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Ⅰ. 1-5 BABBC

Ⅱ. 6-10 CCCAB

Ⅲ. 11-15 CAABC

Ⅳ. 16. wash the bowls 17. bought vegetables

18. walking in front of her

19. crossed the road 20. The tomatoes in the bag

Ⅴ. 21-25 ACCBA 26-30 BAACB 31-35 CBABA

Ⅵ. 36-40 DBAAD 41-45 ACBCA

Ⅶ. 46-50 FFTFT 51-55 CDDCB

Ⅷ. 56. Do you walk your dog every day

57. Why do you like it

58. Is your shirt a new one

59. What did you do / What happened

60. No, she didn’t

Ⅸ. 61. throwing 62. fingers 63. fold 64. mess

65. passed 66. neighbors 67. unfair 68. dropped

69. making / to make 70. swept

Ⅹ. 71. depend on 72. in order to

73. take out the rubbish 74. all the time

75. in surprise

Ⅺ. 76. poor 77. nothing 78. shoes 79. on 80. What

81. sold 82. bought 83. his 84. beautiful

85. agreed

Ⅻ. One possible version:

There are 38 students in our class. Most of us do chores at home. 20 students clean their rooms every day. They think it is very interesting. They make their beds, sweep the floor and so on. 10 students have to do the dishes after dinner every day. They hate doing it. They think it’s so boring. 5 students don’t mind washing clothes. They think it’s relaxing and easy. Only 3 students don’t do any chores. Their parents do all the chores. I think it’s bad for them.




Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)


( )21. The hotel provides a shoe cleaning service ______ guests.

A. for

B. from

C. on

D. with

( )22. He doesn’t like doing chores and ______ do I.

A. either

B. no

C. neither

D. not

( )23. ______ she went into the room, she knew there was something wrong.

A. As long as

B. Since

C. As soon as

D. Although

( )24. I don’t mind ______ if you can’t find anyone else.

A. help

B. helping

C. to help

D. to helping

( )25. For kids, I think two hours of playing computer games ______ too long.

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were

( )26. I’m looking for a job which can make me ______ my creative talents to the full.

A. turn

B. develop

C. waste

D. choose

( )27. If you need a coat, I can ______ you one. I will go home to get it right away.

A. lend

B. sell

C. borrow

D. buy

( )28. There’s no need for you ______ late! I can finish the rest of the work by myself.

A. to stay

B. stay

C. staying

D. stayed

( )29. Your son is only a 4-year-old child. You shouldn’t give him so much ______ of studies.

A. risk

B. hope

C. stress

D. advice

( )30. I know it’s not my job ______ you how to run your life, but I do think you’ve made a mistake.

A. tell

B. to tell

C. ask

D. to ask

( )31. I was seriously ______ that day and decided to stay at home and have a good rest.

A. relaxed

B. lazy

C. ill

D. lonely

( )32. Could you please ______ the window? It’s cold outside.

A. open

B. not open

C. opening

D. not opening

( )33. Don’t worry about me while you’re away. I will ______ myself.

A. take care of

B. take after

C. look for

D. look forward to

( )34. Bring as much food as you can — ______.

A. the much, the good

B. the more, the better

C. more, better

D. the most, the best

( )35. —Could you look after my pet dog this Saturday, Dale?

—______. I will be free this weekend.

A. Of course

B. Sounds good

C. Thank you

D. That’s right

Ⅵ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)


One morning, all the young pixies (小精灵) came to Shalbus Egbert’s house.

“Please. Mr. Egbert, please tell us a story,” they said.

“Maybe a little 36 ,” replied Shalbus. He was unkind. “I am cleaning the house and I’m tired. I 37 finish it this morning.”

One little pixie named Susie had a wonderful 38 . “Will you tell us a story 39 we help you clean the house?” she asked.

“Yes, yes!” shouted all the other little pixies. “We will gladly do the cleaning as long as you tell us a story.”

