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百文网 > 学习 > 初中学习方法 > 初二学习方法 > 八年级英语





( ) 1.—Look! Is that Tom?

—No, it ______ be him. He has gone to Beijing.

A. can B. need C. must D. can’t

( ) 2. Cover the baby _____ the coat, it is a little cold.

A. of B. on C. with D. for

( ) 3. Let’s imagine ______ accident.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

( ) 4. Walking for a long time makes Tony _______.

A. happy B. angrily C. tired D. happily

( ) 5. Stop ________, everyone. Here comes the teacher.

A. talk B. to talk C. talked D. talking

( ) 6. Look! A boy ______ at the bottom of the stairs.

A. lie B. lies C. lied D. is lying

( ) 7. Stay away _____ windows and heavy furniture.

A. on B. of C. for D. from

( ) 8. These stairs are not safe. You _______ use them.

A. mustn’t B. may C. can D. must

( ) 9. It doesn't look like rain, so you ______ bring your umbrella with you.

A. needn’t B. mustn't C. can't D. shouldn’t

( ) 10. —Could I speak to Betty, please?

—______.She's coming in a minute.

A. Get a move on B. Come on C. Hang on, please D. Wait and see

二、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)

Mr. Evans was a math teacher three years ago. He taught well and his students liked him. But a terrible accident 11 his life.

One spring he took his class to 12 a place of interest. The children saw a lot of 13 things and had a good time there. But on their way to school, their 14 was hit by a truck because the young driver was drunk(醉的). Five students died and more than half of the children got hurt. He didn’t know 15 it happened and was very 16 it and after he came out of hospital, he left the school and became a 17 . He worked hard and was strict with the drivers. So they were afraid of him.

One afternoon it was very hot. Mr. Evans was on duty. He was standing at the crossing and watching the traffic. Suddenly he saw a 18 rushing towards the crossing. It ran so fast that it almost hit a man 19 a bike. He stopped it at once and saw a girl in it.

" Show your license(驾照) to me ,madam," Said Mr Evans.

The girl handed her bag to him and said, "Please look for it in it 20 . I can‘t see anything without glasses."

( ) 11. A. beat B. won C. lost D. changed

( ) 12. A. build B. break C. visit D. find

( ) 13. A. terrible B. dangerous C. safe D. interesting

( ) 14. A. bus B. train C. car D. ship

( ) 15. A. how B. when C. where D. which

( ) 16. A. sad about B. afraid of C. interested in D. worried about

( ) 17. A. soldier B. policeman C. bookseller D. cleaner

( ) 18. A. runner B. policeman C. player D. car

( ) 19. A. at B. in C. on D. by

( ) 20. A. you B. I C. yourself D. myself



Earthquakes are hard to predict, but do you know what to do before, during and after an earthquake? Here’s some advice:

*Before an earthquake It’s necessary to prepare yourself and your family. All family members should know how to turn off gas, water and electricity and know useful telephone numbers (doctor, hospital, police, 119, etc.). Never put heavy things over beds.

*During an earthquake It’s important for each of you to stay calm. If you are indoors, quickly move to a safe place in the room such as under a strong table. The purpose(目的) is to protect yourself from objects, stay away from windows, large mirrors, heavy furniture and so on. If you’re cooking, turn off the gas. If you’re outdoors, move to an open area like a playground. Move away from buildings, bridge and trees. If you are driving, stop the car as soon as possible, staying away from bridges and tall building. Stay in your car.

*After an earthquake Once the shaking has stopped, DO NOT run out of the building at once. It’s better to wait and leave when it’s safe. Check around you and help the people who are in trouble. If your building is badly broken, leave it. If you smell orhear a gas, get everyone outside and open windows and doors. If you can do it safely, turn off the gas. Report it to the gas company.

( ) 21. Which of the following is mentioned(被提及) in the second paragraph?

A. People should know how to turn on gas.

B. People should know how to save water.

C. People shouldn’t put heavy boxes over beds.

D. People shouldn’t forget the phone numbers of others.

( ) 22. When an earthquake happens, __________can help you deal with it.

A. standing still B. staying calm C. looking outside D. moving indoors

( ) 23. During an earthquake, if you are driving in an open area, you should ________.

A. speed up your car B. stop your car and stay in it.

C. slow down your car D. stop your car and run out.

( ) 24. When the earth stops shaking , you should_________.

A. check around you first B. run out of the building at once

C. break the windows and doors D. telephone your friends at once.

( ) 25. You can learn _______after reading the passage.

A. what an earthquake is like B. how to stop an earthquake

C. how an earthquake happens D. how to protect yourself in an earthquake


Mr. Brown got up late this morning. He was going to be late for work. It was raining hard and the streets were wet. He drove so fast that he didn't see the red lights. He couldn't stop his car and hit a car. An old man got out of the car and called out angrily, "What are you doing? How can you drive so fast?"

"I'm sorry, sir," said Mr. Brown, "I didn't see the lights turn red." Then he brought out a bottle of wine and gave it to the old man.

"It's cold today, sir," said Mr. Brown. "Please drink a little, and then you'll get warm."

The old man drank some wine and became happy. He asked, "I'm feeling much better now. Why don't you drink any?"

"l can't drink anything now, sir, "answered Mr. Brown "I'm waiting for the policeman. Only drunkards(醉汉) cause accidents, you know!"

( ) 26.When did the story happen?

