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一、听力理解1~5 CACAC 6~10 BBCCA 11~15 CBBAC 16~20 CAACB

二,单选题 21-52 ACBAC 26-30 CCCAB

三,完型填空 31—35ACCDD 36—40CBABB 41—45ADDCA

四.阅读理解 46-50 BCCAC


51.shy to speak 52.to sleep well at night

53.play games in the free time 54.talk with her

55.eat some healthy foods for sleep

五.补全对话 56—60 DGACF


61.herself 62.taking 63.waste 64.climber 65.result


66.lend me 67.What’s the matter/trouble

68.spent on 69.as as

70.will give comes




A. 听句子(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图片回答问题,并将答案写在题前的括号内。每小题听一遍。

( )1. What does the speaker advise Alice to do?


( )2. What was Jim’s mother doing when Jim knocked at the door?


( ) 3. What should John do?


( )4. What should Helen eat every day?


( )5. Where was Wendy’s father while she was ill?


B. 听对话(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)



( )6. What does Jim think Tina can do?

A. Help to clean up the city parks.

B. Visit the sick kids in the hospital and cheer them up.

C. Work in an old people’s home.


( )7. How is Ken going to spend his weekend?

A. He is going to help kids learn to write.

B. He is going to help kids learn to read.

C. He is going to help kids learn to sing.


( )8. Who will give Ann a toy dog?

A. Her mother. B. Her father. C. Her brother.


( )9. Where is the boy going to work this summer?

A. In an old people’s home. B. In an animal hospital.

C. In the railway station.


( )10. When is Emma going to be a volunteer for the city games?

A. This summer holiday. B. Next winter holiday.

C. Next summer holiday.


( )11. What does the boy think of his work as a volunteer?

A. Interesting. B. Easy. C. Hard.

( )12. What does he feel when he sees the animals get better?

A. Worried. B. Satisfied. C. Sad.


( )13.What’s the matter with the woman?

A. She has a cold. B. She has a headache.

C. She has a sore throat.

( )14. How many hours does the woman sleep at night?

A. About five hours. B. About six hours.

C. About seven hours.

( )15. What does the doctor ask the woman to do?

A. To drink more water. B. To do more exercise.

C. To have a good rest.

C. 听短文(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)

根据所听短文的内容,在每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个能完成 句子的最佳选项,并将答案写在题前的括号内。短文听两遍。

( )16. Mr. Green is a .

A. doctor B. driver C. teacher

( )17. Gina says that students should on weekends.

A. do some chores B. play games with friends

C. find part-time jobs

( )18. Bill thinks that students should on weekends.

A. relax themselves B. learn something

C. ta ke part in some school activities

( )19. thinks students should do their homework on weekends.

A. Mr. Green B. Mike C. Alice

( )20. students give their advice on how to spend the weekends.

A. Four B. Five C. Six

Ⅱ﹑单项选择 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)


( )21. — What do you volunteer ?

— I work at the hospital.

A. to do B. do C. to doing D. Doing

( )22. Don’t waste water again, or we’ll it one day.

A. look out B. take out C. run out of D. get out of

( )23.—I’m worried about my school grades. What’s your advice?

—You shouldn’t wait ________ the last minute to study for a test.

A. although B. until C. but D. if

( )24—Does your brother get up early or late?

—He used to _________very late, but now he is used to _________ early.

A. g et up; getting up B. got up; get up

C. getting up; get up D. getting up; getting up

( )25 .Did you and your brother do any housework at home last weekend, Sally?

—_________ did, because we went out for a trip with our parents.

A. Either B. Both C. Neither D. Each

( )26. The air pollution caused the of many trees in this area. We should take care of the environment.

A. die B. died C. death D. dying

( )27. — Look! She’s skiing so fast!

— Hard to her legs were once broken.

A. know B. realize C. imagine D. Find

( )28. She studies hard all the time; she never gives up .

A. study B. to study C. studying D. to studying

( )29. His w ords made possible for me in the city.

A. it;to work B. it;to working

C. that;to work D. that;to working

( )30. — Would you like juice?

— Yes, .

