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Water is very important to us. If you don’t have water for three days, youwill die. We can use water for flowers, swimming, washing and many differentthings. We use it to cook, make electricity, and put out fires and so on. We usemillions of liters of water every day.

Do you know how does the water come to your home? It travels through waterpipes. Some are long and wide but some are short and narrow. Then the watertravels through the water pipes to the reservoirs. Then it travels through thewater pipes to the river and to the special factories that purify the water.When the water is purified, we can drink it. Please don’t leave garbage in thewater on which we line, and keep the water clean.




Language is essential; language is what we use to communicate among others.it is something that joins us just as strongly as it separates us. There aremany different “languages” in the world but really they are all bound by certainrules, they all have a format that they follow, all of them have nouns, verbs,tenses, and adjectives.

Language is almost like a math, the point of it is that when you speak, youtry to reach a conclusion with a different person, and in math you use equationsto solve problems and reach conclusions, one is numbers the other is words.




With the help of the Internet,shopping is not a difficult job. Just clickyour mouse to choose the article you like,and the shopping is finished. Youneedn't step out of the room.

It seems easy and quick. But there's always a trap online. If you arecareless,it will bring you some trouble. You may find the color of the articleis different from what you want,or the size is either too small or too big. Ifyou want to be different,you'd better not buy clothes online. Once you put onthe clothes you bought online and go out,you will find many people wear the sameclothes in the street.

So you must be careful,because everything has two sides.






In order to have a better understanding of our school, an outstandingEnglish short movie about our school will be shown in the library from 2:30 to4:00in the afternoon on June 9th. It is organized by the Student Union.Here aresome relevant details about it.

To begin with, the name of the movie is Growing Together, which is aboutthe development of our beloved school.As we all expect, it will be not onlyeaningful but also interesting. What’s more, everyone of you will be welcome totake part (participate) in it, enjoying the movie, having a heated discussionafterwards and giving your own comments.

The Student Union

June 8, 2018



假设不久前你们学校为贫困地区的孩子们筹款举办了一次慈善行活动。请据此在制定的位置上,以“Walk for children in poorareas”为题,为某中学生英文报写一篇报道,内容要点如下:

1. 目的:为贫困地区的孩子们筹款

2. 10月23日,星期六

3. 路径:学校—市中心


5. 感受:每个人都很累,但都很高兴,因为…

注意:1. 报道须包括所给内容要点,要求语句通顺,意思连贯;

2. 第5要点的内容须用至少2句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥;

3. 词数80个左右。


Walk for children in poor areas

Not long ago, our school organized a charity walk to raise money forchildren in poor areas.

It was on Saturday, 23 rd October. We walked from the school to the centreof the city. Before the walk, we grouped ourselves into a team of four andplanned everything well. It was a hard (tough) work. But during the walk, wesupported and helped each other. With the help of many people, we raised over(more than) 50,000 yuan in the end.

We all felt tired, but we were very happy. Because it was a meaningfulexperience and it was an excellent chance to learn team spirit.



