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Hello, everyone. Today you are going to visit the terracotta warriors andhorses, the eighth wonder in the world. I'm your guide. My name is Zheng Renmin.You can call me director Zheng. We are now driving to Lintong District, Xi'an,Shaanxi Province, where the terracotta warriors and horses are located. Duringthe visit, please be a civilized tourist, leaving nothing but footprints andtaking nothing but photos.

The terracotta warriors and horses of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty aredivided into three pits, of which Pit 1 is the largest, 230 meters long fromeast to west and 62 meters wide from north to south, with a total area of 14260square meters.

In the modeling of Qin terracotta figures, seven traditional clay sculpturetechniques, such as modeling, sculpture, kneading, piling, pasting, carving andpainting, are used to present the basic elements of body, quantity, shape,spirit, color and quality incisively and vividly. The terracotta figures are notonly rich and vivid, but also painted with different colors, making them morevivid and lifelike. Therefore, some people call the art of terracotta warriors"three parts of sculpture, seven parts of painting".

There are numerous terracotta warriors and horses in the Qin terracottawarriors and horses group

Terracotta warriors, kneeling shooting terracotta warriors, terracottahorses, painted terracotta warriors, chariot terracotta warriors, chariotterracotta warriors, chariot terracotta warriors, general terracotta warriors,etc.

Each of these terracotta warriors and horses has a different look. If youlook at them carefully, you will find that no two of them have the samelook.


Dear tourist friends, Hello, we now come to Taibai Mountain, a magnificentand beautiful national 4A scenic spot.

First, let me introduce the Taibai Mountain, the main body of the scenicarea, which is the main peak of the Qinling Mountains mountains and the firstpeak of the Chinese mainland to the east of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. As thesaying goes: one side of the soil and water raises one side of the people. Infact, it's not only people, but also mountains. It can be said that it is theunique landscape of Qinling that gives birth to this famous Chinese mountain,which is famous for its high, cold, strange, special and beautiful.

You can see different mountain ranges here. Their morphologicalcharacteristics are different, which is very interesting. In particular, thereare various geomorphic forms formed by Quaternary glacial activities. If youlook carefully, you will find that they are still intact and clear. Maybe youcan also see the historical changes.

Next, let's talk about the different climate of Taibai Mountain. I wonderif you've ever heard of the wonder of snow in June in Taibai Mountain. It's oneof the eight famous scenic spots in Guanzhong. Maybe you are still in the hotsun at the foot of the mountain. When you come to the top of the mountain, it'scold and windy. Does that sound amazing? But unfortunately, due to the warmingclimate, less snow in winter and hot weather in midsummer, it's hard to see sucha landscape.

In addition, the animal and plant resources in our scenic area are veryrich. On Taibai Mountain, Chinese herbal medicine is everywhere, and clover isunique to Taibai Mountain. Rich plant resources also provide sufficient food forwild animals. Giant panda, golden monkey and takin are breeding here. If youhave a chance, you can also see these lovely friends.

OK, let's start our tour!

Dear tourist friends, Hello, welcome to Longfeng square.

When you hear this, you must ask why it is called this name. It's becauseit's near Longfeng Mountain and it's built on the mountain. Now you can see abeautiful bridge, which is the rainbow bridge. Next to the rainbow bridge is alarge color music fountain. You can enjoy the beautiful water scenery and watchthe wonderful fountain performance here. I believe the music fountain will bringyou a visual feast.

Forget to introduce, here is the largest and most dazzling open panoramicwater show. You can enjoy the water dance with landscape, music and lighting. Ibelieve you will think you are still dreaming after watching it. There will betwo music fountain water dance shows every night. You will feel the full impactof sound, light and electricity. Speaking of which, are you impatient?

Opposite to the music fountain is the leisure square of the CentralWaterfront Commercial Street. You can go to the bar to have a drink with yourfriends, or go to KTV to sing. Of course, if you like to be quiet, you can alsohave a quiet tea, or go to the flavor restaurant to taste the local snacks. Wealso have a local specialty supermarket here. You can also buy some for yourfriends.