40 this, Shalbus began to laugh.

“Ho, ho, my little friends. 41 can I turn down such a fine offer (主动提议) as this? You clean the house, and I will 42 a wonderful story to tell you!”

So the little pixies began working. They cleaned here and there 43 . As soon as they were finished, Shalbus seated himself in a comfortable chair and the little pixies 44 . Their brown eyes shone (发光) 45 joy as Shalbus began his story.

“Once upon a time, when your grandparents were just little pixies at your age ...”

( )36. A. smaller B. slower

C. longer D. later

( )37. A. can B. must

C. could D. would

( )38. A. idea B. promise

C. question D. decision

( )39. A. if B. while

C. unless D. though

( )40. A. Doing B. Feeling

C. Reading D. Hearing

( )41. A. How B. Why

C. What D. When

( )42. A. give out B. set up

C. make up D. depend on

( )43. A. easily B. happily

C. luckily D. fairly

( )44. A. woke up B. hung out

C. came over D. got lost

( )45. A. with B. from

C. for D. about



Hi! I’m Lilly. My family and I live in a big house. I’m 11 and I have a younger brother, Tom. He is 8.

My mom is a nurse, and she works in a hospital. She works a lot, and usually at night. She doesn’t have enough time to do the housework, so my dad often helps her and he likes it. My dad works in a bank. He arrives home at about 4 p.m., so he can do a lot of things at home.

Every evening Dad cooks dinner. My brother and I help him. After dinner Dad does the dishes and I help him dry them. Then we take a shower and Dad reads us short stories.

In the morning, Mom makes breakfast. Tom and I make our beds. Then Dad takes us to school by car.

On Saturday, we clean the house. I clean the furniture (家具) and Dad sweeps the floor. Tom takes the rubbish out and waters the plants. Dad likes cleaning the windows but he hates ironing (熨). He never does it. My grandma comes to us twice a week and she irons our clothes.

On Sunday, we wash the car together and Dad often takes us to play in the park and eat in our favorite restaurant.


( )46. Lilly is four years older than Tom.

( )47. Lilly’s mom never works at night.

( )48. Lilly and her brother go to school by car.

( )49. Lilly’s brother is so little that he can’t do any housework.

( )50. Lilly’s father doesn’t like ironing, but he likes cleaning the windows.


On Thursday a new boy came into the classroom. He didn’t have any uniform on. Just trousers, a jacket and a shirt. Tom could see that the boy wasn’t quite comfortable. He had a plastic (塑料的) bag with exercise books, pens, pencils, rulers and erasers in it. The boy stood at the blackboard. Miss Fair talked to the boy, and then she said, “Boys and girls, this is Peter Rivers. He is your new classmate. Peter is your age. I hope you’ll get on well with each other. Peter will spend a lot of time together with you, and outdoors too.” Miss Fair asked Peter to sit next to Tom at the desk near the window.

The students had math after that and Tom could see that Peter was not bad at it. He counted (数数) well. It was not difficult for him at all. Then Miss Fair said, “It is half past twelve. It’s time to have lunch.” Peter joined Tom and went to wash his hands. Then the boys sat down on the floor and started to open their lunch bags. Tom opened his bag and put his hand in it. He took out an old brown apple, some old cheese and some bits of fish from dinner. “Oh, no!” cried Tom. “This is rubbish. I have the wrong bag. I took the rubbish bag and left my lunch bag at home. I have only rubbish for lunch today.” The other children laughed and laughed. Then Peter said, “I have two eggs. Why don’t you have one? I don’t need two. And would you like some bread?” Tom smiled, “Thanks. Now I’ll always look in my lunch bag before I bring it to school.”


( )51. How many kinds of things did Peter have in his plastic bag?

A. Three.

B. Four.

C. Five.

D. Six.

( )52. Which of the following is TRUE about Peter?

