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Ⅴ.46.Are these47.call;at48.don't;on49.know;on50.family photo


Ⅶ.56.T57.but58.Nine /9 (people).59.(They're) Nick's brothers.60.尼克有一个大家庭。

Ⅷ.One possible version:

Hello,my name is Chang_ Liang. And my English name is Jack. I am 13 years old. I have a happy family:my parents,my brother,my sister and I.Blue is my favorite color. I love sports. I play ping-pong with my friends after class. I watch it on TV,too. My telephone number is 212-3568.You can call me at it. I think we can become good friends.



( )1.Mr.Li is ________ English teacher in our school.

A.a B.an C.the D./

( )2.—I don't know this English word (单词).

—Well,here is a ________ and it can help you.

A.map B.schoolbag

C.eraser D.dictionary

( )3.—Where is ________ hat?

—The blue one on the table is ________.

A.her;hers B.her;her

C.hers;her D.hers;hers

( )4.—Tony,________ is my good friend,Harry.


A.this B.that C.it D.he

( )5.Gina is my cousin,________ she is my good friend.

A.well B.and

C.but D.for

( )6.—Hi,Grace. Do you ________ the girl in this photo?

—Yes. She is my classmate Alice.

A.ask B.thank

C.meet D.know

( )7.—________ those CDs in the bookcase?


A.Are;they are B.Is;it is

C.Are;those are D.Is;that is

( )8.—________ do you spell “bird”?


A.What B.Where

C.Who D.How

( )9.Tom is in No.6 Middle School,but Alice________.

A.is B.isn't

C.does D.doesn't

( )10.—Oh,I cannot find my son.

—Don't worry. You can call the police (警察) ________ 110.

A.to B.of C.at D.for

( )11.—________,where's my watch?

—Sorry,I don't know.

A.Excuse me B.Yes

C.Come on D.Nice to meet you

( )12.—________ Jane like basketball?

—Yes,she ________.

A.Do;do B.Does;does

C.Do;like D.Does;likes

( )13.Eric doesn't like this game. He thinks it is very ________.

A.boring B.interesting

C.relaxing D.great

( )14.—________?

—It's 559-4863.

A.Is this your telephone

B.What's that

C.What color is your telephone

D.What's your telephone number

( )15.—Have a good day!


A.No,it isn't B.Good afternoon

C.You,too. Thanks D.I don't know


This is Mrs.Zhao's bedroom (卧室).It's a big and nice room. We can see __16__ pictures and a map of China __17__ the wall. Three books are on the desk. A cup is on the __18__,too. A __19__ is under the desk,and her bag is on the chair. The bed is next to (挨着) her desk. A picture __20__ Mrs.Zhao's family is on the bed.__21__ people are in the picture:Mr.Zhao,Mrs.Zhao and their daughters. Mr.Zhao is next to Mrs.Zhao,and their two daughters are in front of (在……前面) __22__.Look,they are so happy.

Mr.Zhao and Mrs.Zhao are __23__.__24__ daughters are students. They often go for a walk (散步) __25__ dinner.They think it's fun.

( )16.A.a B.an

C.some D.the

( )17.A.in B.on

C.of D.at

( )18.A.wall B.chair

C.bed D.desk

( )19.A.chair B.bed

C.table D.chairs

( )20.A.on B.of

C.for D.in

( )21.A.Three B.Four

C.Five D.Six

( )22.A.they B.him

C.her D.them

( )23.A.teachers B.teacher

C.student D.friend

( )24.A.His B.Her

C.Their D.Hers

( )25.A.after B.in

C.on D.at



Lost:A white dog

My name is Alan Green. My phone number is 216-0911.You can e-mail me at alan6512@163.com.

Found:A purple schoolbag

An English book,a dictionary and some keys are in it. My name is Jenny Black. My phone number is 612-7878.

Found:A photo

I found a photo in the school library. A teacher,a girl and a boy are in the photo. The teacher is in a blue jacket. Is it yours?Call Mike at 216-9871.

Lost:A model plane

I lost my model plane. I must find it. Call Bill at 678-0911.E-mail me at bill808@126.com.