In front of us is the waterfall group of Taibai Mountain Dragon and PhoenixSquare. In fact, it is also an important part of the beautiful night scene ofTaibai Mountain. You can enjoy all this beauty in the evening. I believe it willnot disappoint you.

OK, that's all for you. Let's meet at the next scenic spot.

Dear tourist friends, Hello, we now come to qingniu cave. I'm your guide.I'm very happy to visit qingniu cave with you today.

Hearing this, do you want to know the origin of the name? Let me introduceit to you. It's said that when Taishang Laojun rode along the northern foothillsof Qinling Mountains to here, he was attracted by the beautiful scenery, so hestopped here to explain the Scriptures. That's why we got the name of qingniucave. Of course, we can see that qingniu cave had a unique beauty. Otherwise,how could it attract taishanglaojun?

Now let me tell you an interesting thing. It is said that later, the localresidents dug up a stone ox in the cave, so they built a temple here, mainly forthe local people to worship and pray. Later, you can visit and pray for yourfamily and friends.

Well, I'll finish my explanation for you. I hope I can help you. Let's makean appointment for the next scenic spot.

Dear tourist friends, Hello, welcome to Tangyu hot spring. I'm your guide.Today, I will visit this beautiful scenery with you.

Do you know that Tangyu is one of the 72 valleys in Qinling Mountains.Tangyu hot spring has been famous all over the world since ancient times. It isa hot spring group composed of 11 natural artesian springs. The watertemperature of the hot spring is 73 ℃. The water is rich in more than 20 kindsof minerals and trace elements that are beneficial to human body. Can't you waitto hear that?

In fact, the ancients have long discovered this geomantic treasure land. Doyou know that as early as the Western Zhou Dynasty, King Wen of Zhou built asoup pool here for recuperation and treatment, which was also called FengquanShenze at that time. besides. Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty brought YangGuifei here four times and named it Fengquan soup. From this we can see that theancients had a special preference for the hot springs here.

Since you have come to Taibai Mountain, taking a hot spring to wash awaythe dust is also an indispensable part of your trip to Taibai Mountain. This isthe end of my introduction to you. I hope it will help you. Next, you can visitby yourself. Let's meet at the next scenic spot.

Dear tourist friends, Hello, now we come to the gate of Taibai MountainNational Forest Park. I am your guide, and I will visit with you next.

If you look to the left side of the door, there is a commemorative stone,which is called commemorative stone. The stone is engraved with the Chinesemountaineering team's first visit to mount Taibai. Speaking of this, I have tosay its origin.

On April 25, 1956, the newly established Chinese mountaineering team Shizhanchun and other 32 people, under the guidance of Soviet experts, climbedTaibai Mountain, the main peak of Qinling Mountains. This is the first time thatChinese mountaineers have climbed a mountain more than 3000 meters inShanghai.

Dear tourist friends, Hello, now we come to Taibai Mountain.

Taibai Mountain is the main peak of the Qinling Mountains. It can be saidthat the mountains and waters of the Qinling Mountains gave birth to this famousChinese mountain, which is famous for its high, cold, strange, special andbeautiful. Li Daoyuan and Bai Juyi have praised its magnificence and beauty. Noone can destroy such a beautiful ecological landscape.

Do you know that Taibai Mountain, as the main peak of Qinling Mountains, is3771.2 meters above sea level. When you see it, do you feel that it has amysterious color that makes you yearn for it?

I don't know if you've ever heard of snow in Taibai. It's one of the eightfamous scenic spots in Guanzhong. Why do you say that? That's because when weclimb mountains in summer, the sun is burning at the foot of the mountain andthe cool wind is blowing on the hillside, but the cold wind is blowing on thetop of the mountain. So don't forget to bring thick clothes when you climbmountains in summer.

Of course, there are many wonders in Taibai Mountain, such as quaternaryglacial relics, high mountain flower sea and so on. I believe you will beintoxicated with it after reading it. Even Mr. Xu Mingzheng, deputy director ofShaanxi Provincial Tourism Administration, was unconsciously infected by thebeautiful scenery of Taibai Mountain after his visit, leaving Guanzhong with sixdays of leisure. Never tired of seeing each other, only Taibai Mountain'swonderful sentences.

Are you impatient to hear that? OK, that's all for you. Let's make anappointment for the next scenic spot.