A. He wore a coat and a shirt to school.

B. He had lunch in the school dining hall.

C. He was disabled and couldn’t play outdoors.

D. He had no trouble counting in the math class.

( )53. How did Tom feel when he saw what was in his lunch bag?

A. Bored.

B. Afraid.

C. Excited.

D. Upset.

( )54. What would Tom probably have for lunch?

A. Bread and an apple.

B. Cheese and an apple.

C. Bread and an egg.

D. Cheese and an egg.

( )55. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Tom’s favorite teacher.

B. Tom’s new classmate.

C. Tom’s math class.

D. Tom’s lunch.

Ⅷ. 情景交际(每小题2分,共10分)


A: Morning! The weather is very nice today.

B: I like nice days. Then I can walk my dog.

A: (56)____________________________________?

B: Yes. It’s one of my daily (日常的) chores.

A: I don’t like doing chores!

B: But I like this one!

A: (57)____________________________________?

B: Because I can exercise in the park when I walk it.

(after a while)

B: (58)____________________________________, by the way?

A: No. It’s not a new shirt.

B: But it’s very pink (粉红色的).

A: I know. I washed my clothes yesterday. I made a mistake.

B: (59)____________________________________?

A: I washed a red skirt with a white shirt. Now my white shirt is pink!

B: Haha, that’s very funny. Did your mother not help you wash clothes?

A: (60)____________________________________.

She was busy yesterday.

Ⅸ. 词汇运用(每小题0.5分,共5分)

A) 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。

61. Stop ________(扔) stones at that dog!

62. Everyone put their ________(手指) in their ears because of the big noise.

63. I wish your kids would ________(折叠) up their clothes!

64. He makes a terrible ________(杂乱) of the kitchen when he’s cooking.

65. I asked if I could read the letter, so she ________(递) it to me.

B) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

66. Some of the ________(neighbor) can’t stand the loud music from the party.

67. It’s ________(fair) that girls aren’t allowed to take part in (允许参加) the sports meeting.

68. Amy was unlucky that she ________(drop) her sunglasses into the water.

69. Linda is a careful girl. She hates ________(make) mistakes.

70. The cleaner ________(sweep) the leaves here just now.

Ⅹ. 完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)


71. 我们不应该总是依靠父母。

We shouldn’t always ______________________ our parents.

72. 她早到场是为了找个好位置。

She arrived early ______________________ get a good seat.

73. 请帮我倒一下垃圾。

Please help me ______________________.

74. 我的法语现在相当不错——我在工作中反复用到它。

My French is quite good now — I use it ______________________ in my job.

75. 我叫喊时,她吃惊地抬起头来看。

She looked up ______________________ when I shouted.

Ⅺ. 综合填空(每小题1分,共10分)


sell, what, shoe, buy, on, he, poor, beautiful, agree, nothing

A shoemaker and his wife (妻子) lived in a small village. They were very (76)________, and each day they grew poorer and poorer.

At last there was (77)________ left in the house, but leather (皮革) for one pair of shoes. “I will cut it out for the last pair of (78)________,” said the shoemaker. “ Tomorrow I will sew (缝) them.” So he cut out the leather and left it (79)________ his chair.

The next morning he went to make the shoes. (80)________ did he see?

A pair of shoes, nicely made and ready to be sold. The shoes were so fine that the shoemaker (81)________ it very soon.

With the money the poor shoemaker (82)________ leather for two pairs of shoes. He cut out the leather for the shoes and left them on (83)________ chair.

The next morning when he went to make the shoes, he found the two pairs of shoes were already made. The shoes were very (84)________, and some people in his neighborhood asked him to make one for them.

The shoemaker (85)________, but he was a little worried. He didn’t know who made the shoes for him. Can you help him?

Ⅻ. 书面表达(15分)


The number of the students Chores Likes or dislikes Reason

20 clean the room


10 do the dishes


5 wash clothes

relaxing, easy

3 × × ×


__________________________________________________________________________ _______



