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Dear _,

“If a nation can be compared to a large vessel at sea, then the journalistsare its watch-keepers who timely report the treacherous shoals and hiddendangers to ensure the safe journey of the vessel.” This celebrated andthought-provocative motto by Joseph Pulitzer gives a most vivid and profoundelucidation of the crucial role that journalists can play in contemporary sociallife. Regarding the role of the watch-keeper, I have my own understanding. Thecareer of being a journalist entails “thinking allowed and thinking aloud.” Heor she should, first of all, be an active, sensitive participant of social lifeand demonstrate independent and critical insights. Apart from such qualities ascourage, social conscience, objectivity, enthusiasm and discretion, a journalistmust have deep concerns for the destiny of his/her nation and the welfare of itspeople.

I never cherish any blind faith in the accepted theories and teachings butinstead have endeavored to cultivate a skeptical attitude toward what I amexposed to. In my notebooks are recorded not only what my teachers have taughtme but also my personal contemplations and critical views. On many importantissues I have the habit of discussing with the most learned and inspiringteachers from whom to seek enlightenment and to probe into the essence of thematter through “collisions of ideas”. I have also devoted most of mySPAre timeto studying technical literature in the libraries, to keep myself informed ofthe latest academic developments and to develop my own academic perspectivesfrom a wealth of information. In taking examinations, I seldom confine myself towhat is laid down in the textbooks but instead try to present my ownunderstandings, observations and reflections. It is indeed not easy to be one’strue self but the joy of exercising my own academic initiative and exploring myacademic possibilities has given me immense satisfaction.

In studying the courses in myself specialty, I have paid close attention tolaying a solid academic foundation. I have been particularly fascinated by suchcourses as Mass Communication, Theories of Journalism, Theories of Broadcastingand Television Journalism, and History of Western Journalism, which have allowedme to gain a deep understanding of the principles of journalism and to examinejournalism in a historical context. The world of journalism represents anexciting world of ideas and ideals, a world of variegated phenomena that make upthe reality of our social life. Apart from compulsory courses, I took a numberof optional courses like The History of Ancient China. This course has been veryimportant to me because, in order to understand how China ’s mass communicationevolved in the contemporary period, it is necessary to gain insights into China’s traditional cultural and historical legacy and how those cultural andhistorical traditions shape the present and even the future of the country.

“A true scholar must be well-read and well-traveled.” This well-knownChinese saying points to two essential qualities that a successful student andscholar must possess—ample book knowledge and practical experience (the latterresulting from field trips far and wide). I believe this principle holdsespecially true for practitioners of mass communication because it is more of anapplied academic discipline. For half a year just as a freshman, I didinternship at _ Television Station—one of China ’s major TV producer—where Iperformed two types of responsibilities: translating English materials intoChinese and editing news. The first responsibility exposed me to the standardpractices of western mass media while the second allowed me to obtain practicalwork experience.

Later, working as an interning reporter at _ Daily, the largest newspaperin the city, I concentrated on the issue of possible water pollution in theThree-Gorge Region where the world’s largest hydrological project is under way.For a whole month, I traveled to 10 counties and investigated the operation ofthe 19 water treatment factories in this region. In addition, I interviewed 12environmentalists and based on detailed facts and statistics I gave an objectiveand detailed analysis of the possible negative impacts of the project on thelocal water environment and urged the local authorities to take concretemeasures to guard against possible consequences. My serial articles producedwidespread sensation and made the protection of water environment the hotsubject of the time in the local media. For me, this was a most importantexperience as a feature story writer because for the first time in my life Imade extensive field trips and reported on the issues most closely related tothe welfare of the general public. This experience significantly heightened myawareness of the social responsibility of the journalist and of the role that ajournalist can play in promoting the social welfare of the people.

My independent thinking, sound academic performance and practical mediaexperience distinguished me from most of my fellow students and came to theattention of Prof. _X, a leading scholar on “cultural communication” in myuniversity. At his invitation, I became a key member of his research team andserved as his research assistant. I read a number of leading academic journalsincluding _ and analyzed all the available American news programs recorded onvideotapes. Based on my research findings, I wrote a research paper entitledCross-Cultural Communication Significance of English News for DevelopingCountries. The paper explores how developing countries (whose native language isnot English) can best employ English news programs as an effective tool ofcommunication with the English-speaking audience in the world, with Englishlanguage as the dominant language of communication in the ongoing globalizationcontext. I also proposed specific steps how those developing countries canpromote the communication and the influence of their national cultures in theinternational community and facilitate their social and economic development. Mypaper was published in the national-level journal TV STUDY, which indicates therare achievement of an undergraduate.

The publication of my research paper also testifies to my researchpotential. The vice chairman of my department offered to be my advisor of mygraduation thesis. Under his guidance, I am researching on media culture andconstructing analytical models. So far, I have completed the research onAmerican mainstream media culture and its pluralistic value system. My advisorhas expressed considerable appreciation of my research work so far.

_ University where I am studying is a key national university thatattracts best students from every part of the country. In fierce academiccompetitions, I have managed to remain top-third in academic performance and winscholarships throughout the years. I received the honor of Outstanding Studentof _ University and on account of my distinguished English proficiency I wonthe third prize for my university in the nationwide English Contest ofUniversity Students in 2002. In my extracurricular activities, I organized andparticipated in several major events for such student organizations as “Galaxy”Literary Society, “What’s New” Student Newspaper, and “Be Creative” Association.As a result, my writing skills and journalistic competence have been markedlyimproved.

Building on my educational background, my research experience and myresearch interest, I would like to pursue a Master’s program in MassCommunication. The courses that I plan to study include international masscommunication, mass media and culture, theories of mass communication, methodsof mass communication research, history of mass communication, economic andpolitical aspects of mass media. I wish to obtain comprehensive and advancededucation in mass communication and seek opportunities to participate inworkshops, seminars and projects. If possible, I will continue my study toward aPh.D. degree. I believe that academically and experientially I am qualified foryour well-respected program. Therefore I wish that you would seriously andfavorably consider my application.

Yours sincerely,



