As you can see, our Guanyin cave is a natural cave composed of five layersof stone caves, which makes Guanyin cave more natural and full of fragrance. Iwonder if you felt mysterious when you first came in?

When we first came in, I don't know if you noticed that there is a magicancient tree at the entrance of the cave. This big tree is in the air. It feelslike it grows out of the cave. But it's strange that you can't see the root inthe cave. The trunk of this tree is strong. You see, there is a sign of athousand year old tree in Dongtian. The local people call it Wuyou tree.

Dear tourist friends, how do you do? Now we come to yangwenzhou MemorialPark. I'm your tour guide. It's my pleasure to visit yangwenzhou memorial parkwith you today. Let's introduce it to you.

A mountain will be famous for a person, and a person will be great for amountain. Today's Taibai Mountain is connected with a person's name forever. Heis Yang Wenzhou.

Let me introduce Yang Wenzhou to you first. He was the Deputy Secretary ofthe Party committee of Taibai Mountain National Forest Park. In the 1980s, underthe pressure of doubt and opposition, such as whether he could produce hot waterand where the money came from, he started drilling wells, and spent every day onthe construction site, eating and working with the drilling workers.

Dear tourist friends, Hello, the two peaks that appear in front of you areCamel Mountain.

That's right. Can you take a closer look at it? Does it look like a bigcamel kneeling? Do you know that this camel is the largest camel in the worldand the most loyal usher of Taibai Mountain. From a distance, it seems to greetyou and welcome you.

In fact, Taibai Mountain is known as China's natural zoo. There are morethan 300 kinds of rare animals and 230 kinds of birds. Have you heard of thefour treasures of Qinling mountains? They are giant panda, takin, golden monkeyand Crested Ibis. You can understand it carefully later, and you will know thatthis title is worthy of reputation.

Besides, there is also the blood pheasant, a special product of ourcountry. Speaking of it, you may feel very strange. It's like a domestic hen.It's named after the blood red head, abdomen and feet. I don't know if you knowthat there is another animal here called Sumen antelope. It looks like a sheep,not a sheep, not a horse, not a horse. Does that sound interesting?

OK, that's all for you. You can have a rest. Let's meet at the next scenicspot.

Welcome to Guiguzi cave. I don't know how much you know about Guiguzi. Letme introduce him to you.

Gui Gu Zi was the originator of Taoism and political strategists in thespring and autumn and Warring States periods. Speaking of him, he was amysterious figure in Chinese history. Taoism believed that Gui Gu was a realimmortal in ancient times. It said that he had lived in the world for more than100 years and then disappeared. Is it full of mystery?

There are many legends about him. According to legend, Guiguzi is the sonof Qinglong, a villager, and Donghai Longnv.

Now we come to Dushan. Next, I will visit Dushan with you.

You know, there is an interesting legend about Dushan. Let me tell yousomething about it. It is said that this mountain is the highest one in PenglaiFairy Island. It heard that Taibai Mountain is higher than three mountains andfive mountains. It was very dissatisfied, so it went all the way to TaibaiMountain to compare its height. But when it got to the foot of Taibai Mountain,it saw that the shortest mountain on Taibai Mountain was higher than it. It wasvery ashamed. When it was ready to escape, it was detained by Taibai Mountain.There was a couplet: Dushan Shame, high as Taibai, do not want to compare highand low; Taibai retain, low is also Castle Peak, should know that there is amountain outside the mountain.

Now we come to the ancient plank road of the Three Kingdoms. I don't knowif you've just come here and feel a strong sense of history?

Speaking of plank road, did you first think of building plank road openlyand secretly? So it can also be said that it embodies the wisdom of ancientpeople and is a miracle in the ancient traffic history of our country. It issaid that during the Three Kingdoms period, Liu Bei had a military adviser namedFazheng, who was an important military adviser. He suggested Liu Bei build thisplank road to confuse Sima Yi.

The ancient plank road of the Three Kingdoms is 1100 meters long. You know,20_ In, this plank road also made special reports on the Central Seven "militarycolumns" channel!

Now we come to the Sleeping Buddha Temple. Next, let's visit the exquisiteand simple Sleeping Buddha Temple.