( )26.Alan can't find his ________.

A.schoolbag B.dog

C.photo D.model plane

( )27.What's NOT in the schoolbag?

A.A dictionary. B.An English book.

C.A notebook. D.Some keys.

( )28.What color is the teacher's jacket?

A.White. B.Yellow.

C.Blue. D.Purple.

( )29.If you find a model plane,you can call ________.

A.Alan B.Jenny C.Mike D.Bill

( )30.Mike's telephone number is ________.

A.216-9871 B.678-0911

C.216-0911 D.612-7878


Do you know the boy in the picture? He is Yi Yangqianxi. His English name is Jackson. Yi is 16 years old. He is a student in a school in Beijing. And he is also a boy in the group (组合) TFBOYS.TFBOYS has another (再一) two boys—Wang Yuan (Roy) and Wang Junkai (Karry).They all have good looks. They all like singing and dancing.

Wang Yuan and Wang Junkai are Yi's friends. And Yi has another friend. He is a toy bear. He is always in Yi's schoolbag.Yi goes to school with him every day.“He can't speak (说),but he can listen to me. He is very nice. I like him very much,” Yi says.


( )31.Wang Junkai's English name is ________.

A.Jackson B.Roy

C.Karry D.Justin

( )32.There are ________ boys in the group TFBOYS.

A.two B.three

C.four D.five

( )33.You can always see Yi's toy bear ________.

A.under his desk B.in his bookcase

C.on his bed D.in his schoolbag

( )34.文中画线的单词“him”指代“________”。

A.Wang Yuan B.Yi Yangqianxi

C.Wang Junkai D.the toy bear

( )35.What does the passage (文章) talk about?

A.Yi Yangqianxi and his friends.

B.The group TFBOYS.

C.Yi Yangqianxi is a nice boy.

D.Yi Yangqianxi's schoolbag.



36.Well,this yellow jacket is Mike's. It's not m________.

37.Three and f________ is eight.

38.—Thank you for your help,Jenny.

—You're w________.

39.I t________ your map is in your room.

40.—This pen is Jane's. What a________ the pencil?

—It's hers,too.


41.The green cup is mine and the white one is ________ (he).

42.Paul,are these your ________ (photo)?

43.Sally ________ (have) a black and white dog.

44.Her bag is in her ________(parents) room.

45.Let ________ (we) play baseball at 5:00 pm.



________ ________ Anna's tapes?


Please ________ Dale ________ 328-4658.


I ________ like sports.I only watch sports ________ TV.


Do you ________ the girl ________ the sofa?


Helen's ________ ________ is on the table.



A:Look!This is a picture of a room.__51__

B:I can see an eraser on the desk.


B:No,I can't.__53__

A:It's in the schoolbag. The schoolbag is on the chair.


A:Oh,it's a bookcase. Some books are in it. What's that under the chair?

B:It's a ball.

A:A ball?__55__

B:Yes,it is.

A.Where is it?

B.Do you play it at school?

C.What can you see in the room?

D.Is it a soccer ball?

E.I have a soccer ball.

F.Can you see a dictionary?

G.What's that?




Nick is my pen pal (笔友).He is 12 years old. He is Canadian (加拿大人).He lives in Ottawa. He speaks English and French (法语).His favorite subject is science. He likes Chinese,too. And he says he can speak a little Chinese,but he can't write in Chinese. Nick likes sports,too. He likes volleyball best. He often plays volleyball with his friends after school. He says he can play it very well. He doesn't like math. He thinks it's very difficult. Nick has a big family. There are nine people in his family,his grandparents,his parents and his brothers and sisters. He has two brothers and two sisters. They are Bob,Tim,Jane and Susan. They are happy!


( )56.Nick is a Canadian boy.

57.Nick likes science best,________ he doesn't like math.

58.How many people are there in Nick's family?


59.Who are Bob and Tim?






姓名 常亮

英文名字 Jack

年龄 13

家庭成员 父母、弟弟、妹妹和自己

最喜欢的颜色 蓝色


电话号码 212-3568

Hello,my name is Chang Liang._________________________________________





