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河北省秦皇岛市2023—2024 学年第一学期青龙县部分学校期中联考-英语试题+答案

2023—2024 学年第一学期青龙县部分学校期中联考



1.本试卷共 11 页,总分 100 分,考试时间 100 分钟。


3.答选择题时,每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;



听力部分(25 分)

一、听句子,选出该句的最佳答语(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)

1.A.Once a week. B.Four times. C.Last week.

2.A.In Changchun. B.In 2004. C.In 10 minutes.

3.A.He wants to watch TV. B.He is watching TV. C.He washes clothes for his


4.A.He is hard-working. B.It’s up to you. C.Yes, I do.

5.A.She gets there by ropeway.B.She makes friends with them.C.She thinks they are


二、听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)

6.The club Frank wants to go to is ________.

A.new B.expensive C.A and B

7.________ are in Alice’s schoolbag.

A.A watch and a pen B.A dictionary and a watch C.A dictionary and a pen

8. A.a diary B.a library C.a dictionary

9.A.never B.sometimes C.hardly

10.A.Science has changed our life a lot.

B.Science is developing very fast.

C.We can’t live without scientific developments.

三、听短文选答案(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)

试卷第1 页,共 11页


11.They will stay at New York Language School for________.

A.one week B.two weeks C.three weeks

12.There are_______ classes in a whole (整个的) day.

A.3 B.5 C.7

13.You can have your lunch ________.

A.at home B.at the restaurants C.at the school dining hall

14.You can join the ________ after school.

A.computer club B.music club C.football club

15.The speaker is________.

A.a student from China B.a teacher from New York Language School C.a

penfriend from the USA

四、你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的 A、

B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5


16.The Green family is from ________.

A.England B.Canada C.the USA

17.Mr. and Mrs. Green teach English ________.

A.in Beijing B.in Shanghai C.in Tianjin

18.The small bike is ________.

A.Mr. Green’s B.Jack’s C.Mary’s

19.Mr. and Mrs. Green go to work ________.

A.on their bikes B.in their car C.on foot

20.They do NOT like to stay at home ________.

A.before 9: 00 p. m. B.in winter C.on weekends

五、听短文填表(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)



Big Ben

Location (位置) On River Thames.

试卷第2 页,共 11页

Age 21 years old.

Where its name

Its 22 Benjamin.


How often it

Every 23 .


On the New Year's Eve in 1962, it stopped going for ten

minutes because of 24 .

Interesting facts

One night in 25 , the clock stopped working for one hour

because of the hot weather.

笔试部分(75 分)

六. 单项选择(共 10 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)

26.Pedro is ________ than me.

A.funny and outgoing B.funnier and outgoing

C.funnier and more outgoing D.more funny and outgoing

27.—________ can we get the chance to take part in the party this weekend?

—To join in this party, you have to dress up like a cartoon character.

A.Why B.What C.How D.Where

28.—What ________ just now, Mom?

—Oh, your sister lost her book. We all helped her look for it.

A.happened B.will happen C.happens D.is happening

29.—Would you like a glass of cola?

— Thanks. But I ______ drink cola. I can’t stand its taste.

A.usually B.never C.often D.always

30.________ the family were sleeping, Dad was preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

A.Because B.If C.While D.Although

31.—Are those books yours?

—No, they are not mine. They belong to ________.

A.herself B.her C.hers D.she

32.—I think our country is becoming __________.

试卷第3 页,共 11页

—I agree with you.

A.strong and strong B.more and more strong

C.stronger and stronger D.the stronger and the stronger

33.I didn’t do ________ last month. I just stayed at home.

A.special something B.special anything C.something

special D.anything special

34.— It’s great that Meng Wanzhou returned to China on September 25, 2021.

— I watched the video. Meng looked beautiful ________ a red dress.

A.in B.on C.with D.from

35.—My parents always ask me ________ many things. I’m too tired.

—Well, they just expect you ________ a lot of skills in order that you can have a bright


A.to learn; have B.learn; have C.to learn; to have D.learn; to have

七、完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

A ship was badly broken during a storm at sea. Only two of the men were able to swim

to a small, 36 island. Not knowing what else to do, so they agreed to pray(祈祷) to God

for help.

However, they wanted to find 37 whose prayers were more powerful. So they

divided the island into two parts and each of them 38 stayed on their own part of the


The first thing they 39 for was food. The next morning, the first man saw a tree with

plenty of fruit on his side of the island. But the other man’s part of the island 40 nothing.

Soon after that the first man prayed for a house, 41 and more food. The next day,

like magic, all of these things were given to him. However, the second man 42 had


Finally, the first man prayed for a 43 so that he could leave the island, and in the

following morning he really found a ship at his side of the island.