Speaking of our Sleeping Buddha Temple, we have to introduce a historicalorigin. You know, in 1932, Mr. Yu Youren came here. Interestingly, he left adoggerel in the Sleeping Buddha's place: good Sleeping Buddha, good SleepingBuddha. After sleeping Pepsi, I want to sleep too. Who will protect the country.Although this doggerel is humorous, it also reflects the old people's concernfor the country. When you hear this, do you think of Fan Zhongyan's idea that weshould worry about the world first and enjoy the world later.

Hello, tourist. Now we come to kaitianguan.

Speaking of this name, it also comes from Li Bai's poem Taibai and mywords, I want to open Tianguan. Today, you can have a feast for your eyes here,because you can not only see a large area of virgin forest and undulatingmountains, but also see the strange scene that the rain is continuous at thefoot of Taibai Mountain and the sky is clear on the mountain.

Let's open Tianguan. It's still a natural bathing beach. Do you feelrefreshed when you just come here? That's because the ozone emitted by the pinetrees here can bring you a fresh feeling.

Now we come to the seven women peak. It's my pleasure to visit seven womenpeak with you.

If Taibai Mountain is magnificent, then our seven women peak is beautifuland the most spectacular.

It is the most beautiful peak of Taibai Mountain. The seven peaks are invarious shapes and lines, like the seven fairies standing side by side andfalling into the world. Does that sound fantastic?

However, QINV peak is not only beautiful, but also famous for its danger.It is called Xiaohua mountain, isn't it very powerful? While enjoying thebeautiful scenery of QINV peak, we can also see Shixia TIANTI, Yuji ridge,Shengui Tanhai and other famous scenic spots along the way.

You see the place where the huge stones rush down in front of us, this isthe stone array.

Maybe you don't know much about the Stonehenge. Let me give you a briefintroduction. Stonehenge is a periglacial landform of Quaternary glacial relicsin Taibai Mountain, also known as Shihe. During the period of glacial movement,the mountain uplifted and melted, and the mountain disintegrated, forming such abreathtaking and magical landscape that we can see. Every glacier stone hererecords the passage of time and the evolution of everything. If you areinterested, you can observe it carefully, and you may find traces of glaciermovement.

Dear tourist friends, the place we are now arriving at is Xiaban temple.Next, let me introduce it to you.

You just came here, did you feel a little cold? Yes, our Xiaban temple is2800 meters above sea level. It already belongs to sub cold zone climate, so youshould exercise more to prevent cold.

Next, I'll give you a brief introduction to the origin of its name.According to legend, in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, due to the prosperity ofBuddhism, in order to facilitate the local people's visit, people used localmaterials, made of red birch wood, built two temples here, the lower elevationis Xiaban temple in front of us.

Dear tourist friends, Hello, welcome to huixianping. Next, I will visithuixianping with you.

As you can see, what appears in front of us is a large area of flat land.As the name suggests, this is the place where the immortals gather. Maybe if youstay here a little longer, you'll feel immortal.

Our vision of huixianping is very wide. You can enjoy the beautiful sceneryhere. Looking to the north, it's Erxian mountain, the exit of QINV peak. It'ssaid that Erxian mountain is the place where Taishang Laojun and Taibai Jinxingplay chess. There are towering ancient trees here. The environment is elegantand the scenery is pleasant.

Standing in huixianping, you can see the mountains in the East, the famousTaibai snow in the south, the attractive scenery of the Red River Valley in theWest and the vast Weihe plain in the north. I believe you will be intoxicatedwith it.

Hearing this, are you impatient? OK, next you can visit by yourself. Let'smeet at the next scenic spot.

Dear tourist friends, how do you do


Ladies and gentlemen, there is Zhuge Liang hall. The lintels and pillars ofthe hall are covered with plaques and couplets left by predecessors. One of themost famous is a couplet hanging in the middle of Zhuge Liang's palace, whichsays: "if you can work hard, you'll lose your mind. From ancient times, you knowthat soldiers are not belligerent; if you don't judge the situation, you'll belenient and strict. Later, you'll have to think deeply about how to governShu.". Lianwen was written by Zhao fan, a native of Jianchuan, Yunnan Provincein the late Qing Dynasty.