A. In the morning B. In the afternoon

C. In the evening D. At night

( ) 27.Why did Mr. Brown drive so fast?

A. He was happy that day B. He was good at driving

C. There were few cars in the street D. He was afraid to be late

( ) 28. Mr. Brown hit the car because of the following EXCEPT that ____.

A. he didn't see the red lights B. he drove fast

C. he couldn't drive at all D. it was raining hard

( ) 29.We can know that _____ at last.

A. Mr. Brown was not late for work B. the old man Mr. Brown became good friends

C. Mr. Brown drank some wine D. Mr. Brown fooled the old man


How dangerous it would be if there was a fire! Winter is the time for us to learn a lot more about fire, especially what to do if we are caught in a fire.

1. Shout out

If you smell smoke or see fire, shout out “Fire!” Shout as loudly as you can, because people may be asleep.

2. Call 119

Never try to put out the fire yourself, even if it is a very small one! Get help from your parents or call 119.

3. Keep down close to the floor

If there is a lot of smoke in your room, keep down close to the floor.

4. Test the door

Test the door before you open it. If the door is cool, open it carefully. If the door is hot, do not open it! Try to find a different way out.

5. Get out

If you can, get out of your home as soon as possible.

6. Don’t use the lift

Never use the lift during the fire. It may also go wrong.

7. Don’t go back

Never go back into a burning building!

( ) 30.The passage is mainly about _____

A. how to look after yourself when you are on fire

B. what to do when you are caught in a fire

C. when to leave the burning place

D. why to call 119 when there is a fire

( ) 31.When people are asleep, what will you do when a fire breaks out in your building?_____

A. Call 120 for help as quickly as you can

B. Only wake your parents up fast

C. Shout out “Fire!” as loudly as you can

D. Run away as fast as you can and don’t call others

( ) 32.Why shouldn’t you use the lift when a fire breaks out? ______

A. Because taking the lift is so slow B. Because the fire can burn you C. Because the lift is too crowded D. Because the lift may not work

( ) 33.If you realize you have left an expensive thing at home in a fire, you should______.

A. go back for it B. keep down close to the door

C. not get out D. not go back for it



1. _______(地震) happen in Japan from time to time.

2. The bear was sad because his chair was ________(破碎的).

3. The old man need some ________(医疗的) care at once.

4. We can’t ________(设想) life without water.

5. When he came back he found all his _________(窗子)were open.



Recently thieves(小偷) broke into many houses and many things got lost. I would like 1._______(give) you some advice about how 2. _______(keep) your house safe from thieves.

First, let’s 3. ______ (talk) about lighting. We should turn on the outside lights at night. Inside the house, it’s a good idea 4. _______(put) automatic timers (自动定时器) on lights. When you are out, it will still look like someone is at home. If you live in an apartment building, 5. ______(make) sure that there’s good lighting in the garage and in the hallways.

Next, let’s talk about locks. First of all, cheap locks are not safe. You should buy special locks to lock your doors and windows. Remember 6.______ (lock) your doors and windows, even when you leave for just a minute. Half of the thieves break in through 7. _______(locked) doors and windows?

My next advice is 8. _______(not keep) lots of money in the house. It’s wise 9. ________(put) your money in a bank. You should put marks on your other expensive things, like television, stereos and cameras, so that the police can return them to you if they are found.

Believe it or not, if you follow all of these suggestions above, your house 10. ______(be) safer.

1. __________ 2. __________ 3. _________ 4. __________ 5. ____________

6. __________ 7. __________ 8. __________ 9. ____________ 10. _____________


1. 玛丽怎么了?(wrong)


2. 我今天完成作业有困难。(have trouble doing sth.)


3. 学好英语很简单。(It’s adj. to do sth.)


4. 我们能做点什么来帮助她呢?(不定式表目的)


5. 在大卫到来之前我们应该做什么呢? (should)


6. 用大衣盖住她是个好主意。(cover…with)


7. 让我们警告孩子们注意地震吧。(warn sb. about)



A 7-magnitude(震级)earthquake hit Ya'an, Sichuan at 8:02 on April 20, 2013, and it killed at least 196 people and injured more than 11,000.

Together with other students, Yang Xuelan ran out to the playground. She was safe. But all her textbooks and exercise books were buried(埋)in the teaching building.

What can we do when an earthquake happens? In fact, there's little we can do to stop natural disasters (自然灾害) such as earthquakes happening. But, some methods can reduce the harm they cause.

◆ Drop down onto your hands and knees. This way can protect you from falling.

◆ Cover your head under a strong table or desk. You can also stay along a wall, and cover your head with your arms and hands.

◆ Hold on to(守住,抓牢) your shelter(遮蔽物) until the shaking stops. Be ready (B)______ with your shelter if the shaking continues.

Schools can normally take the earthquake drills(演练) to help student stay alive.


1. How many people lost their lives in the earthquake in Ya’an?


2. Where was Yang Xuelan when the earthquake happened?


任务二:猜测文中(A)处划线单词的汉语意思。 3. ___________

任务三:找出文中与“When can do nothing to stop natural disasters such as earthquakes happening”意思相近的句子。

4. ________________________________


5. _______________________________

八、写作 (15分)

2014年8月3日16时30分10秒, 云南鲁甸县发生了6.5级地震,造成很多人员伤亡,民房损毁严重,地震引起了全国上下的高度关注,请你就地震中如何保护人身安全写一篇作文,词数70左右。



