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I. 辩音题 选择画线部分读音不同的选项。(本题共4小题,每小题1分,满分4分)

1. A. ride B. fifteen C. kite D. bike

2. A. schoolbag B. blackboard C. map D. cake

3. A. forty B. doctor C. actor D. computer

4. A. girls B. drinks C. telephones D. cars



1. – My name is Lucy. What’s your name?

- My name is Tony. _______________ .

A. It’s a big city B. I am fine. C. He likes reading. D. Nice to meet you

2. I have a brother and a sister.__________ names are Li Hui and Li Ping.

A. They B. we C. their D. our

3. Your father’s sister is your ______________ .

A. mother B. aunt C. sister D. cousin

4. My aunt works in a ______________ . She is a nurse.

A. shop B. hospital C. bus station D. police station

5. - ___________________

- It’s behind the door.

A. What’s this ? B. Where is the ball ?

C. What colour is it ? D. Which ball do you like ?

6. – Where is Dalian Forest Zoo ?

- Look at the ______________ . it can tell us the way there.

A. picture B. television C. map D. g ate

7._______________ isn’t healthy drink.

A. Milk B .Coke C. water D. Juice

8. Peter likes chicken a lot, _____________ I don’t like it .

A. B. so C. or D. but

9. The basketball game starts _______________ 9:00 am. Don’t be late.

A. in B. at C. on D. to

10. –How about some juice ?

- _______________

A. Yes, you are right. B. Sorry.

C. Good idea. D. Too bad.



Hello,my name is Jack Brown. I come from New York, America. There are 1________ people in my family. They are my parents , my sister Lily and I. Now , my mother 2_________ in a school in China. My father is a doctor at a 3__________ . My sister and I are students in my mother's school,4_________ we are in different classes. I 'm in Class Five, and Lily is in Class Eight.

Lily likes music very much. She can play the piano well. There is a piano in front of the window in her room. She listens to 5_________ every day. I like collecting photos. I have got many photos. Look at these photos! They are the photos of my dog, Tony. Tony's favourite 6_________ is hamburgers, but I don't like 7__________. Hamburgers are not healthy food. Next to them 8_________photos of my school. There are many buildings in my school. I like my photos.

1. A. two B. four C. five D. six

2. A. lives B. likes C. goes D. works

3. A. hospital B. school C. office D. hotel

4. A. so B. and C. but D. or

5. A. news B. music C. teachers D. me

6. A. food B. sport C. colour D. film

7. A. them B. it C. its D. their

8. A. has B. have C. are D. is

IV. 阅读理解(一)(本题共9小题,每小题2分,满分18分)

A. 阅读下列短文,从所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Passage 1

Vegetables are good for our health. They give our bodies different kinds of vitamins and help us grow. Different vegetables can keep our bodies in different parts. Eating carrots is helpful to our eyes, because carrots can help us see better at night. Do you want to have strong teeth? Eat some beans. Beans have Vitamin K in them. Vitamin K is helpful to your teeth.

Do you like red tomatoes? They look nice. Doctors call tomatoes “healthy vegetables”, because they can stop some illness. They also have a kind of Vitamin P and it can keep our skin(皮肤) healthy. So it is important to eat some tomatoes. Don’t forget about spinach. The spinach leaves have Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. They can help us do our jobs better.

Vegetables are very important to us, but we can’t only have vegetables. We also need other kinds of food to keep healthy.

1. ____________ can help our bodies in eyes.

A. Beans B. Carrots C. Onions D. Potatoes

2. Vitamin K can ____________ .

A. make our teeth strong B. help us see better

C. stop some illness D. help our skin healthy

3. The underlined(画线) word “spinach” is a kind of ____________ .

A. vitamin B. fruit C. drink D. Vegetables

4. In this passage the writer wants to tell us that _____________ .

A. there are many kinds of vitamins B. we should eat lots of vegetables

C. vitamins are in many vegetables D. we don’t need to eat other kind of food

B. 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从所给的六个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思完整、连贯。(有两项为多余选项)

Passage 2

Li Ping and I are in the same school. He is a Young Pioneer(少先队员). We are good friends.

This is Li Ping’s room. It’s not big but new. There is a black desk in the room. On the desk there are some English books. Li ping’s schoolbag is on it , too. The schoolbag is yellow but old.

What’s this under the red chair? There is a white cat under it. It’s a Chinese cat. Its name is Mimi.