The Shanglian said that Zhuge Liang was able to use the tactics of"attacking the heart" in fighting, such as making Meng Huo's heart full ofadmiration when he was in the southern expedition. In this way, he praised ZhugeLiang as a militarist who really knew how to fight with troops, not a warlikeone.

The second couplet praises Zhuge Liang's ability to judge the situation andformulate a lenient and strict law, which has achieved good results, and remindsthose who later govern Sichuan to learn from it. This couplet makes an objectiveevaluation of Zhuge Liang's use of troops and administration, and puts forwardtwo enlightening questions of "attacking the heart" and "judging the situation".It is the top grade of the couplets on the plaque of Wuhou Temple and one of thefamous couplets in China.

In the hall of Zhuge Liang, there are statues of Zhuge Liang, his son andgrandson. Zhuge Liang is like a man on a platform in the middle of the shrine.He has a feather fan and a silk scarf. He is wearing a golden robe. He isconcerned about the country and the people, and has a deep and farsighted look,which shows the demeanor of a generation of Confucians. Zhuge Liang (181-234),who was born in Yinan, Shandong Province, was an outstanding statesman andmilitarist in Chinese history. When he was young, he lived in seclusion inLongzhong, Xiangfan. Because of his intelligence, hard work and ambition, he gotthe reputation of "Wolong". At the request of Liu Bei, he went out of themountain to assist Liu Bei and established Shu Han. After Liu Bei's death, hewas entrusted with the important task of assisting his son Liu Chan, who ruledShu for more than 20 years. He practiced enlightenment, gave strict rewards andpunishments, selected talents and appointed talents, built water conservancy,developed production, marched south to central China, and attacked Qishan in thenorth. With loyalty, diligence, honesty and intelligence, he brought stabilityand prosperity to Shu. Chen Shou, a historian, commented that the state of Shuat that time had clear politics, honest and upright people, open fields, richwarehouses, and peaceful scenes everywhere. Due to overwork, he died inwuzhangyuan army at the age of 54. He was buried at the foot of Dingjun mountainin Mianxian County, Shaanxi Province.

Zhuge Liang has done a lot of good things in his life, such as beingdiligent, loving the people and being beneficial to social progress. After hisdeath, people miss him very much and respect him very much for his spirit ofdevoting himself to his life. As a result, people built one Wuhou Temple afteranother to commemorate him, and worshipped him as a model of loyal officials,virtuous prime minister and the embodiment of wisdom.

Zhuge Zhan, the son of Zhuge Liang, and Zhuge Shang, the grandson of ZhugeLiang, led the Wei army to fight a decisive battle in Mianzhu when the Shu HanDynasty was faced with survival. Finally, they died for their country becausethey were outnumbered.

There is a bronze drum in Zhuge Liang hall, which is a cultural relic inthe fifth and sixth centuries. Bronze drum, originally a cooking utensil ofsouthwest ethnic minorities in ancient times, has appeared as early as thespring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. Later, the bronze drumgradually evolved into a kind of musical instrument and ritual instrument, whichwas used in gatherings and celebrations. It was also a symbol of wealth andpower. It is said that Zhuge Liang used this kind of bronze drum during hissouthern expedition. It was used for cooking in the daytime and for alarming inthe evening. Therefore, it is also called Zhuge drum.

In the wing rooms on both sides outside the hall, there are woodcut poemson display. It's in the west wing_ In the East chamber, there are 12 pieces ofwoodcut "Longzhongdui" and "chushibiao".

Sanyi Temple:

After leaving Zhuge Liang hall, there is Sanyi temple. Sanyi Temple got itsname from offering sacrifices to Liu, Guan and Zhang, who were the three membersof Taoyuan. The temple was built in the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the QingDynasty, with four entrances and five halls. Now only worship hall, main hall,into a courtyard layout. Sanyi temple was originally located in Tidu street inthe center of the city. Due to the need of urban construction, it was moved herein 1997. In the relocation project, in strict accordance with the nationalregulations on cultural relics, the original building components were removed byserial number and transported to the new site to be built according to theserial number to restore the original appearance.

