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1. 表示走兽的名词(按动物形体从大到小容易记):dragon (龙),camel ,elephant ,cattle ,donkey ( ass ,驴),lion ,tiger ,leopard (豹),wolf ,deer ,sheep ,pig ,monkey ,ape (猿),bear ,fox ,rabbit ,mouse ( mice ),ant 等。

2. 表示颜色的形容词(按颜色类型从正色到变色容易记):coloured (有色的),colourless ,red ,yellow ( golden ),blue ,white ( silvery ,snowy ),black ( dark ),green ,orange ,brown ,grey ( gray ),pale ( bloodless ),pink (粉色的),rosy ,purple (紫色的)等。

3. 表示动作的动词(按动作力度从大到小容易记): beat ,strike ,drag (拖),push ,pull ,grasp (抓),kick ,trample (踩),knock ,dig ,hoe (松土),saw (锯),pour ,pick ,tear ,shake ,wipe ,sweep ,dust (掸灰),tie ,hang ,press (按、压),shave (刮,剃),count (数),copy (抄写)等。


英语中有许多词一词多义。如 have ,make ,take ,get ,go 等动词用在不同的场合,就可能有不同的词义。按照同音同形异义词进行归类,有利于记忆。例如:

1. I have to ________ my homework until next week.

It is time for us to ________. ( Key: leave ,vi. 出发; vt. 留下)

2. Dr. Smith telephoned to say that he couldn't ________ the meeting because he had to ________ a patient. ( Key: attend ,vt. 出席;护理)

3. His voice ________ higher and higher. ( Key: rose,rise 的过去式)

Every ________ has its thorn (刺) . ( Key: rose,n. 玫瑰花)



1. 表示整数、次数的词组:个( one ),十( ten ),百( hundred ),千( thousand ),万( ten thousand ),十万( one hundred thousand ),百万( million ),千万( ten million ),亿( one hundred million ),十亿(英 one thousand million ;美 billion ),百亿(英 ten thousand million ;美 ten billion );一次( once ),两次( twice ),三次( three times ),四次( four times );第一次( for the first time ),第二次( for the second time ),第三次( for the third time );上次( last time ),这次( this time ),下次( next time )等等。

2. 分数、小数: one half ( ),one quarter (),five-eighths ( ),two and two-fifths ( ),two point eight ( 2.8 ),zero point five ( 0.5 ),thirty-five point four two nine ( 35.429 ),thirty-nine percent ( 39% ),four per mille ( 4 ‰)等。



1. He lives [ ](填写音标) in the city of Xi'an. [ livz ]

Five lives [ ] were lost in the flood. [ laivz ]

2. Hearing the sad news,she burst into tears [ ] . [ ti [ z ]

The baby often tears [ ] newSPAper to pieces. [ t Z [ z ]

3. The content [ ] of the article is good. [ 5 k [ ntent ]

Nothing can content [] her. [ k [ n 5 tent ]



1. 符号:$ ( dollar ),¢( cent ),£( pound ),¥( Renminbi ),( pound in weight ),& ( and ),@ ( at ),% ( per cent ),‰( per mile ),§ ( selection 分节号),( paragraph ,段落号)等。

2. 缩写: Mr ( Mister ),A.M. ( a.m. )( in the morning ),B.C. ( BC )( Before Christ ),A.D. ( AD )( Anno Domini 公元。例如 A.D. 1949 ,1949 A.D. ),PRC ( the People's Republic of China ),UN ( United Nations ),e.g. ( for example ),etc. ( etcetera 等等)等。


据一些研究人员分析统计,造成单词拼写错误的原因,大多与单词中的字母读音有关。单词中的字母读音,约分七种,即元音字母、辅音字母、元音字母组合、辅音字母组合、元音辅音字母组合、一些不发音的字母及单词后缀的读音等。例如:从 A. ea ,B. ee ,C. ie ,D. eu 中选出适当的字母组合将 alr____dy 补充完整。根据读音 A. ea [ e ],B. ee [ i: ],C. ie [ ai [ ],D. eu [ / ],自然正确答案是 A . dr ea dful ,sw ea t 等单词中的字母组合 ea 也发[ e ]。

另外,如辅音字母组合 ch ,一般读作 [t F ] ,但在有的单词中读作[ k ],因此把 stoma ch 误写成 stoma ck 或 stoma k .类似的 heada ch e ,ch aracter 也可能是这样。

因字母读音问题而造成单词拼写错误的原因很多,如单词中双写字母只读一个音,便可能漏写一个字母( nece ss ary );含有不发音字母的漏写( ans w er ); c 、 g 字母有两种读音( c ertain ,c ase ,g ift ,g entle );表示动词的过去式或过去分词的后缀 -ed 有三种读音[ d ],[ t ],[ id ];表示动词现在时第三人称单数的后缀 -s 或 -es 读作[ s ],[ z ],[ iz ]等。限于篇幅,不能详述,请同学们自己注意归纳。


英语里有很多词性相同的同义词近义词,它们在句中可以互换使用,但有些却不能互换,对于这一点,在归类记忆时应特别注意,不要弄错。例如: hope & wish ,broad & wide ,almost & nearly ,family & house 等。


汉语有人、仁、任、壬等同音异形异义字,英语有许多单词也是这样。例如: cent & sent ,hair & hare ,steal & steel ,guessed & guest 等。请看下面几个例句(注意划线部分的单词),即可知同音异形异义词归类法确定是记牢单词的又一种有效方法。

1. Her face looks plae and she can't carry a pail of water.

2. The Strait of Taiwan is not straight.

3. The flower on the desk is made of flour .

4. The happy pair planted a pear tree.



The boy never goes to school late . The boy always goes to school early . ( never 是 always 的反义词,late 是 early 的反义词)

The village is quiet and famous . The village is not noisy and unknown. ( quiet 是 noisy 的反义词,famous 是 unknown 的反义词)