Li Ping’s father is near the desk. He’s about fifty. He is a policeman. What is his mother? She is near the desk, too. She is 40. She is a teacher of No.16 Middle School.

5. Who is Li Ping ?


6. Is Li Ping’s room big ?


7. How old is Li Ping’s mother ?


8. What’s Li Ping’s father ?


9. What’s in Li Ping’s room ?




Tina: What are your favourite sports ?

Ben : Well , 1 ______________

Tina : Now , tell me what you like to eat ?

Ben : Err , I like fish and eggs. But 2._____________

Tina : 3______________

Ben : Oh , yes , I love vegetables. Tina , do you like wine ?

Tina : No , I never drink wine or coffee.4_____________

Ben : 5_____________

Tina : I drink a lot of milk. It’s very good for

my health.

A. Do you eat a lot of vegetables?

B. What do you drink , then ?

C. They are not good for me.

D. Swimming and running.

E. I don’t eat any meat.

F. They’re bad for me.

G. They are healthy food.

VI.完型填空(二)(本题共15小题,A每小题1 分,BC每小题2 分,满分25分)


Swim lovely favourite clean lesson postcard

1. All the ______________ are from my good friends in Beijing.

2. _______________ finish at five o’clock in our school.

3. It’s hot today. How about _______________ in the river ?

4. What’s your ______________ animal ?

5. Hurry up ! it’s time _____________ the house.


Computer be teacher one class first

Mary’s school is very big. There are thirty-six 6. ___________ in her school and there are thirty five students in each class. But there are thirty-four students in her class : twenty boys and fourteen girls. Her classroom is on the 7.___________ floor. There is a 8.___________ and a television in her classroom. The computer is on the 9. ____________. There 10.____________ any pictures in the classroom . The classroom is big and clean.


My name is Alice Green. I am English. I am from London, England. I’m a student at Park school. My favourite 11.___________ is English. I like it because it’s very 12.___________. I also like history but I am not 13._____________ at it. I like PE, too. I often play basketball in the sports hall at our school. I usually have 14._____________ in the school dining hall. I like it because it is healthy and 15.___________ . We finish our lessons at three o’clock. I usually get home at half past three.

VII. 写 (共25’)

A.句子翻译。将下列句子补充完整。(本题共5小题,每小题2 分,共10分)


-I like math, _____________________________________________________ .

2. 这些是西红柿,他们是健康蔬菜。

_________________________________________________and they are healthy vegetables .


___________________________________________________________________ .



5. 他们在周六下午没有课。

___________________________________________________________________ .

B. 书面表达(共15分)


要求: 1.必须包含系列内容:your school ,your friend ,your family.







I. 1-4 BDAB

11. 1-5DCBBB 6-10 CBDBC

III. 1-4 BDAC 5-8 BAAC

IV. 1-4 BADB

5. He is a Young Pioneer.

6. No, it isn’t.

7. She is 40.

8. He is a policeman.

9. There is a black desk , some English books, his schoolbag and a white cat.

V. 1-5 DEAFB


A. 1-5 postcards lessons swimming favourite to clean

B. 1-5 classes first computer teacher’s aren’t

C. 1-5 subject interesting good lunch delicious



1. and I'm good at it.

2. These are tomatoes

3. Is there a map of the world in our classroom ?

4. I get up at six (o'clock) in the morning.

5. They haven't got (don't have) any lessons on Saturday afternoon.

B. 略



I. 听力测试(30分)


1. A. This is a map. B. That is an orange. C. She is my mother.

2. A. They are my parents. B. Those are my cousins. C. They are my jackets.

3. A. Is that your eraser? B. Is he your brother? C. He is my father.

4. A. You’re welcome. B. Nice to meet you! C. Have a good day!

5. A. Who is the girl? B. Where is the baseball? C. How do you spell it?


6. A. B. C.

7. A. B. C.

8. A. B. C.

9. A. B. C.

10. A. B. C.


11. A. It’s a schoolbag. B. It’s a book. C. It’s a ruler.

12. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C.Idon’t know.