The first man was very 44 and got on the ship. He decided to leave the second man

on the island. He thought the other man was unworthy to receive God’s blessings(保佑) since

none of his prayers had been 45 .

As the ship was about to leave, the first man heard a 46 from Heaven, “Why are

you 47 your friend on the island?”

试卷第4 页,共 11页

“My blessings are mine alone 48 I was the one who prayed for them,” the first

man answered. “His prayers were all unanswered, so he doesn’t deserve(应得) 49 .”

“You are 50 !” the voice shouted. “The only prayer your friend prayed was that all

your prayers would be answered.”

36.A.lonely B.successful C.dangerous D.helpful

37.A.at B.to C.of D.out

38.A.quite B.also C.just D.even

39.A.prayed B.wanted C.left D.dreamed

40.A.provided B.remained C.practiced D.received

41.A.videos B.toys C.clothes D.books

42.A.still B.yet C.almost D.never

43.A.plane B.train C.ship D.bus

44.A.surprised B.excited C.nervous D.crazy

45.A.advised B.announced C.added D.answered

46.A.sound B.noise C.voice D.word

47.A.sending B.saving C.inviting D.leaving

48.A.since B.if C.until D.unless

49.A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything

50.A.interesting B.wrong C.useless D.important

八、阅读理解(共 15 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读 A、B、C、D 四篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选

项 Homework is a problem for students all over the world. As a student, you have a lot of

homework to do every day. It's a major part of a student's schooldays. It's the best way to

review what you have learned in class. And it helps you understand important concepts(概

念). Luckily, there are several things you can do to make homework less diffiicult.

Be sure you understand the homework

Write your homework down in your notebook if you need to. Don't be afraid to ask

questions about it. It's much easier to ask the teacher during or after class than to try to

remember later that night!

Use your time at school

Many schools have study halls. It is designed to allow students to study on their own. It's

试卷第5 页,共 11页

more interesting to play with your friends. But the more homework you finish at school, the

less you’ll have to do that night.

Take a break

It's difficult to hold your attention for too long. So take some breaks while doing your

homework. Siting for too long without relaxing will make you feel very tired. Taking a 15-

minute break every hour is a good idea for most people.

Make a plan

If you don't finish your homework at school, think about how much you have left, so you

can budget your time. Most students have between 1 hour and 3 hours of home-work a night.

If it's a heavy homework day, you'll need to spend more time on it. It's a good idea to make a

homework timetable, especially when you want to enjoy sports or other activities.

51.The first paragraph is mainly about_____

A.why homework is hard to do

B.why students should do homework

C.how much homework students should do

D.when students should do homework

52.You should do the following things EXCEPT____

A.writing your homework down in your notebook

B.trying to finish your homework at school

C.doing homework without taking a break

D.making a plan for your homework

53.The underlined word budgetin the passage means______.

A.plan B.save C.waste D.kill

54.The writer advises students to______if the homework is heavy.

A.do less homework at night

B.do other activities first

C.take a break and do some chores

D.make a homework timetable

55.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.Too much homework means too much pressure

B.Students should learn to relax

C.Ways to make homework easier

试卷第6 页,共 11页

D.Problems students meet when doing homework

When you watch programs about monkeys on TV, do you have face blindness? Have

you ever wondered how the scientists know who is who when they study monkeys’ behavior?

In the past, scientists had to make special signs on each of the animals. But in the future,

they may have much easier way to identify (辨认) them thanks to facial recognition (面部识

别) technology.

A research team from China’s Northwest University is using facial recognition

technology to identify thousands of snub-nosed monkeys (金 丝 猴 ) that live on Qinling

Mountain in Shanxi Province.

Similar to human facial recognition, the technology creates a system that includes every

monkey’s facial picture, Xinhua reported.

“When the system is fully developed, we can connect it with cameras set up in the

mountains. The system will recognize the monkeys, name them and study their behavior,”

said Zhang He, a member of the research team.

“We used mobile phones and cameras with’ the monkeys in tests and stayed about 3 to

10 meters away from them,” he added. “There is no need to disturb the monkeys.”

Compared with humans, facial recognition technology for monkeys is more difficult

because of their hairy faces. The color of their hair makes them easy to hide in their

environment. These are the reasons that make it harder for computers to identify them.

“Monkeys do not work with researchers in the same way humans do. It is difficult, to

take high-quality (高质量的) pictures and videos of them, which are needed to improve the

system,” said Li Baoguo, leader of the research team.

There are about 4,000 snub-nosed monkeys living on Qinling Mountain now. The team

plans to successfully identify every monkey that lives there.

56.According to the passage, what problem do scientists have while studying monkeys?

A.How to make special signs on them.

B.How to identify them.

C.How to understand their behaviour.