The restored Sanyi temple is towering, and its architectural form is thesame as that of Liubei hall. The roof is a single eaves hard hill type, coveredby green simple tiles. The structure is a wood stone structure, with a beamlifting wooden frame, and the columns and column bases are made of stone. Thereare 40 round columns carved from the whole stone, with a diameter of 0. Fivemeters. There are 24 stone pillars engraved with 12 couplets in gold. In themain hall, clay statues of Liu, Guan and Zhang are restored, and ten stone linedrawings of the story of the three kingdoms are added to the two walls of thegallery. The painting is taken from the Ming Dynasty version of the romance ofthe Three Kingdoms. The materials of these paintings are as follows: Taoyuan SanJie Yi, San Ying Zhan Lu Bu, Zhang Fei whipping du you, Liu Bei recruitingrelatives, Guan Gong scraping bone to cure poison, etc.

Tomb of Liu Bei:

From Sanyi temple to the west, cross the small bridge, pass Guihe buildingand Qinting, and enter the Red Wall Road surrounded by green bamboo. At the endof the road is Liu Bei's tomb. The earth mound of Liu Bei's tomb is 12 metershigh and covered with green shade. There is a 180 meter long brick wallsurrounding the mausoleum. There are steles and halls in front of themausoleum.

After failing to defeat Wu, Liu Bei retreated to Baidi city and settled in220 ad_ He died of illness in April. In May, Zhuge Liang Fuling pivot back toChengdu, August burial, tomb known as "Huiling.". Huiling is a tomb for husbandand wife. At the same time, Mrs. Gan, the mother of empress Liu Chan, wasburied. 20_ Five years later, empress mu, another wife of Liu Bei, died and wasalso buried here. The tomb is more than 1700 years ago. No theft has been found.The condition of the tomb is unknown.

There is a story in Youyang Zazu written by Duan Chengshi in the TangDynasty: a group of tomb robbers entered Liu Bei's Huiling mausoleum on a darknight. When they entered the tomb, they saw that the lights were shining inside.Liu Bei was playing chess with one man and ten warriors stood by one side.Scared out of their wits, the thieves knelt down one after another to beg formercy. Liu Bei waved to the guards to give them jade belts and Qiongjiang. Theydrank the jade paste, tied the jade belt, and climbed out of the hole in panic.Looking back, the hole was naturally sealed. The jade belt became a big snake,wrapped around their waist, and the jade paste became glue and stuck to theirmouth. It is said that no one dares to touch Liu Bei's tomb any more.

Out of Liu Bei's tomb, we come to the newly built exhibition area of "ThreeKingdoms culture". The exhibition area consists of exhibition hall and externalenvironment. The external environment is composed of gods and beasts Tianlu,dispelling evil spirits, remnant pillars of the Han Palace, soldiers fightingfor the country, stone inscriptions on the remnant wall, Linjiang immortal byYang Shen, and preface of stone inscriptions. The exhibition hall is dividedinto five exhibition areas, which are war situation, a glimpse of agricultureand mulberry, folk customs, art and forest, and the lingering charm of Liufeng.There are hundreds of cultural relics, materials and pictures on display. Thematerials are rich and colorful, the artistic techniques are vivid andintuitive, and the collection of knowledge and appreciation is one of them,which is very worthy of careful observation.


The landslide landscape National Geopark of Cuihua Mountain in ShaanxiProvince is 20_ It is one of the first batch of 11 national geoparks built bythe Ministry of land and resources of the people's Republic of China in March,and the first national geoparks built and unveiled in China. 20_ It was rated asnational AAAA tourist area by the National Tourism Administration. Located atthe northern foot of Qinling Mountains in Chang'an County, Shaanxi Province, thepark is 20km away from the urban area of Xi'an. The main peak of Zhongnanmountain is 2604m above sea level, covering a total area of 32km2. It is one ofthe most developed areas of landslides in China. The complete types, typicalstructure, complete preservation, huge scale and high tourism value of landslidelandforms are rare at home and abroad, and are known as "China's landslidespectacle" and "geological and geomorphological Museum".