13. A. Helen’s friend. B. Dale’s sister. C. Helen’s sister.

14. A. On the chair. B. On the table. C. Under the table.

15. A. White . B. Red. C. Black.

D) 在录音中你将听到一篇短文及五个问题。请根据短文内容及问题选择正确答案。短文及问题听两遍。(7.5分)

16. A. Jim. B. Alan. C. Mary.

17. A. Smith. B. White. C. Green.

18. A. Black. B. Red. C. Yellow.

19. A. On the table. B. On the chair. C. In the pencil box.

20. A. 6396747. B. 6367886. C. 5465713.

Ⅱ. 读音选词 根据所给句意和音标,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(5分)

21. —What’s that in English? —It’s a _________[mæp].

A. nice B. mine C. milk D. map

22. My _________[frend] is in China, her name is Mary.

A. family B. first C. friend D. girl

23. My baseballs are under the _________[tʃeə].

A. their B. chair C. where D. thank

24. —Who’s she? —She’s my _________ [‘sistə] Cindy.

A. sister B. seven C. school D. teacher

25. My pencil box is in my _________[‘sku: lbæg].

A. spell B. telephone C. schoolbag D. bookcase

Ⅲ. 选择填空 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(30分)

26. —What’s this?

—It’s ___________eraser.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

27. The girl’s name is Linda Smith, so her ___________ name’s Linda.

A. last B. family C. first D. mother

28. —Is that _________ dictionary?

—Yes, it is.

A. he B. he’s C. his D. him

29. —What’s your telephone number?

—___________ 53786123.

A. I’m B. It C. It’s D. Is it

30. 下列字母中含有相同元音音素的一组是_________


31. This is a photo _______ my family.

A. to B. in C. of D. for

32. My father and mother _______ in the room.

A. is B. am C. are D. be

33. —What’s this ________ English?

—It’s a map.

A. for B. in C. to D. on

34. — Is Jenny _____ sister?

— No, ____ isn’t.

A. her; she B. her; her C. she; she D. she; her

35. Please call me _____ 28964123.

A. in B. at C. for D. /

36. —What’s three and__________?

—It’s nine.

A. four B. five C. six D. seven

37. —Is this your pencil?


A. No, it is B. No, it isn’t C. Yes, this is D. Yes, it isn’t

38. —_________is the pen?


A. How B. What color C. What D. What’s

39. —How do you spell ‘ruler’?


A. It’s a ruler. B. Yes, R-U-L-E-R. C. r-u-l-e-r. D. R-U-L-E-R.

40. —Who’s that man? —He’s my father.

A. B. C. D.

41. —Your pencil box is very nice.


A. Thank you B. Thank C. No D. Yes

42. —_______is he?

—He is my new English teacher.

A. Who B. How C. How old D. Where

43. —Are these your English books?

—No, __________.

A. they are B. these aren’t C. they aren’t D. it isn’t

44. —Thank you for your pen.


A. I'm OK B. Come on C. You are welcome D. Sure

45.You can see_______“w” and_________“e” in the word“white”.

A. a; an B. an; an C. an; a D. a; a

46.—_______, is this your quilt?

—No, it’s Mary’s.

A. Good morning B. Goodbye C. Thank you D. Excuse me

47. ______is my family photo and _________ are my parents .

A. This; those B. These; that C. That; this D. Those; these

48.—Are these books__________?

—No, they aren’t. They are Linda’s.

A. your B. her C. yours D. he

49. — _____________?

—Look! It’s on the chair.

A. What color is it B. Where is your pen C. Who is the book D. What’s this?

50. —Where are the books?

—_________ in the bookcase.

A. They are B. It’s C. These are D. That is

51. My book is on the table, ______ my clock is not.

A. but B. and C. well D./

52.The ________ is on the sofa.

A. radios B. watch C. erasers D. rings

53.Here_________ some photos of my family.

A. is B. are C. am D. be

54. This pencil is Helen’s. _________ this dictionary?

A. What is B. How is C. What about D. Where is

55.You can ask your teacher ______ the dictionary.

A. at B. for C.in D.on

Ⅳ. 完形填空 阅读下面短文, 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分)

Anna White is an English girl. Her __56__ name is White. She is 12. This is __57__room.In her room,her books and dictionaries __58__ in the bookcase. Her eraser is on the __59__.Her pencil box is on the desk, too. Some pens and a set __60__ keys are in the pencil box.A schoolbag is under the table,__61__ it's not Anna's. It's her sister Mary's. A family photo is on the desk. You can see__62__people(人)in it. __63__ are her parents. __64__is the girl? She is Ann’s sister Mary. Can you __65__ Anna in the photo? Look! She’s here.