试卷第7 页,共 11页

57.Which of the followings is TURE?

A.Scientists are studying snub-nosed monkeys in Sichuan Province using facial

recognition technology.

B.The technology used by studying monkeys is similar to human facial recognition.

C.The facial recognition technology creates a system that includes every monkey’s


58.What does the underlined word “disturb” mean in Paragraph 6?

A.打扰 B.研究 C.呼叫

59.According to Li Baoguo, the system ________.

A.has been fully developed

B.needs to be connected with better cameras

C.needs high-quality pictures to improve

60.What is the passage mainly about?

A.An introduction of snub-nosed monkeys on Qinling Mountain.

B.The difference between human facial recognition and monkey facial recognition.

C.The use of facial recognition technology for studying monkeys.

I had a summer camp with my classmates last year.

Early in the morning we met at the bus station. After saying goodbye to our parents, we

got on the buses. It took us more than two hours to arrive at the campground(营地).

We got off the buses happily. Laughing and shouting. We jumped and ran all over the

place. It was the first time for us to be away from the parents. Some of us started to feel


However, when the night party and dances began, the homesickness was gone.

The next day, everybody went to the boating class hoping to be the first. At first, my

friends and I worked hard, but the boat wouldn’t listen to us and kept going round and round.

Then the teacher taught us how to work together. After many tries, we did much better.

Swimming class was my favorite. It was about the hottest time of a day and the best time to

stay in the cool water. The swimming teacher was a funny man, and during the class he often

made us laugh happily. During the week l learned a lot of new things and made many new

friends. I also learned how to take care of myself.

61.They got to the campground(营地)________.

试卷第8 页,共 11页

A.on foot B.by bike C.by bus D.by plane

62.The campground was ________ from their homes.

A.quite near B.not far C.very long D.quite far

63.Why swimming class was the writer’s favorite?

A.Because it was good to stay in the cool water when the weather was hot.

B.Because the writer felt quite relaxed during the class.

C.Because the swimming teacher was interesting

D.All of the above(上面所有选项).

64.Which one is NOT true?

A.The children were so happy to go camping.

B.Their homesickness(想家)lasted for long time.

C.It was teamwork(配合)to boat

D.They camped for a week.

65.Which is the best title(标题)for the passage(文章)?

A.I learnt a lot B.Boating and Swimming

C.For a week D.My First Summer Camp

九、任务型阅读(共 5 小题:每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)

When you look at the map of the Tengger Desert(腾格尔沙

漠 ) , you will see a “green wall” in the southwest. It products

Wuwei City of Gansu Province from sandstorms.

With an area of over 8,000 mu, the “green wall” was planted

by Wang Tianchang and his family. They have done this great job

for over 20 years.

In his seventies now, Wang Tianchang is an ordinary farmer from Gansu Province. He

and his family live in a small village close to the Tengger Desert. People there once suffered a

lot from sandstorms for a long time. They destroyed their farms and houses. To hold back

sand, Wang Tianchang decided to do something. In 1999, Wang planted his first plant in the

desert and started his life of sand control.

It is never easy to bring life on the desert. In the beginning, Wang had no experience

with desert plants. The sand covered the holes he dug very soon. The wind rooted out the

seedlings he planted even on the second day he had done. It was challenging, but he never

gave up.

试卷第9 页,共 11页

His family helped him a lot, especially his son Wang Yinji. To plant more trees, the two

of them even lived in the desert for about six years. They found grass to sleep on as their


Thanks to Wang’s “green wall”, Wuwei City sees much fewer sandstorms. Wang has

brought back not only green to the desert but also hopes to the people there. He is our hero!

66.How long have Wang Tianchang and his family planted the “green wall” ?

67.Why did Wang Tianchang want to control the sand?

68.Who helped Wang Tianchang a lot when planting the “green wall”?



十、词语运用(共 10 小题:每小题 I 分,满分 10 分)



There is a colorless tiger. He seems like something out of an old black and w 71

movie. His lack (缺乏)of color makes him so famous that the world’s great painters want

to come to his zoo to t 72 to put some color on him. But the colors always just drips

(滴)down off his skin (皮肤).

Then along comes a p 73 called Van Cough. When he travels around, he likes to

paint 74 (happy) with his brush. He never puts any paint on his brush, and he doesn’t u

75 canvas (画布) or paper. He paints the air.

When going into the tiger’s cage, he begins saying some words to the big animal, and

76 (move) his dry brush up and d 77 the tiger’s body. Later, people can see c 78

on the tiger’s skin. Everyone wants to k 79 what the painter’s secret is. He says to them

that his brush is only good for painting real life and he needs no colors. He can do it because

of the words he kept s 80 to the tiger: “In just a few days you will be free again, you

will see.”

试卷第 10 页,共 11页


