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too small 太小了 look at 看 at a party在聚会上

get up起床 at+时间点 在___点 go to school去上学

go to work去工作 have lunch吃午餐

play football踢足球play basketball打篮球watch

TV看电视 go home回家 on Sundays在每个星期日

in the sky在天空中 a very big city一个很大的城市

go swimming去游泳 go skating 去滑冰

at the park在公园 at the zoo在动物园 live in 居住在

by+交通工具 walk to/run to走着去/跑着去

have a good weekend周末愉快

at the weekend在周末 read books读书

play the piano 弹钢琴 listen to CDs听唱片

play the drums敲鼓 fly kites放风筝

in spring/summer/autumn/winter在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天

Chinese New Year中国新年 play football踢足球

a happy Christmas一个快乐的圣诞节in the U.K.在英国

have a big dinner吃一顿大餐 sing songs唱歌 come on加油


1. I/you/we/they/ 复数名词+V.(原)+…….例子:I like sweets.(我喜欢甜品)

He/she/it/单数名词+V(.s/es)+……. 例子:My mother watches TV onSundays.(我妈妈星期天看电视)

2. I/you/we/they/ 复数名词+don’t+V.(原)+……. 例子:I don’t like meat.(我不喜欢吃肉)

He/she/it/单数名词+doesn’t+V(.原)+……. She doesn’t like thesetrousers.(她不喜欢这条裤子)

3.Do+ I/you/we/they/ 复数名词+V.(原)+……?

例子:Do you like bananas? (你喜欢香蕉吗)Yes,___ do.

No,I don’t. No,I don’t.

Does+ he/she/it/单数名词+V.(原)+……?

例子:Does your mother go swimming on Sundays?(.妈星期天去游泳吗?)

Yes,____does. No,____doesn’t. Yes,she does.

4.What do/does_____do+……?例子:What do you do on Sundays? (星期天你做什么?)

I/you/we/they/ 复数名词+V.(原)+……. I play football on Sundays. (我星期天踢足球。)



beautiful rainbow over there outside my window

美丽的彩虹 在那儿 在我的窗户外面

What colour in the park two butterflies

什么颜色 在公园里 两只蝴蝶


What can you see? I can see…

What do you see? I see…

What colour is it? It’s…

What colour are they? They are…