56. A. first B. English C. last D. friend

57. A. she B. her C. hers D. my

58. A. am B. is C. are D. be

59. A. chair B. desk C. sofa D. bookcase

60. A. in B. of C. on D. for

61. A. and B. too C. but D. to

62. A. four B. three C. five D. two

63. A. That B. This C. It D. These

64. A. What B. How C. Who D. Where

65. A. find B. lost C. think D. have

Ⅴ. 补全对话 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(5分)

A: Good morning, Tom!

B: Good morning, Lisa!

A: ____66____

B: I’m fine. What about you?

A: I’m OK, thank you. ____67____

B: It’s a photo of my family.

A: ____68____

B: He is my brother. He is only six.

A: ____69____

B: No, she isn’t. She is my aunt.

A: Oh, I see. Thank you!

B: ____70____

66. A. Nice to meet you! B. How are you?

C. What’s your name? D. Are you OK?

67. A. What’s this? B. What are these?

C. How do you spell it? D. Is it a photo of your family?

68. A. Is he your brother? B. What’s this?

C. Who’s he? D. Yes, he is.

69. A. She is your mother. B. Who’s she?

C. Is she your aunt? D. Is she your mother?

70. A. You’re welcome! B. Thank you, too.

C. Have a good day! D. Excuse me.

Ⅵ. 阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能完成所给句子或回答所提问题的最佳答案。(15分)


Look! This is a photo of my family. My name is Bob. I am 13 years old now. My father is David Smith. He is a teacher. He is thirty-two years old now. This is my mother. Her name is Victoria. I have a brother. But he is not in this photo. He is only 1 year old. His name is Bill. We are very happy.

71. My name is_________.

A. Bob Smith B. David Smith C. Bill Smith D. Bob White

72. What’s Bob’s father’s first name?

A. Smith B. David C. Bob D. Bill

73. Who is Bob’s mother?

A. Bill B. David C. Mary D. Victoria

74. Is my brother in the photo?

A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn't. C. He's Bill. D. He is only 1 year old.

75. My family has_________ people(人).

A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. I don't know


I'm Linda. Welcome to my room. My school ID card and my schoolbag are on the sofa. What are those in the bookcase? Oh, they are my tape player and some tapes.

I am Jack. This is my room. Look! My books are on the sofa. My blue jacket is on the bed. In the bookcase is my brother John's dictionary. Where is my pencil box? Oh, it is on the chair.

Hello, I' m Sally. What can you see in my room?My computer is on the desk. The CDs are in the bookcase. What are those under the bed? Oh, they are three baseballs. I think my room is nice and tidy, I love it!

76. Where is Linda's school ID card?

A. On the sofa. B. On the desk. C. On the bed. D. In the bookcase.

77. Jack's jacket is _________.

A. black B. red C. blue D. green

78. Who is John?

A. Jack's brother. B. Jack's father. C. Linda's brother. D. Sally's friend.

79. What's under Sally's bed?

A. Her schoolbag. B. Some CDs. C. Her computer game. D. Three baseballs.

80. Is Sally’s room tidy?

A. Yes, she is. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, it is. D. No, they aren’t.


Lost& Found case

I lost my red schoolbag in our library. Some keys are in it. I must find it. Please call me at 6354369.Thank you.

Jason :-)

Found: A white watch is under a desk in the classroom. Is it yours? Please ask Mr. Hanson for it. His telephone number is 8462523.

Alan, your baseball is on the table of our computer room. Please email me at linda4y@hotmail.com.

Computer Room

Where is my pencil box? It’s green. A black pen and an ID card are in it. My phone number is 3541679. Please call me. Thanks!


81. What color is the schoolbag?

A. White. B. Black. C. Red. D. Blue.

82. What’s in the schoolbag?

A. Keys. B. Watches. C. Rings. D. Baseballs.

83. If(如果) you cannot find your white watch, you can call Mr. Hanson at_________.

A. 6354369 B. 8414893 C. 8462523 D. 5465687

84. Where is the baseball now?

A. On the chair. B. Under the desk. C. On the table. D. In the schoolbag.

85. Who lost a pencil box?

A. Jason. B. Alan. C. Robert. D. Mr. Hanson.


Ⅶ. 选词填空。 (10分)

A.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空 (每词限用一次)。

girl I teacher of last

Hello! (86)______________am Tom Green. My (87)______________name is Green. I'm in No.5 Middle School. Here is a photo (88)______________my family. This is my father. He is a (89)______________. That is my mother, She is a teacher, too. Who’s the (90)______________? Oh, she is my sister Maria. Benben is in my family, too.


be find think lose have

Hi, My name is Jenny. I (91)______________a good friend, her name is Linda. She is an English girl. I (92)______________she is very nice. She has a red pencil box, but this morning, she (93)______________it in the school library. Some keys and a school ID card (94)______________in it. She must find it. If you (95)______________her pencil box, please call her. Her telephone number is 5337845.