A. some;thanks B. some;please

C. any;thanks D. any;please



Dear Sir or Madam,

I don’t like doing chores. But I have 31 choice to do them 32 doing chores is a rule in my family. When I come back from school, my mom 33 says, “Could you take out the rubbish?” or “Could you help me 34 cooking?” I know she is just trying to make me 35 and teach me how to 36 myself. But 37 does she make me do all the housework? Oh, I know I am the oldest and I 38 do the chores. But it’s not 39 for me. My sister should do them, too.

Yesterday I did all the 40 again. My parents went to visit my aunt with my sister in the morning. They left me 41 at home because I had to do my housework. After I finish my homework, I found it was really a 42 at home. They didn’t do any chores. So I cleaned the rooms, 43 the dishes and watered the garden. Oh, I must look like a(n) 44 .

What should I do? I hate doing chores all alone. Could you give me 45 advice, please?

31. A. no B. some C. every D. any

32. A. when B. if C. because D. although

33. A. never B. hardly C. always D. almost

34. A. about B. in C. for D. with

35. A. more satisfied B. more creative

C. more enjoyable D.more independent

36. A. take after B. run out of

C. take care of D. get into

37. A. what B. why C. where D. how

38. A. should B. could C. would D. may

39. A. hard B. fair C. much D. heavy

40. A. time B. chores C. cleaning D. cooking

41. A. alone B. sick C. quiet D. worried

42. A. job B. matter C. problem D. mess

43. A. bought B. made C. carried D. washed

44. A. cook B. doctor C. servant D. actor

45. A. some B. an C. any D. many

Ⅳ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)


People in the UK spend their free time in different ways. They usually use it to relax. They spend a lot of their free time at home. The most popular activity is watching TV. People in the UK watch TV for about 25 hours a week. They often record (录制) programs so they can watch them later. Reading is also a popular way of spending free time. People in the UK spend a lot of time reading newSPApers a nd magazines. Many people in the UK have pets. They like playing with their pets in their free time.

In summer, gardening (园艺) is popular. And families often have a “day out” on the weekend. They often go to a festival or see a show. Young people like to go to clubs, and people of all ages like to go to the cinema.

In winter, “do-it-yourself” is popular. People often spend their free time repairing (修理) houses.

Some free time activities are with friends. Asking friends for a drink or a meal at home is the most usual one. Sometimes people and their friends have dinner in a restaurant.

On the weekend, people in the UK like to spend their free time doing sports. The popular kinds of sports are soccer, horse racing, swimming, tennis, skating, climbing and hill walking.


( ) 46. What is the favorite free time activity of people in the UK?

A. Reading. B. Watching TV.

C. Doing sports. D. Playing with their pets.

( ) 47. ______ is popular in winter in the UK.

A. Gardening B. Seeing a show

C. Repairing houses D. Going to a festival

( ) 48. We can find ______ kinds of popular sports in the passage.

A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8

( ) 49. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. People in the UK often record TV programs.

B. People in the UK like t o do sports in the morning.

C. People of all ages in the UK like to go to clubs in summer.

D. People in the UK often have a “day out” with their friends.

( ) 50. What is the passage mainly about?

A. People in the UK like making friends.

B. People in the UK enjoy different festivals.

C. What people in the UK do in their free time.

D. Why people in the UK have a lot of free time.

B第二节 任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


I have a lot of problems recently(最近). First, I’m not happy in class. I’m so shy that I’m afraid of speaking in class. Secondly, I argued with my best friend. I’m very worried because I have few friends. I don’t want to lose her. Thirdly, I feel nervous as the exams are coming. And even I can’t sleep well at night.

Yesterday, my mother took me to the doctor. I told the doctor my problems and he gave me some advice. He asked me to make more friends who look friendly and play games in the free time, so that I’m not shy. He also said, “if you don’t want to lose your best friend, you should talk with her. Tell her what you think and you are the best friends again.” Because I can’t sleep well, he asked me to eat some healthy foods for sleep. And he asked me to relax. I’m trying to follow his advice.

