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1. How do you make a banana milk shake? 你怎样制作一份香蕉奶昔?

(n)摇动;抖动: Give the bottle a good shake. 好好地摇一下瓶子。

(v) (使)摇动/颤抖:Shake the bottle before drinking.

抖落: He shook the snow off his coat at the door.

2. Turn on the blender. 打开搅拌器。

turn on:打开(电、煤气、水等) Will you please turn on the light? It’s too dark.

turn off: 关掉(电、煤气、水等) Please turn the light off when you leave the building.

turn up: 调高(音量等) I can’t hear clearly, please turn up the radio.

出现 If he doesn’t turn up in ten minutes, we’ll have to go.

turn down: 调低(音量等):Please turn down the TV when I’m talking on the phone.

拒绝 She turned down his invitation.

3. cut up the bananas. 把香蕉切碎。cut:(n)切口;伤口;(v) 切,割,剪,砍,削等

cut… into… :把…切成… cut the turkey into pieces.

cut off: 切断;中断 He almost cut off his finger while working.

cut up 切碎;剁碎 cut the onion up in small pieces.

伤害;折磨: He was cut up badly when he fell off his bike.

cut down:砍倒;削减 They cut down the old trees in order to build a new factory.

4. A: How much yogurt do we need? B: We need one cup of yogurt.

1). how many: 多少 + 可数名词: how many watermelons do you need?

how much 多少 + 不可数名词: How much cheese/sugar do we need?

多少钱= What’d the price of…? How much is the butter?

2). (n) : There’s no need for you to hurry. 你没有必要慌张。


Sb. need sth. She needs help.

(v实) Sb. need to do sth. You need to get it back tomorrow.

需要; Sth. need doing = sth. need to be done. The bike needs repairing.

必须 (v情: ) 用于否定和疑问: You needn’t tell me. 你没有必要告诉我。

Need I go there? Yes, you must./have to. No, you needn’t.

5. These days, most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks /by having a big meal at home with their family. The idea of (doing) sth: 目的;意图 He is saving money with the idea of buying a car.

6.Next,fill the turkey with this bread mix. 接下来,把这个面包混合物填充到火鸡里。


使充满;装满: fill A with B = A be filled with B = A be full of B

1). Fill the bottle with water. = The bottle is filled with / is full of water.

占据,胜任(职位;工作) : She is the best person to fill this kind of job.

(n)混合物(=mixture);食品混合干配料 a cake mix


使掺和;使混合: She mixes the flour and milk together.

2). mix…with…: 把…与…调在一起 He mixed red paint with yellow paint.

(v)mix… into…: 把…掺在…里面 She mixed some salt into the soup.

7. When it is ready, place the turkey on a large plate and cover it with gravy.


(n) 盖子;封面;罩: The book has a blue cover.

覆盖;遮盖: cover … with… = …be covered with…

(v) She covered the table with a cloth. = The table was covered with a cloth.

掩饰;隐瞒 Jim tried to cover his mistake with a joke.

8. Finally, serve it to your friends with some vegetables.


为…服务/工作/效力: serve people.

接待;服侍(顾客):Are you being served? 你点过菜了吗?/有人接待你吗?

端出(食物);伺候…进餐:serve the fish to the guests.

9. Now, it’s time to enjoy the rice noodles! 现在,到了享用米粉的时候了。

It’s time

for sth. : It’s time for supper.

to do sth. It’s time to have supper

是…的时候了 for sb. to do sth. It’s time for you to get up.

10. 可数名词与不可数名词:

(1)初中常见的不可数名词有:wood ice ice cream wool metal glass hair dust air water milk wine beer bread sugar rice meat cheese weather sunshine experience traffic homework advice housework information peace trouble anger food fish grass tea drink coffee fruit snow education knowledge time music coke paper orange chicken hair exercise friendship pollution work room news salad popcorn corn salt pepper gravy honey soup porridge sunshine light money rain wind Chinese Japanese English beef pork oil juice

(2)1.既可修饰可数名词也可修饰:all, some, most, a lot of, lots of, plenty of …

2.修饰可数名词的词有:数词(one...), few, a few, many, a number of, numbers of...

3. 修饰不可数名词的词有:little, a little, a bit of, much, a great deal of, a large amount of

4. 不可数名词通常用“数词+量词+of+不可数名词”表示复数: three pieces of paper


1.milk shake

2.turn on


4.a cup of yogurt

5.a good idea

6。on Saturday在

7.cut up put…into…

8.one more thing

9.a piece of

10.a few

11.fill… with…


13.one by one

14.a long time

15.how many+

16.how much+

17.It’s time (for sb.)+to do sth.


19.want + to do sth.

20.forget+to do sth. 21.how + to do sth.

22.need+to do sth. 23.make+宾语+形容词 24.let sb. +do sth.


1.Traditional festival in China 中国传统的节日 : Spring Festival Lantern Festival Tomb-Sweeping Festival Dragon-Boat Festival Mid-Autumn Day Double-ninth Day New Year’s Eve

2.In American , Thanksgiving is always on the fourth Thursday in November. In Canada, Thanksgiving is always on the second Monday in October.在美国,感恩节通常在11月的第四个星期四,在加拿大,感恩节通常在10月的第二个星期一。



(2)结构: 1)肯定的祈使句:动词原形+其他Stand up, please. Be careful!

2)否定的祈使句: 1). Don't + 动词原形 Don’t laugh at others.

2). Never do sth. Never do that again! 3). No + v-ing/n. No smoking! No noise, please.

4). Let’s not do sth. Let’s not waste time. 5). Don’t let sb. do sth. Don’t let them make any noise.

(3)祈使句的考点:A: Don’t forget to turn off the light. B: OK. I won’t.

A: Remember to return it as soon as possible B: OK./All right./I will.

4.It is a time to give thanks for food in the autumn. 它是一个感谢秋天丰收的时刻。(P61.2b)

【解析】give thanks for sth.对某事表示感谢;give thanks to sb. for sth.因某事而感谢某人。

I want to give thanks for my dear mother’s love.我想感谢亲爱的妈妈给我的爱。

申申老师课文相关语法:1. 可数名词和不可数名词的用法 2. 祈使句的用法



