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As you slowly open your eyes, look around ,notice where the light comesinto your room; listen carefully, seeif there are new sounds you can recognize;feel with your body andspirit, and see if you can sense the freshness in theair. Yes,yes, yes, it’s anew day, it’s adifferent day, and it’s a bright day!And most importantly, it is a newbeginning for your life, a beginning where youare going to makenew desicisions, take new actions, make new friends, and takeyourlife to a totally unprecedented level! You know all this is real aslong asyou are confident,passionate and committed! And you areconfident, you arepassionate, you arecommitted!

You will no longer fearmaking new sounds,using your body innew ways,approaching new people, and asking newquestions.You will live everysingle day of your life with absolutepassion, and you will show your passionthrough the words you speakand the actions you take. You will focus all yourtime and efforton the most important goals of your life. You will never succumbtochallenges of hardships. You will never waver in your pursuit ofexcellence.After all,you are the best, and you deserve thebest!

Asyour coach and friend, I can assure you the door to all the bestthings inthe world will open to you, but the key to that door isin your hand. You must doyour part, you must faithfully follow theplans you make and take the actions youplan, you must never quit,you must never fear. I know you must do it, you can doit, you willdo it, and you will succeed!

Now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited, and yell it out:I mustdo it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed! I must doit! I can do it! Iwill do it! I will succeed! I must do it! I cando it! I will do it! I willsucceed!


As the saying goes, what wakes you up in the morning is not your alarmclock, but you dream. The future is unknowable, but dream give us the directionsome moment maybe the reality is harsh and you are suffering much. If you have adream, even a very small one, it will light your life in the darkness and keepyou hiding from the reality, for dream will give you the energy to fight.

However, sometimes it seems that what is practical and sensible does notconnect with your most treasured dreams. I am a freshman ,indeed my college lifeis not as colorful as imagined before,all plans and goals just be hung up。I’mvery afraid that even if I graduated from college, I still couldn’t find a joband then had a better life. Faced with the cruel reality,we college studentsshould really make good use of these facilities and learn as much usefulknowledge as possible。Then after graduation, we would find it’s much easier toget a decent job.

When I am a little girl,my father gave me two cups filled with soil,heasked me to water one cup every day。Two weeks later,tender leaves appeared inthe cup that I watered everyday。Father said to me:“The seed represents for yourdream,without sweat and effort,it won’t come out no means will your dream turninto reality if you never pay for it.”

From this story I learn that If I intend to full my dreams ,I must workhard,make efforts ,and get prepared ,otherwise I will get no possibility tosucceed.


each of us should be a simple life of the individual criteria. because inlife, the only criteria adhered to a simple will it be possible to avoidstraying into the road prevented us from maturing into the wrong track.

point of view on the current trend, whether it is interpersonalrelationships, social structure or family ties, are also complicated by thetrend. however, it also happened to use a simplified formula to deal with theserelationships. therefore, the use of "simple" approach to deal with affairs, notonly can be effective, but will also bring to life a paced rhythm of.

in fact, to make things more complicated is easy, but if you want tosimplify things into an orderly situation in the brain should be!

complex issues to look at very simple, simple questions to see verycomplex, both of who is stupid? a friend of mine almost did not take on theanswer that the two people powerful, simple question because it should looksimple and complex issues should be too complicated.

"don quixote" there is a fragment: sancho asked that the world's firstcousin who somersaults? his cousin replied that to answer this question i wasnot, and i will look back to the book study, research about it, the nextmeeting, and then tell you the answer. sancho said to him after a while, justask this question, i think the answer now: the world's first is the devil,because he fell from the sky, has been turning , fell to hell.

you might see here simmer with laughter, because sancho's answer is verysimple, but it also contains the wisdom of an extremely simple, as inrecognition of his master, he said, sancho, you say so, often more than yourwisdom it. some people gone to great pains to carry out research, but concludedgrowth often can not see, can not add common sense, is meaningless.

in fact, life, study, work in a lot of things are very simple, no need tospend tremendous efforts headache, life, love, the ideal is so often just theequivalent of first grade, like math, or no schooling, those who did not knowthe word look at the chicken and rabbit cages at the time of this issue the sameway of thinking - a few do not open the cage a few know? [chinese endeavourersnetwork] why such a big effort out charges that many of the equation tocalculate! more importantly, why the chicken and rabbit in a cage with it - butsometimes too many people go way too far too hard, but awareness is not theresome way do not have to go. some people go to see other people that they will behard to travel, that go after a lot of hard road there will be a paradise, butwho knows in his heaven on the place of origin, all the way to walk in hisprocess, or little paradise.


Everybody has a dream,Martin Lutherking has a dream----and we can allrecall his Civil Rights Speech.

Phil Knight had a dream --and now the wohole world knows his Nikeslogan:"just do it.

" I also have a dream I have a dream, that is, one day my parents get old,they will not have any diseases, any pains or any sorrow.

They will live happily until the day they have to leave for the otherworld.

There’s always plenty of sunshine in their everyday life.

This is my dream and it is my greatest happiness.

I have a dream, that is, one day all the dogs in the world will have theirhomes.

They will be kindly taken care of, they will be deeply loved and they willbe the most valuable friends to people.

I also hope, all the people in the world will realize that dogs are theconnection between human beings and heaven.

This is my dream and it is my greatest happiness.

I have a dream, that is one day there will be no wars in the world.

No blood, no wounds, no deaths, no hate, only love and responsibility.

We live together and love each other.

There is no difference between us. this is my dream, this my greatesthappiness.

I have a dream , I have thousands of dreams.

I dream that one day they can come true.

This is my dream and it is my greatest happiness.


Whatever we have undergone in our life, we shouldn't complain about it. Wemay get a lot or lose so much in our life journey, but keeping a positiveattitude should always be together with us. Nothing can defeat us if we areconfident and diligent. Just as saying goes, God is equal to everyone. As hecloses the door, he will also open a window for us.