Problems Advice

Too51.________________ in class. To make more friendly friends and 53._________


Had an argument with the best friend. To 54._____________________.

Too nervous 52.___________________ as the exams are coming. To 55._________________________ and relax.



Dave: You look sad, Kim.56._________

Kim: Well, I found my sister took some of my new magazines and CDs without my permission (允许).

Dave: Hmm... that’s not very nice. 57.________

Kim: Yes, but I’m still angry with her. 58._________

Dave: Well, I guess you could tell her to say sorry. But why don’t you forget about it so that you can be friends again? Although she’s wrong, it’s not a big deal.

Kim: 59.________ Thanks for your advice.

Dave: 60.________


61.Lucy often learns French by ________ (自己)。

62.Thanks for t_______ good care of my dog when I was away.(照顾)。

63.Bruce thinks doing housework is a _____ of time( 浪费)。

64.He’d like to be a mountain c_______.(登山者)。

65.He didn’t work hard, as a r_______ ,he failed his exam.(结果)


66.May I borrow your books?(改同义句)

Could you _______ _______ your books?

67.What’s wrong with your watch? (改同义句)

_______ with your watch?

68.It took them two months to do this project. (改同义句)

They _______ two months_______ this project.

69.This book is interesting .That book is interesting ,too(合并为一句话)

This book is _________ interesting __________ that one.

70.Tony will come back tomorrow .I’ll give this letter to him (用as soon as改写句子 )

I ___________ ____________ this letter to Tony as soon as he __________ back tomorrow.



父母们的观点 你的观点

1. 从小开始学习对孩子是有益的

2. 课外补习课能帮助孩子们进入一所好的大学

3. 希望自己的孩子成为个成功的人

4. …… 表示同意 培养学习兴趣,学到更多的学科知识,提高成绩,……

表示不同意 浪费时间,影响学习,加大压力,造成厌学,……





参考词汇:get into; university; successful; person; be good for; a young age; important; cultivate (培养); interest; more; gain (获取); improve (提高); waste; influence (影响); pressure; hate; reduce (减少); in my opinion

Dear Editor,

I have read the survey about “After-school classes for Children”. I know many parents suggest their children should take after-school classes.





1.M:Alice,don’t speak or sing,and you should drink more water.

2.W:Jim’s mother was talking on the phone when he knocked at the door.

3.M:John,I think you’d better stay in bed and have a rest.

4.W:Don’t eat too much meat,Helen.I think you should eat some fruit every day.

5.M:Mother was worried because little Wendy was ill when her dad was away in Moscow.




W:Jim,I hope to work as a volunteer.

M :You can visit the sick kids in the hospital and cheer them up,Tina.


W:Hi,Ken.What are you going to do this weekend?

M:Oh,I’d like to help kids learn to read.


W:My brother will give me a toy dog.

M:You must be excited about it,Ann.


M:Hi,Lucy.I’m making some plans to work in the railway station this summer.

W:Really? I did that last summer.


M:What are you going to do this summer holiday,Emma?

W:I want to be a volunteer for the city games.

听第六 段对话,回答第11~12小题。

W:What do you think of your work as a volunteer at an animal hospital every Saturday morning?

M:It’s hard work.

W:Really? But why do you like it?

M:Because I believe it can help me to get my dream job in the future.And I want to learn more about how to care for animals.

W:Sounds wonderful.

M:And I will get a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners’ faces.


M:Sit down,please.What’s the matter with you?

W:I’m not feeling well.I have a headache.

M:When did it start?

W:It started the day before yesterday.

M:Do you have a sore throat?

W:No,I don’t.

M:I think you are too tired.How many hours do you sleep at night?

W:About five hours.

M:Well,you should lie down and rest.



Mr.Green is asking his students how they should spend their weekends.Some students are giving their answers.

Gina says students should help parents do some chores at home.Alice tells her class that as students,study comes first,so they should do their homework and learn something on weekends.But Bill doesn’t agree.He says students should relax on weekends.They should go out to play games with their friends.However,Mike says that students should find part-time jobs to make some money.Finally,Nicole says students should take part in some school activities.



