Do you have any idea ________ electricity plays such an important part inour daily life?

A.why is it that B.how it is that

C.why was it D.when it was that


28.—Does it matter much ________ the sales manager won't attend the meetingtomorrow?

—I've no idea.(江苏六合高级中学高三下学期调研考试)

A.whether B.what C.when D.that


29.As days go on,I think that Beijing will become ________ the whole worldpay close attention to.

A.where B.what C.which D.that

答案B[what引导宾语从句,在从句中作pay attention to的宾语。]

30.________ David says sounds right to Helen.That's why she has made up hermind to leave him ________ happens.


B.No matter what;whatever

C.No matter what;no matter what


答案A[第一空:是主语从句,由于no matterwhat不引导名词性从句,所以排除B、C。第二空:是宾语从句,从句缺主语,即可排除D。故选A。句意:戴维说的每句话,海伦都觉得有道理,所以,她决定把一切都交给他来处理。]