Ⅷ. 改写句子 按括号中的要求完成改写后的句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分)

96. My pencils are on the desk.(改为否定句)

My pencils ____________ ____________on the desk.

97. She is my cousin.(改为一般疑问句)

____________ she____________ cousin?

98. This is my watch.(改为复数)

____________are my ____________.

99. That is my blue pencil box.( (改写句子,句意不变)

That blue pencil box ____________ ____________.

100. His eraser and pen are on the sofa.(对划线提问)

____________ ____________ his eraser and pen?

Ⅸ. 完成句子 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。(5分)

101.---这个用英语怎么说? ---是一把尺子

---What’s this ____________ ____________? ---It’s a ruler.

102. 我叫Mary White. 我的名字是Mary。

I’m Mary White. My____________ ____________is Mary.

103. 我的妹妹Gina在一所中学上学

My sister Gina is in a ____________ ____________.


The ____________ ____________ is on the chair.

105. 我的女儿Alice在下一张图片中。

In the____________ picture is my ____________Alice.

Ⅹ. 任务型阅读 根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(5分)

Linda: Good morning. I lost my pencil box this morning.

Man: OK. 106 _

Linda: No, it isn’t. That’s my pencil box.

Man: Here you are.

Linda: And that’s my friend’s school ID card.

Man: 107 _

Linda: Her name is Jenny White.

Man: 108 _

Linda: J-E-N-N-Y-W-H-I-T-E..

Man: OK. 109 _

Linda: 110 _

Man: You’re welcome.

A. What’s her name?

B. Here’s the school ID card.

C. What’s your name?

D. Is this your pencil box?

E. Thank you for your help.

F. Have a good day.

G. How do you spell it?

106.¬¬¬¬ 107.¬¬¬¬ 108.¬¬¬¬ 109.¬¬¬¬ 110.¬¬¬¬

Ⅺ. 书面表达。(15分)


提示:1. 书桌是黑色的,一张家庭照片在桌子上,请向Mike介绍你的家人。

2. 一个紫色的铅笔盒在书桌上,里面有一只白色的铅笔,黄色的橡皮和两把绿色的尺子。

要求:1. 语句通顺、语义连贯

2. 要包括提示中的所有内容;

3. 不少于60个单词。


I. A) 听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。

1. That is an orange.

2. They are my parents.

3. Is that your eraser?

4. Have a good day!

5. Where is the baseball?

B) 在录音中你将听到五段对话。请选出与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话听两遍。

6. M: What’s this in English?

W: It’s a ruler.

7. M: Where is the key?

W: It’s on the table.

8. M: Is that your radio?

W: No, it isn’t. That is mine.

9. M: Gina, I lost my pen.

W: You can call Alan at 621179.

10. M: Who’s the woman over there?

W: She’s my mother Linda.

C) 在录音中,你将听到一段对话及五个问题。请根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。对话及问题听两遍。

M: Good morning, Helen. How are you?

W: Good morning, Dale. I’m fine, thank you!

M: What’s that on the chair?

W: It’s a schoolbag.

M: Is it yours, Helen?

W: No, it isn’t. It’s Mary’s.

M: Who is Mary?

W: She is my sister. Look! She is over there.

M: Oh, I see. And where is your pen?

W: It’s on the table.

M: What color is it?

W: It’s black. My pencil is black, too.

M: Thank you very much.

W:You’re welcome.


11. What’s that on the chair?

12. Is it Helen’s schoolbag?

13. Who is Mary?

14. Where is Helen’s pen?

15. What color is the pencil?

D) 在录音中你将听到一篇短文及五个问题。请根据短文内容及问题选择正确答案。短文及问题听两遍。

Hello, everyone. My name is Jane Smith. This is my friend. His name is Jim Green. This is his father. His name is Alan Green. This is his mother. Her name is Mary Green. Oh, this is his pencil box. It’s red. A pen and two pencils are in it. What’s that on the table? It’s a telephone. What’s his telephone number? It’s 6367886.