"Guoyu" records: "in the second year of Youwang (780 BC), all the threerivers in the Western Zhou Dynasty were shocked At the same time, the threerivers were exhausted and Qishan collapsed. "It is also recorded in historicalrecords. It is speculated that Guoyu is the earliest written record of theformation of the landslide in Cuihua Mountain. Other Guanzhong earthquakes havedifferent degrees of influence on the formation of the landslide in CuihuaMountain.

The total area of Cuihuashan landslide is 5.2 square kilometers, with 300million cubic meters of fallen stones. At present, 1.5 square kilometers arepreliminarily developed, which are distributed in shuiqiuchi, ganqiuchi andDaping, mainly composed of residual peak cliff, collapse rock sea and barrierlake.

Canfeng cliff mainly refers to Yuhan peak, Ganqiu peak, Cuihua peak and thefree face of landslide. The three peaks stand at the same time, and the negativemomentum races up. Suddenly, they are dangerous and handsome, and soar to thesky. "Looking at the south, the south is like a green screen, with Hibiscus inthe sky. (the governor of Shaanxi wrote a memorial to Qianlong in QingDynasty)

"Taiyi is near Tiandu, from mountain to sea. The white clouds look back,and the green haze comes in. In the division, the peaks change, and the valleysare different. If you want to stay at home, ask the woodcutter across the water.(Zhongnanshan by Wang Wei of Tang Dynasty) Cuihuashan National Geopark has along historical and cultural background. It is the buffer zone of NiubeiliangNational antelope nature reserve, the most distinctive part and first-classdevelopment zone of Zhongnanshan National Forest Park, and a famous scenic spotin Shaanxi Province. According to the records of scenic spots in Xijing, CuihuaMountain has been established as the Royal "Shanglin garden" and "Royal Garden"since the Qin, Han and Tang Dynasties. Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty was born in120bc because of "mountains, forests, valleys, hills, clouds, wind and rain,monsters and gods"_ It is also known as Mount Taiyi. Mount Taiyi is now famousin Southeast Asia and other Chinese regions in the world.

"Yuxiu in the south, Taiyi in the middle, Cuihua in the south, and Hanwu inthe South; Longqiu in the ice cave, and jade in the pool should know that thescenery is in Chang'an." Shaanxi Cuihua Mountain landslip landscape nationalgeopark not only has landslip lake light, strange rocks and caves, but also hasits profound culture, natural background and high-quality service. When youwatch the avalanche wonders, you will feel the characteristics of China'snational geoparks, the integration of geological relics and natural culture, andthe sustainable development of development and protection.


Ladies and gentlemen

Hello everyone! Welcome to the little wild goose pagoda. I'm your guide. Ihope you can remember the little wild goose pagoda.

The little wild goose pagoda is located in Jianfu temple in the southernsuburb of Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province. It was built in 720 ad_ In 1999, therewere 1320_ It's a long history. This tower was built by Emperor Zhongzong LiXian and empress Wei for master Yijing, in order to store the Scriptures thatmaster Yijing brought back from India.

Now we see the external structure of the little wild goose pagoda. Theoutside of the little wild goose pagoda is built of brick, which is a tower withdense eaves. If you look down at the little wild goose pagoda in the air, itwill feel like an inverted screw. Xiaoyan pagoda has experienced three majorearthquakes, resulting in the loss of the top two stories. When there was nodamage, the height of the little wild goose pagoda was 46 meters. After theearthquake, it became 43 meters.

Now let's go inside and have a look! There are stone steps and woodenhandrails inside. Although it is complete now, it has suffered a lot of damage.In 1965, Liang Sicheng proposed the method of "repairing the old with the old".He found the same brick as the green brick to repair the small wild goosepagoda. Finally, the small wild goose pagoda was the same as before.

The little wild goose pagoda has a long history. After 70 earthquakes, itstill stands. What's more amazing is that in the 1487 earthquake, a big crackappeared in the small wild goose pagoda, which could reach 1520_ After anotherearthquake, the cracks of the little wild goose pagoda closed again. Why?Because when the ancient craftsmen built the little wild goose pagoda, they madeits foundation into a bowl shape, so that no matter how big an earthquake theyexperienced, they would not be squeezed and deformed. The ancient craftsmen areso clever!

Have a good time. bye!



