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Dear _,

A lot of myths have been created about child prodigies, most of whom provemediocre when they become adults. In China, there is a special place which trainchild prodigies not to end in mediocrity but in sustained excellence—_, theUniversity of _. Having been a student from such a class, I would like to scalenew heights of academic excellence by applying for a Ph.D. program in ElectronicControls from the esteemed _ University. I am not interested in being a childprodigy but in developing myself into an academic leader in tomorrow’sElectronic Controls research.

_ has produced the first generation of leading scientists of the People’sRepublic of China, who in turn advocated the establishment of the _, withspecial support from the central government. What is special about _ is that itis a 5-year program instead of the usual 4-year program; its educational systemis completely integrated with western system, with a unique curriculum, teachingprograms, emphasizing the study of foundational courses of mathematics, physics,English, information science, interdisciplinary subjects. Students areencouraged to participate in advanced student research programs, involve inseminars and join faculty’s research projects. Above all, students are taught tocultivate innovativeness and team spirit.

In this exceedingly competitive environment, everyone tries to be thebetter of the best. I am no exception. My entire undergraduate program inelectrical engineering can be divided into three distinctive stages. For thefirst two years, I allowed my academic interests to develop freely by choosing awide range of subjects so that I managed to lay a solid foundation. I liked toattempt at some tentative experiments through computer simulation, and programsoftware to process experiment statistics so that I could improve my hands-onabilities. As I entered the third year, I started to focus on signal processingas my major and paid special attention to develop my computer skills. In onesemester I took ten courses. But my hard efforts paid off. My GPA reached 3.24,ranking among top 20% among a total of 84 students.

My real academic development happened in the last two years, when I wasrecruited in Oct. 2002 into the Communication and Signal Processing Laboratoryof our university. There I attended many presentations, received technicaltrainings particularly designed for lab’s new comers, read a large quality ofscholarly journals and technical literature, and cooperated with someoutstanding doctoral and Master’s students in the lab. Since Feb. 2003, thedirector of the lab offered me an exception on account of my strong mathematicsbackground by allowing me to participate in the regular seminars for doctoralstudents to discuss matrix theory and its application. On one of those seminars,I did a thematic presentation regarding the norms of vectors and matrices, whichwas warmly received. As an undergraduate, I made full use of those rareopportunities to cultivate my research potential.

By far, my most important research achievement is my thesis that Iindependently completed from Jan. to August 2003. Entitled _, my thesis offersan in-depth analysis of the statistical characteristics of the amplitude phaseposition of the analog modulated signal under the AWGN interference. Based onthis, I presented the new key feature values and the value threshold, with astudy of the statistical characteristics of the values. Finally, I incorporatedthe novel idea of soft judgment in accordance with the large number principleand central ultimate limit principle. Unlike conventional algorithms, myalgorithm took into account the effect of noise, applicable to low Signal/NoiseRatio (SNR) above 0db; the idea of soft judgment is absolutely original. Scored95 /100, my thesis was given highly positive comments from my advisor who hasrecommended it to a leading scholarly journal for publication.

Since September, I have been engaged in _. My responsibility in theresearch group is to simulate the process of the multi-resolutional detection ofthe watermark and select different threshold to analyze the error probability.The research group consists mostly of doctoral students from whom I have deriveduseful research experiences. By working in close collaboration with them, I havelearned the importance of making concerted efforts for the fulfillment of acommon objective.

To undertake your Ph.D. program in electronic controls, I believe that,apart from my ample research experience, I have two unique advantages. First Ihave an unusually solid foundation in mathematics. My academic transcriptindicates that I have excelled in Analysis Mathematics, Linear Algebra (whosetextbook, written by senior professors of _ and Chinese Academy of Science, issaid to be the most difficult in Asia), Ordinary Difference Equation Methods inMathematics and Physics, Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, StochasticProcess, and Discrete Mathematical Structure. Your program in ElectronicControls poses very high requirements on the student’s mathematical aptitudesand my talents in mathematics will make me a strong candidate for yourprogram.

Next, as a student of electrical engineering, I have studied most of thespecialized courses as required by your program. As a matter of fact, thecourses in my undergraduate specialty of signal processing overlap heavily withyour curriculum. My academic performance in Signals System (mostly about FourierTransformation), Digital Signal Processing (which analyzes discrete signals andsystems), and Statistical Analysis of Signals has been well above average. Atpresent, I am self-studying several subjects on electronic controls. With thosenecessary preparations, I would like to identify Prof. _ as my potentialadvisor because the coursework I have done in the above-mentioned fields isextremely relevant to the Discrete Events Systems that Prof. _ specializesin.

Among several _ universities that I apply for, I prioritize on _University. As one of the three most prominent universities in _, youruniversity has enjoying increasing academic reputation, especially in the fieldof engineering. Among a wide variety of research programs offered by theDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the largest department in the_ College of Engineering, I am most interested in Electronic Controls. I willfirst undertake a research-oriented Master’s program. I will start by takingspecialized courses ranging from Control Systems II, Nonlinear Control Systems,Discrete Event Systems, Systems and Optimal Control, Identification and AdaptiveControl, Stochastic Control, to Advanced Control System Design. Throughcoursework in those subjects, I expect to enrich my theoretical knowledge inElectronic Control. As my undergraduate research focused on Pattern Recognition,I believe I am well grounded for my future studies.

The past century witnessed the entire process how the subject of controlhas evolved from the primitive use of feedbacks in windmills and steam enginesto the modern theory and application in telecommunications andSPAce processindustry, with new components of digital computers. It represents a ratherchallenging discipline. It is my wish that I grow as this discipline itselfgrows.

Yours sincerely,








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