16. Who is Jane’s friend?

17. What’s Jim’s mother’s last name?

18. What color is his pencil box?

19. Where is the pen?

20. What’s Jim’s telephone number?







VII. A. I, last, of, teacher, girl

B. have, think, lost, are, find

VIII. 96. are not 97. Is, your 98. These, watches 99. is mine 100.Where are

IX. 101. in English 102. first name 103.middle school 104.model plane

105. next, daughter


Ⅺ. 略



( )1.Mr.Li is ________ English teacher in our school.

A.a B.an C.the D./

( )2.—I don't know this English word (单词).

—Well,here is a ________ and it can help you.

A.map B.schoolbag

C.eraser D.dictionary

( )3.—Where is ________ hat?

—The blue one on the table is ________.

A.her;hers B.her;her

C.hers;her D.hers;hers

( )4.—Tony,________ is my good friend,Harry.


A.this B.that C.it D.he

( )5.Gina is my cousin,________ she is my good friend.

A.well B.and

C.but D.for

( )6.—Hi,Grace. Do you ________ the girl in this photo?

—Yes. She is my classmate Alice.

A.ask B.thank

C.meet D.know

( )7.—________ those CDs in the bookcase?


A.Are;they are B.Is;it is

C.Are;those are D.Is;that is

( )8.—________ do you spell “bird”?


A.What B.Where

C.Who D.How

( )9.Tom is in No.6 Middle School,but Alice________.

A.is B.isn't

C.does D.doesn't

( )10.—Oh,I cannot find my son.

—Don't worry. You can call the police (警察) ________ 110.

A.to B.of C.at D.for

( )11.—________,where's my watch?

—Sorry,I don't know.

A.Excuse me B.Yes

C.Come on D.Nice to meet you

( )12.—________ Jane like basketball?

—Yes,she ________.

A.Do;do B.Does;does

C.Do;like D.Does;likes

( )13.Eric doesn't like this game. He thinks it is very ________.

A.boring B.interesting

C.relaxing D.great

( )14.—________?

—It's 559-4863.

A.Is this your telephone

B.What's that

C.What color is your telephone

D.What's your telephone number

( )15.—Have a good day!


A.No,it isn't B.Good afternoon

C.You,too. Thanks D.I don't know


This is Mrs.Zhao's bedroom (卧室).It's a big and nice room. We can see __16__ pictures and a map of China __17__ the wall. Three books are on the desk. A cup is on the __18__,too. A __19__ is under the desk,and her bag is on the chair. The bed is next to (挨着) her desk. A picture __20__ Mrs.Zhao's family is on the bed.__21__ people are in the picture:Mr.Zhao,Mrs.Zhao and their daughters. Mr.Zhao is next to Mrs.Zhao,and their two daughters are in front of (在……前面) __22__.Look,they are so happy.

Mr.Zhao and Mrs.Zhao are __23__.__24__ daughters are students. They often go for a walk (散步) __25__ dinner.They think it's fun.

( )16.A.a B.an

C.some D.the

( )17.A.in B.on

C.of D.at

( )18.A.wall B.chair

C.bed D.desk

( )19.A.chair B.bed

C.table D.chairs

( )20.A.on B.of

C.for D.in

( )21.A.Three B.Four

C.Five D.Six

( )22.A.they B.him

C.her D.them

( )23.A.teachers B.teacher

C.student D.friend

( )24.A.His B.Her

C.Their D.Hers

( )25.A.after B.in

C.on D.at



Lost:A white dog

My name is Alan Green. My phone number is 216-0911.You can e-mail me at alan6512@163.com.

Found:A purple schoolbag

An English book,a dictionary and some keys are in it. My name is Jenny Black. My phone number is 612-7878.

Found:A photo

I found a photo in the school library. A teacher,a girl and a boy are in the photo. The teacher is in a blue jacket. Is it yours?Call Mike at 216-9871.

Lost:A model plane

I lost my model plane. I must find it. Call Bill at 678-0911.E-mail me at bill808@126.com.


( )26.Alan can't find his ________.

A.schoolbag B.dog

C.photo D.model plane

( )27.What's NOT in the schoolbag?

A.A dictionary. B.An English book.

C.A notebook. D.Some keys.

( )28.What color is the teacher's jacket?

