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I. Match the sentences

( )1. Could I speak to Sam,please?

( )2. Would you like to come to my birthday party tonight?

( )3. May I come in?

( )4. What about going out for a walk?

( )5. Shall I open the door?

( )6. Will you (please) lend your pen to me?

a. Good idea!

b. Yes,please.

c. Certainly. Hold on,please.

d. I’d love to.

e. Sorry,I’m afraid not.

f. Come in,please.

II. Translate the sentences into English.

1. 你能接一下电话吗?


2. 你能把书带到教室里去吗?


3. 你能帮我打扫房间吗?


4. 我能打开窗户吗?


5. 我可以借你的车吗?


参考答案:I. c d f a b e II. 1. Could you answer the phone? 2. Could you take the book to the classroom? 3. Could you help me clean the room? 4. Could I open the window? 5. Could I borrow your car?





Section B 1a-2e



1. 掌握新单词和短语。

2. 在不同的情境中正确、熟练地使用表示委婉请求的句型。

3. 培养听、说、读、写四项基本技能。

















Step 1 Greetings

Greet the students as usual.

Step 2 Preparation

T:When I was a teenager,my parents often asked me to clean my room. Sometimes they asked me to buy some things. Now I often ask my daughter to take out the trash. What chores do your parents usually ask you to do?

S1:My mother usually asks me to buy some food.

S2:My mother often asks me to make my bed.

S3:My father always asks me to clean my bike.

S4:They ask me to clean my bedroom.

T: Do you ask your parents to do anything? What do you ask them to do?

S1:I ask my mother to make bed for me.

S2:I ask my father to buy some books for me.


Step 3 Practice

T:Look at the items in 1a,Section B. What can teenagers ask their parents to do? What

do parents ask their teenagers to do? Write “parents” or “teenagers” next to each phrase.

Ask students to go through the phrases first. Give some explanations about the key words.

teenager:someone who is between 13 and 19 years old

snack:something eaten between meals

borrow:borrow sth from sb

lend:lend sth to sb/lend sb sth

invite:invite sb to sth (a wedding, party, meal, etc.) ; invite sb to do sth

Then check their answers.

Step 4 Pair work

Let students use the phrases in activity 1a to make conversations between parents and teenagers. First,get a pair of students to read the sample conversations. Then students make their own conversations.

Step 5 Listening

1c, T:Now listen to the conversation between Sandy and her mom. Please check each item in activity 1a they talk about. Put a check mark in front of each phrase you hear.

Play the recording,students only listen.

Play the recording a second time. Students listen and check the items.

Check the answers with the whole class.

1d, T:From the conversation,we know Sandy will hold a party. She will invite some friends to the party. But she needs to do some preparation. She asks her mom to help her. And Dave is one of Sandy’s friends. He will also help Sandy do the preparation. So what is Sandy’s mom going to do? What is Sandy going to do? What are Sandy and Dave going to do? Let’s listen again and fill in the chart in activity 1b.

Play the recording a third time. Ask students to write down the things the three people are going to do. Pause the tape where necessary. Then check the answers.

Step 6 Pair work

1e T:Suppose you are having a party. Make a list of things you need to do. Some things are already given. Write more things you need to do. Get students work in pairs and add more things to the list. For example:buy some CDs,decorate the walls,make some gifts ...

T: Now make conversations and ask your partner to do some of the things for you. Then ask some pairs to demonstrate their conversations.

Step 7 Discussion

Say:Doing chores has advantages and disadvantages. What’s your opinion? Ask some students to report their opinion. Then say:Suppose you are Ms. Miller or Mr. Smith,after reading the two letters,work in groups and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of doing chores. After a few minutes,ask some groups to report their opinions.

Step 8 Reading

Say:Read the letters again and try to find out the phrases in 2d. Ask some students totranslate the phrases first and then ask them to work in pairs to write one sentence with each phrase from the letters. Then ask some students to report their sentences.

Step 9 Homework

1. Finish the chart in 2c according to Ms. Miller and Mr. Smith.

2. Discuss the questions in 2e with a partner.



