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[kittens don't like cleaning]

Once upon a time, there was a clever kitten. It was very beautiful, but itdidn't like cleaning. Kittens have smart eyes and can see everything aroundthem. Mom and Dad love kittens very much. Every time the kitten finished thegame with the children, she didn't wash her hands. She ate and ate immediatelywhen she got home. No matter what dirty things the kitten took it and ate it.Mom and dad said, "kitten, you have to talk about hygiene, you know?" but thekitten turned a deaf ear and didn't even listen to a word.

Once, the kitten asked his friends out to play and accidentally fell into ablack ditch. A friend asked him to take a bath at home, but the kitten said, "itdoesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I'll take a bath at home." on the way home,the kitten saw others eating delicious food, and he paid for it. As soon as thekitten got home, without saying a word, it began to eat again.

Because the kitten didn't like cleaning, friends began to ignore it anddon't play with it. The kitten is very unhappy. Finally one day, because thekitten ate and drank indiscriminately, he ate badly and became ill. The kittenfelt ashamed. She cried and told her mother, "Mom, I'm sorry. It's all my fault.Let you worry about me. I'll love cleaning in the future." her mother took goodcare of it every day, fed the kitten, and the kitten lying in bed gradually gotbetter.

After this lesson, kittens love cleaning. The kitten combs her hair,arranges her schoolbag and goes to school every day. Now friends play withkittens. Accompanied by her father, mother and friends, the kitten lived happilyevery day.







Qiang Qiang learns to play

Qiang Qiang likes playing badminton very much, so his father bought a pairof badminton rackets for Qiang Qiang. Qiang Qiang is very happy, but the nextquestion is, Qiang Qiang can't play badminton. What can I do?

Dad said to Qiang Qiang, "it doesn't matter. We can learn how to play!"

Qiang Qiang learned badminton like his father, but he couldn't play well.He fell down several times. He cried in pain. Qiang Qiang threw away his racketangrily and said, "hum! I won't learn."

Then he threw the badminton aside. His father came up to comfort Qiangqiangand said, "if you encounter a little difficulty, give up. You will never learn.In the face of difficulties, you can succeed!"

After listening to his father's words, Qiang Qiang nodded and studiedbadminton hard. Although he still couldn't play well, Qiang Qiang always studiedhard and finally learned badminton.

Later, in the badminton competition organized by the class, Qiang Qiangalso won the championship!









[treat teeth with bears]

In the animal Town, there is a good bear clinic, which specializes intreating the teeth of small animals.

One day, a patient came to the good bear clinic.

"Hello, Mr. mouse. I'm glad to serve you. What's wrong with yourteeth?"

The vole covered his mouth and said, "I can't eat.

"Is the tooth broken? Let me have a look." the good bear took a flashlightand opened the mouse's mouth to check.

The mouse pushed away the bear: "on the contrary, my teeth are growingwell. The longer my teeth are, the longer they are. I can't close my mouth. Ican't eat now."

"Oh? This disease is very rare. I haven't encountered it in ten years as adentist. Let me check it on the Internet." haoxiong immediately turned on thecomputer.

"Ha ha, I've found a cure for your teeth. I'll give you threeprescriptions, and you can choose one." he said, and the good bear immediatelywrote the prescription.

"Prescription 1: solve it at one time and simply pull it out. Prescription2: I saw your teeth once a week and cut off the excessively long teeth.Prescription 3: 900 old corn stalks. Chew 10 stalks three times a day. Take themedicine once a month for lifelong treatment. It is strictly prohibited to biteother people's furniture and books after taking the medicine!"

"Ah! Tooth extraction? Tooth sawing? I feel very painful, and how can I eatwithout teeth? I'm going to starve to death. It sounds like I'd better choosethe third option," said the mouse.

A week later, two weeks later, three weeks later, the mouse's teeth gotbetter again, yeah!














The quarrel between Pangniu and Miaomiao

Pangniu and Miao Miao were good friends, but you see, today, theyquarreled. Let's hear what happened!

Fat girl said proudly, "I love working best. I'll help my mother sweep thefloor!"

Miao Miao on one side was unconvinced: "hum! I love labor most! I can notonly sweep the floor, but also wash the dishes! Can you?"

Fat girl didn't show weakness: "come on! I love labor most! Who doesn'tknow you're the laziest!" fat girl laughed.

Miao Miao was so anxious that he immediately explained, "no! You aregreedy. You can't walk when you see food. You still work?" Miao Miao alsolaughed at Pangniu

Just as they were quarrelling, grandma Yang came.

"Pangniu and Miaomiao, you have great skills! They all have their ownadvantages. Pangniu is the best at sweeping the floor and Miaomiao is the bestat washing dishes! You are all good children who love work!"

Pangniu and Miao Miao smiled happily.











Cheated Maomao

"Jingling!" school is over!

Maomao picked up his schoolbag, hummed and walked to the school gate. Hismother will pick him up later.

Maomao waited left and right, and neither did his parents,

"Maybe mom has to work overtime, or there's a traffic jam on the road,wait!" Maomao thought.

At this time, a man came to me. He walked up to Maomao with a smile andsaid, "Hello, Maomao!"

Maomao glanced at him and said, "who are you?"

He said, "I'm your mother's colleague. Just call me uncle Yang! Your motherasked me to pick you up."

Maomao nodded and believed him,

He was about to take Maomao to the car when the police uncle came andarrested the so-called "Uncle Yang".

It turned out that the liar had been followed by the police uncle for manydays. This time, thanks to the police uncle!

The police uncle said to Maomao, "children, don't believe what strangerssay in the future, otherwise it will cause very serious consequences!" Maomaonodded in fear.