A.White. B.Yellow.

C.Blue. D.Purple.

( )29.If you find a model plane,you can call ________.

A.Alan B.Jenny C.Mike D.Bill

( )30.Mike's telephone number is ________.

A.216-9871 B.678-0911

C.216-0911 D.612-7878


Do you know the boy in the picture? He is Yi Yangqianxi. His English name is Jackson. Yi is 16 years old. He is a student in a school in Beijing. And he is also a boy in the group (组合) TFBOYS.TFBOYS has another (再一) two boys—Wang Yuan (Roy) and Wang Junkai (Karry).They all have good looks. They all like singing and dancing.

Wang Yuan and Wang Junkai are Yi's friends. And Yi has another friend. He is a toy bear. He is always in Yi's schoolbag.Yi goes to school with him every day.“He can't speak (说),but he can listen to me. He is very nice. I like him very much,” Yi says.


( )31.Wang Junkai's English name is ________.

A.Jackson B.Roy

C.Karry D.Justin

( )32.There are ________ boys in the group TFBOYS.

A.two B.three

C.four D.five

( )33.You can always see Yi's toy bear ________.

A.under his desk B.in his bookcase

C.on his bed D.in his schoolbag

( )34.文中画线的单词“him”指代“________”。

A.Wang Yuan B.Yi Yangqianxi

C.Wang Junkai D.the toy bear

( )35.What does the passage (文章) talk about?

A.Yi Yangqianxi and his friends.

B.The group TFBOYS.

C.Yi Yangqianxi is a nice boy.

D.Yi Yangqianxi's schoolbag.



36.Well,this yellow jacket is Mike's. It's not m________.

37.Three and f________ is eight.

38.—Thank you for your help,Jenny.

—You're w________.

39.I t________ your map is in your room.

40.—This pen is Jane's. What a________ the pencil?

—It's hers,too.


41.The green cup is mine and the white one is ________ (he).

42.Paul,are these your ________ (photo)?

43.Sally ________ (have) a black and white dog.

44.Her bag is in her ________(parents) room.

45.Let ________ (we) play baseball at 5:00 pm.



________ ________ Anna's tapes?


Please ________ Dale ________ 328-4658.


I ________ like sports.I only watch sports ________ TV.


Do you ________ the girl ________ the sofa?


Helen's ________ ________ is on the table.



A:Look!This is a picture of a room.__51__

B:I can see an eraser on the desk.


B:No,I can't.__53__

A:It's in the schoolbag. The schoolbag is on the chair.


A:Oh,it's a bookcase. Some books are in it. What's that under the chair?

B:It's a ball.

A:A ball?__55__

B:Yes,it is.

A.Where is it?

B.Do you play it at school?

C.What can you see in the room?

D.Is it a soccer ball?

E.I have a soccer ball.

F.Can you see a dictionary?

G.What's that?




Nick is my pen pal (笔友).He is 12 years old. He is Canadian (加拿大人).He lives in Ottawa. He speaks English and French (法语).His favorite subject is science. He likes Chinese,too. And he says he can speak a little Chinese,but he can't write in Chinese. Nick likes sports,too. He likes volleyball best. He often plays volleyball with his friends after school. He says he can play it very well. He doesn't like math. He thinks it's very difficult. Nick has a big family. There are nine people in his family,his grandparents,his parents and his brothers and sisters. He has two brothers and two sisters. They are Bob,Tim,Jane and Susan. They are happy!


( )56.Nick is a Canadian boy.

57.Nick likes science best,________ he doesn't like math.

58.How many people are there in Nick's family?


59.Who are Bob and Tim?






姓名 常亮

英文名字 Jack

年龄 13

家庭成员 父母、弟弟、妹妹和自己

最喜欢的颜色 蓝色


电话号码 212-3568

Hello,my name is Chang Liang.___







Ⅴ.46.Are these47.call;at48.don't;on49.know;on50.family photo


Ⅶ.56.T57.but58.Nine /9 (people).59.(They're) Nick's brothers.60.尼克有一个大家庭。

Ⅷ.One possible version:

Hello,my name is Chang_ Liang. And my English name is Jack. I am 13 years old. I have a happy family:my parents,my brother,my sister and I.Blue is my favorite color. I love sports. I play ping-pong with my friends after class. I watch it on TV,too. My telephone number is 212-3568.You can call me at it. I think we can become good friends.



