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一、听力选择 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

第一部分 听对话回答问题



1. Which picture can describe the boy?

2. What is the boy doing?

3. What are they talking about?

A. Table manners. B. Cold drinks. C. Nice food.

4. Where should the woman put the rubbish?

A. In the red bin. B. In the green bin. C. In the black bin.

5. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The woman returned to her hometown.

B. The woman is driving in her hometown.

C. The man left his hometown 10 years ago.

第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题




6. What are they talking about?

A. Their school subjects. B. Their holiday plans. C. Their holiday trips.

7. What is the boy like?

A. Careful. B. Hard-working. C. Helpful.


A trip to Taiwan

Time It’s May.

The trip will last 8 days.

Way We’ll travel around the island by bus.

Weather It’s cool and wet in the north.

It’s 9 in the south.

Things to take Please take an umbrella or a raincoat.

Don’t forget to take your 10 .

8. A. six B. seven C. eleven

9. A. hot and wet B. warm and rainy C. hot and dry

10. A. sunglasses B. camera C. cap


11. What was the matter with the girl?

A. She was blind. B. No one loved her. C. She hated others.

12. Why did the girl love her boyfriend?

A. Because he was generous.

B. Because he could see well.

C. Because he was always there for her.

13. Why was the young man moved?

A. Because the girl would marry him.

B. Because the girl helped him a lot.

C. Because the girl didn’t leave him.

14. How did the girl feel after she read the letter?

A. Happy. B. Excited. C. Sorry.

15. Who donated a pair of eyes to the girl?

A. A stranger. B. The young man. C. We don’t know.

二、单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


16. — ______ National Day holiday is coming. What’s your plan?

— None. Just stay at home and have ______ good rest.

A. The; 不填 B. 不填; a C. The; a D. 不填; 不填

17. — Could you tell me who the ruler of the USA in the 17th century was?

— Sorry. I have little ______ of American history.

A. background B. knowledge C. confidence D. advice

18. — I dislike living in the city.

— Me, ______. How I wish I had a dream home in the country.

A. either B. neither C. too D. also

19. — The stuntman is planning to walk on the wings of a flying plane.

— What? I have never heard of a ______ idea before.

A. crazier B. funnier C. stranger D. wiser

20. — I’ve found the two dresses are similar _______ style.

— I agree _______ you. But I like the blue one better.

A. to; with B. with; to C. in; to D. in; with

21. — How long ______ since you ______ back to China?

— For 9 years.

A. was it; came B. is it; came

C. is it; have come D. has it been; have come

22. — What about your trip to the 9th Horticultural Exposition of Jiangsu Province?

— It couldn’t be better. There were so many things to see that I just couldn’t ______ taking photos.

A. wait B. avoid C. stop D. risk

23. — Hurry up! My plane takes off in an hour.

— Well, don’t worry. You can’t ______ the plane leaving at your time in such bad weather.

A. get used to B. dream of C. get on D. depend on

24. — I’m afraid the bag is ______ for you to carry.

— Indeed, I’m not ______.

A. too heavy; enough strong B. light enough; too strong

C. too heavy; strong enough D. enough light; stronger

25. — How should I take the medicine, doctor?

— Please remember — take two pills ______.

A. at one time B. at a time C. on time D. from time to time

26. — Is Kate coming to the meeting this evening?

— No, she ______ be at the meeting. She ______ to the USA.

A. mustn’t; has gone B. shouldn’t; has been C. can’t; has gone D. can’t; has been

27. — It’s a waste of water to leave the tap ______.

— Right. We should do what we can ______ water.

A. to run; to save B. run; to save C. running; save D. running; to save

28. — Hobo, could I eat the hamburger?

— Sure, if the dishes ______.

A. have washed B. are washed C. were washed D. will be washed

29. — I’ve got a chance to go to the UK for training.

— ______ I’ve never been to a foreign country.

A. Lucky you! B. Just your luck!

C. Have a good time. D. That sounds like a good idea.

30. — The charity show is a big success. We have raised a lot of money for the sick student.

— Great! ______.

A. One tree can’t make a forest B. Many hands make light work

C. Where there is a will, there is a way D. A friend in need is a friend indeed

三、完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


We entered a little coffee house and gave our order. While we were sitting at the table, two people came in and they went to the counter.

“Five coffees, please. Two of them for us and three suspended.” They 31 for their order, took the two and left. I asked my friend, “What are those ‘suspended coffees?’”

“ 32 and you’ll see …”

Some more people entered. The next order was for seven coffees and it was made by three teachers: three for them and four “suspended”.

While I still 33 what to do with those “suspended” coffees, a man dressed in old and worn clothes came in through the door and 34 asked, “Do you have a suspended coffee?”

It’s 35 … people pay for coffee for someone who cannot 36 warm drinks. It is really an act of charity.

In some places, you can not only 37 a coffee, but also a sandwich or a full meal. This can help homeless people to have something a bit more nutritious (有营养的). It doesn’t have to be 38 ,

and can go from $1 to $13.

This suspended coffee tradition (传统) is 39 in Italy’s southern city Naples, but it has 40

all over the world. Maybe you will have it one day.

31. A. paid B. cared C. hunted D. searched

32. A. Look B. Wait C. Go D. Stop

33. A. feared B. hoped C. expected D. wondered

34. A. quickly B. proudly C. kindly D. clearly

35. A. simple B. polite C. right D. wise

36. A. choose B. afford C. have D. find

37. A. drink B. make C. taste D. order

38. A. fresh B. delicious C. expensive D. natural

39. A. allowed B. used C. copied D. born

40. A. spread B. accepted C. shared D. covered




